Analisis Rantai Nilai Dalam Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain) Daging Sapi Di Kota Malang

Prastiani, Titik (2017) Analisis Rantai Nilai Dalam Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain) Daging Sapi Di Kota Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Seiring perkembangan jumlah penduduk dan perbaikan taraf hidup penduduk Indonesia, maka permintaan produk untuk memenuhi gizi juga meningkat, termasuk permintaan protein hewani daging sapi. Meskipun produksi daging sapi menurun tetapi harganya cenderung naik setiap tahun. Tingginya harga daging sapi ditingkat pengecer maupun konsumen akhir disebabkan banyaknya anggota rantai pasok yang terlibat. Rantai pasokan daging sapi perlu memperhatikan beberapa aspek yang dapat berpengaruh pada kelancaran proses distribusi hingga ke tangan konsumen akhir seperti aliran produk, aliran informasi dan aliran keuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peta rantai nilai, fungsi dan hubungan antara para aktor dalam rantai pasok daging sapi serta untuk mengetahui margin pemasaran dan nilai tambah di sepanjang rantai nilai dalam rantai pasok daging sapi di Kota Malang. Penentuan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, yaitu di PD.RPH Kota Malang dengan 3 jagal beserta mata rantainya. Analisis rantai nilai secara diskriptif menggunakan pendekatan enam langkah analisis rantai nilai dengan pemetaan menggunakan metode SCOR Level 2. Analisis kuantitatif menggunakan margin pemasaran di setiap saluran pemasaran serta perhitungan nilai tambah menggunakan metode Hayami. Anggota rantai pasok daging sapi di Kota Malang terdiri dari pedagang sapi potong, peternak sapi potong , jagal sapi atau pedagang besar daging sapi, PD.RPH Kota Malang, pengecer daging sapi di pasar tradisional, konsumen potensial dan konsumen akhir. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa jagal 3 memiliki siklus pemenuhan pesanan ke pengecer daging sapi tertinggi dibanding dua jagal lainnya, sedang untuk matrik order fulfillment cycle time, upside supply chain adaptability dan downside supply chain adaptability ketiga jagal bernilai 100%. Hal ini diartikan bahwa kecepatan rantai pasok dalam menyediakan produk kepada konsumen serta ketangkasan produsen dalam merespon perubahan permintaan bersifat sempurna. Kualitas dan harga daging sapi yang dihasilkan setiap jagal berbeda sehingga margin pemasarannya juga berbeda. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan metode Hayami, jagal 2 mendapat nilai tambah dan keuntungan tertinggi. Jagal sapi dapat melakukan kerja sama dengan supplier sapi hidup serta melakukan penjualan daging dengan cara grading agar mendapat keuntungan yang maksimal.

English Abstract

The growth of population and the increasing of living standard of Indonesian society, causes the increasing of demand for nutrition product, including the demand of protein of beef. Although the production is decreasing but the price tends to rise every year. The high price of beef at retailers and end consumers is due to a lot of member of supply chain involved. The supply chain of beef needs to pay attention to several aspects that may affect the distribution process to the final consumer such as product flow, information flow and financial flows. This study aimed to determine the value chain map, function and relationship between actors in the supply chain of beef and to know the marketing margin and value added along the value chain in the supply chain of beef in Malang. The samples in this study were take using purposive sampling method in Company Regional Animal Cutting (PD.RPH) Malang, i.e 3 butchers with all their supply chain members. Descriptive analysis of the value chain was conducted using the six-step approach of value chain analysis with mapping of value chain analysis using SCOR Level 2 method. The value chain analysis approach in this study was conducted 4 steps, namely engaging the chain, understanding the market, mapping the flows, and identification of opportunities and challenges. Quantitative analysis was carries out for calculation marketing margins in each marketing channel and value-added calculations using the Hayami method. Members of the beef supply chain in Malang were traders of cattle, cattle ranchers, butchers or beef trader, PD.RPH Malang, beef retailers in traditional markets, potential consumers and end consumers. The results showed that Butcher 3 had the highest order fulfillment cycle to the beef retailer than the other butchers, while for order fulfillment cycle time matrices, upside supply chain adaptability and downside supply chain adaptability were 100% for the three butchers. It showed that the speed of the supply chain in providing products to consumers and the agility of producers in responding to demand changes was perfect. The quality and price of beef produced by each butcher were different so that the marketing margin was also different. Based on the calculation by Hayami method, butcher 2 got the highest added value and profit. Butcher can cooperate with cattle supplier and sell meat by grading to get maximum profit. There was an increase in direct labor from the butcher to improve the welfare of employees from the butcher. Suggestions for the next research can be done as a whole on the supply system.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/320/051706438
Uncontrolled Keywords: Daging Sapi, Nilai Tambah, Rantai Nilai, Supply Chain
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2017 02:17
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2021 03:25
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