Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Bendungan Sutami Berdasarkan Peta Gempa 2017

Fata, Yulia Amirul (2018) Analisis Stabilitas Lereng Bendungan Sutami Berdasarkan Peta Gempa 2017. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Peta gempa 2017 menunjukkan percepatan gempa terbaru di Indonesia. Studi kasus terletak di Bendungan Sutami, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur yang memiliki kapasitas tampungan total 343.000.000 m3 (1972) dengan tinggi 100 m. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kondisi terkini dan stabilitas lereng Bendungan Sutami sehingga didapatkan batas aman kala ulang gempa dan rekomendasi. Analisis kondisi terkini menggunakan data instrumentasi dan gempa lalu stabilitas lereng dianalisis bertahap sesuai pedoman. Hasil analisis digunakan sebagai parameter perhitungan stabilitas lereng menggunakan program SLOPE/W dengan menggunakan metode entry and exit. Koefisien gempa dihitung menggunakan metode koefisien gempa termodifikasi berdasarkan lokasi bendungan terhadap peta gempa 2017 dengan parameter Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) kala ulang 100 dan 200 tahun dan Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) kala ulang 10.000 tahun. Hasil kondisi terkini Bendungan Sutami menyatakan hasil yang aman karena masih dalam standar keberterimaan yang ada. Meskipun terdapat hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dengan adanya pengaruh gempa terhadap perbedaan trend data pada seepage water table, patok kritis pada intrument settlement yang berhubungan dengan retakan tahun 2014 dan zona basah hasil studi geolistrik. Stabilitas lereng menunjukkan hasil kondisi statik 97,778% aman, OBE 100 81,111% aman, OBE 200 55,556% aman, dan MDE 100% tidak aman. Analisis dinamik metode Makdisi and Seed menunjukkan hasil aman karena ≤ 50% tinggi jagaan begitu pula dengan hasil kalibrasi metode Swaisgood. Batas aman Bendungan Sutami pada percepatan gempa 0,25g dengan kala ulang gempa OBE 500 tahun serta intensitas gempa sebesar 4,3 M dan V MMI(II SIG BMKG). Rekomendasi dengan mengevaluasi sistem drainase permukaan dan penggunaan pola operasi dengan memperhatikan stabilitas lereng bendungan.

English Abstract

The 2017 earthquake map shows the latest earthquake acceleration in Indonesia. The case study is located in Sutami Dam, Malang Regency, East Java which has a total storage capacity of 343,000,000 m3 (1972) with a height of 100 m. The aim of this research is to know the current condition and the slope stability of the Sutami Dam so obtained safe limit of the earthquake and recommendation.. Analysis of current condition using instrumentation and earthquake data, then slope stability is analyzed gradually according to the guideline. The result of the analysis is used as parameter of slope stability calculation using SLOPE / W program by using entry and exit method. The earthquake coefficient was calculated using modified seismic coefficient method based on the location of the dam on the 2017 earthquake map with the parameters of Operation Basis Earthquake (OBE) 100 and 200 years and Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE) when repeated 10,000 years. The results of the current condition of the Sutami Dam state that the results are safe because they are still in the standard of acceptance. Although there are things that need to be noticed with the effects of earthquakes on the differences in data trends on seepage water table, a critical criterion in the settlement intrument related to the crack in 2014 and wet zone results of geoelectric studies. Slope stability shows result 97.778% static safe, OBE 100 81.111% safe, OBE 200 55.556% safe, and MDE 100% unsafe. The dynamic analysis of the Makdisi and Seed method shows safe results because ≤ 50% of the guard height as well as the calibration of the Swaisgood method. Safe limit of Sutami Dam at 0.25g earthquake acceleration with OBE 500 years and earthquake intensity of 4.3 M and V MMI (II SIG BMKG). Recommendations by evaluating the surface drainage system and the use of operating patterns with respect to the stability of the dam slope.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2018/346/051804216
Uncontrolled Keywords: peta gempa 2017, bendungan sutami, stabilitas lereng, batas aman, rekomendasi
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.8 Dams and reservoirs
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 28 Jun 2018 06:47
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 09:16
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