Ainy, Nur (2018) Keanekaragaman Hama Ordo Lepidoptera Dan Parasitoidnya Pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Pt. Astra Agro Lestari Di Kalimantan Tengah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kelapa sawit (Elais guineensis) merupakan tanaman dengan nilai ekonomis yang cukup penting karena merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak nabati. Budidaya kelapa sawit tidak terlepas dari masalah hama dan penyakit tanaman, sehingga memperlukan adanya suatu upaya pengendalian. Pengendalian dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan pengendalian hayati agar tidak menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan, salah satu pengendalian hayati dengan menggunakan musuh alami yaitu parasitoid. Salah satu aspek yang penting dalam praktek pengendalian hayati adalah kelimpahan dan kekayaan parasitoid, sebagai musuh alami hama-hama kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan (i) untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hama dari ordo lepidoptera dan parasitoidnya di perkebunan kelapa sawit, (ii) mengetahui pengaruh umur terhadap keanekaragaman hama dari ordo lepidoptera dan parasitoidnya di perkebunan kelapa sawit, (iii) mengetahui interaksi tropik antara hama dan parasitoid di perkebunan kelapa sawit, dan (iv) mengetahui hama dan parasitoid dominan di perkebunan kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di perkebunan PT. Astra Agro Lestari, Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hama ordo Lepidoptera dan parasitoidnya dalam berbagai umur tanaman kelapa sawit yang berbeda. Plot pengamatan terdiri atas 100 pohon kelapa sawit (10 pohon x 10 pohon) denganumur tanaman berbeda yaitu umur 3, 6, dan 10 tahun. Pengambilan koleksi hama Lepidoptera dilakukan dengan metode langsung dengan menggunakan pinset atau memotong bagian daun tanaman.Koleksi serangga herbivora dari lapangan dibawa ke laboratorium dan dipisahkan berdasarkan stadia. Larva dibedakan berdasarkan corak dan warna tubuhnya. Serangga herbivora stadia telur dan larva ditempatkan dalam toples plastik dan diberi pakan daun kelapa sawit segar kemudian ditutup dengan kain kasa yang bertujuan agar tetap bertahan hidup dan diharapkan mucul parasitoid. Setiap hari pakan diganti dengan yang baru. Parasitoid yang muncul kemudian disimpan di dalam botol plastik yang telah diisi alkohol 70% dan diidentifikasi.Koleksi parasitoid dilakukan setiap sebulan sekali selama 3 bulan pada setiap subplot. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan keanekaragaman hama ordo Lepidoptera sebanyak 5 famili, 33 spesies dengan jumlah kelimpahan individu sebanyak 5634 individu, sedangkan keanekaragaman parasitoid mendapatkan 9 famili, 18 spesies dengan kelimpahan individu sebanyak 80 individu. Keanekaragaman hama ordo Lepidoptera tidak dipengaruhi oleh umur tanaman kelapa sawit sedangkan keanekaragaman parasitoid dipengaruhi oleh umur tanaman kelapa sawit. Jumlah spesies hama ordo Lepidoptera pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 3 tahun adalah 30 spesies. Sedangkan jumlah spesies hama ordo Lepidoptera pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 6 tahun dan 10 tahun adalah 17 spesies. Jumlah spesies parasitoid pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 3 tahun adalah 14 spesies. Pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 6 tahun mendapatkan 7 spesies. Sedangkan jumlah spesies pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 10 tahun mendapatkan 4 spesies. Berdasarkan dominansi spesies hama ordo Lepidoptera pada umur tanaman kelapa sawit ii yang berbeda adalah famili Psychidae sedangkan pada parasitoid didominansi oleh famili Braconidae. Interaksi tropik hama ordo Lepidoptera dan parasitoid menunjukkan pada umur tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 3 tahun, Metisa plana dan Braconidae sp.137 memiliki interaksi tropik paling tinggi, sedangkan Darna diducta dan Bethylidae sp.1 memiliki interaksi tropik paling rendah. Pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 6 tahun, Metisa plana dan Ichneumonidae sp.46 memiliki interaksi tropik paling tinggi sedangkan Darna diducta dan Braconidae sp.46 memiliki interaksi tropik paling rendah. Interaksi tropik hama ordo Lepidoptera dan parasitoid pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 10 tahun, Darna diducta dan Elasmidae sp.1 memiliki interaksi tropik paling tinggi sedangkan Clania tertia dan Eurytomidae sp.1 memiliki interaksi tropik paling rendah.
English Abstract
Oil palm (Elais guineensis) is one of the valuable comodity that produce oil vegetable. Pests and diseases are main problems of the oil palm have to be controled for their population. Biological control by using natural enemies like parasitoid that controled the problems caused. The abundance of parasitoid is important aspect for the natural enemies availability to control oil palm pest. The aim of this research are (i) to know about the diversity of lepidopteran pest and their parasitoid on oil palm, (ii) to know about the Lepidopteran pest and their parasitoid age on the oil palm, (iii) to know about the tropic interaction between lepidopteran pest and their parasitoid on oil palm, and (iv) to know the dominan of lepidopteran pest and their parasitoid on oil palm. This research was conducted at PT. Astra Agro Lestari, Central Kalimantan. The objective of the research is to determine the diversity of Lepidopteran pest and parasitoid on several different ages of oil palm. The observation sites consisted of 100 oil palms (10 trees x 10 trees) with different ages was 3, 6, and 10 years. Lepidopteran pests were collected directly using pinset or cutting leaves. The collected herbivore insects were classified as their stadium at laboratory. The larvae were differentiated by its pattern and color of the body. The herbivore insects which are in larvae and egg were placed in plastic stoples, feed with oil palm leaves then covered by gauze to keep them survived and the parasitoid emerged. The woof were replaced daily. The emerged parasitoid were kept inside plastic bottles filled with alcohol 70% an then were identified. The collecting of parasitoid was done monthly within three months in every plot. The study was conducted by observing the diversity of Lepidopteran pests. The result of the research was Lepidoptera's pest diversity of 5 families, 33 species with the number of individual abundance as many as 5634 individuals, while the parasitoid diversity got 9 families, 18 species with an individual abundance of 80 individuals. Lepidoptera's pest diversity did not affected by the age of oil palm crops while the parasitoid diversity is affected by the age of the oil palm crop. The number of Lepidoptera species of pests in 3-year-old oil palm trees is 30 species. While the number of species of Lepidoptera order pests in oil palm plants aged 6 years and 10 years are 17 species. The number of parasitoid species in 3-year-old oil palm trees is 14 species. In the 6 year old oil palm plant get 7 species. While the number of species in palm oil plants aged 10 years to get 4 species. Based on the dominance of Lepidoptera species of pest at different age of oil palm plant is Psychidae family while in parasitoid it is dominated by Braconidae family. The tropical interactions of Lepidoptera and parasitoid pests showed that at 3 years of age, Metisa plana and Braconidae sp.137 had the highest tropical interaction, while Darna diducta and Bethylidae sp.1 have the lowest tropical interactions. In 6-year-old palm oil plants, Metisa plana and Ichneumonidae sp.46 had the highest tropical interactions while Darna diducta and Braconidae sp.46 had the lowest tropical interactions. The tropical interaction of Lepidoptera and parasitoid pests in 10 year old palm trees, Darna diducta and Elasmidae sp.1 had the highest tropical iv interactions while Clania tertia and Eurytomidae sp.1 had the lowest tropical interactions.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2018/81/051802167 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.8 Other crops grown for industrial processing > 633.85 Plants producing nonvolatile oils > 633.851 Oil palms |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 04 Jun 2018 06:32 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2021 02:26 |
URI: | |
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