Peran United Nations Peacebuilding Commision ( Unpbc ) Dalam Upaya Menerapkan Post Settlement Peacebuilding Dan Sustainable Peace Di Liberia Sebagai Post Conflict Area

Prakoso, AlexanderEdwardiJuang (2015) Peran United Nations Peacebuilding Commision ( Unpbc ) Dalam Upaya Menerapkan Post Settlement Peacebuilding Dan Sustainable Peace Di Liberia Sebagai Post Conflict Area. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Skripsi ini meneliti tentang peran United Nations Peacebuilding Commission atau UNPBC sebagai salah satu organ PBB yang khusus dibentuk untuk memberikan bantuan kepada negara negara khususnya negara yang baru saja lepas dari Konflik. Konflik di Liberia yang terjadi selama kurang lebih 14 Tahun telah meninggalkan dampak yang sangat masif di Liberia. Akibat konflik tersebut Liberia saat ini termasuk kedalam negara termiskin ke 3 di dunia , selain itu hampir seluruh masyarakat Liberia hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan , dan tingkat kriminalitas yang sangat tinggi semakin memperburuk keadaan di Liberia. Setelah konflik selesai dan terjadi transisi kepemimpinan dari Presiden Charles Taylor , ke Pemimpin Masa Transisi yaitu Gyude Bryant , hingga ke Presiden yang terpilih melalui pemilu yaitu Johnson Sirleaf , Liberia melalui permintaan khusus Presiden Sirleaf , secara resmi masuk ke agenda UNPBC melalui misi Post Settlement Peacebuilding dan Sustainable Peace sejak Tahun 2010. Dengan mengadopsi Statement Of Mutual Commitments , antara Pemerintah Liberia dan UNPBC masing masin merancang program yang akan diimplementasikan dalam upaya menerapkan Peacebuilding dan Rekonsiliasi Nasional di Liberia. Jenis Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Yuridis Normatif , dengan pendekatan Conseptual Approach dan Statute Approach , Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mutual Commitments yang telah disepakati oleh Pemerintah Liberia dan UNPBC diimplementasikan sesuai dengan program program yang telah dirancang dan dilaksanakan dalam rangka menerapkan post settlement peacebuilding dan sustainable peace di Liberia. Upaya mewujudkan peacebuilding dan national Reconciliation di Liberia oleh UNPBC dan Pemerintah Liberia dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak internasional seperti World Bank , African Development Bank , United Nations Mission on Liberia ( UNMIL ) dan Dewan Keamanan PBB ( UN Security Council ) serta berbagai negara khususnya negara dibawah keanggotaan PBB. Berbagai pihak yang bekerja sama dengan UNPBC tersebut bertindak sebagai donor maupun memberikan kontribusi berupa aksi nyata dalam upaya mewujudkan peacebuilding di Liberia. Kesimpulan dari skripsi ini adalah bahwa UNPBC berperan besar dalam upaya mewujudkan post Settlement Peacebuilding yaitu melalui program seperti Broaden the Donor Base , Mobilize Resources , Work with Regional Actors , serta Monitor the Implementation on Peacebuilding In Liberia. Sedangkan dari segi menegakkan Sustainable Peace , UNPBC berperan dalam terlaksananya program antara lain adalah Poverty Reduction Strategy , Legal Service dengan bekerjasama dengan UNHCR dan carter Centre , serta membentuk Land Coordination Centre sebagai solusi mengatasi konflik di bidang pertanahan di Liberia

English Abstract

This thesis examines about the role of United Nations Peacebuilding Commission or UNPBC as one of the bodies of United Nations that specifically formed to give assistance for the countries particulary post conflict countries. Conflict in Liberia which happened almost 14 years has left Liberia with massive impacts. As the result of the Conflict, Liberia now become number 3 of poor countries in the world , in other hand almost all Liberians live under poverty , and huge number of crime made the condition worse in Liberia. After the conflict ends and, there is leadership transition from President Charles Taylor , to Leader of Transition Gyude Bryant , until President Johnson Sirleaf that elected from national election , Liberia with special request from Presiden Sirleaf , officially listed as UNPBC’s Agenda through mission Post Settlement Peacebuilding and Sustainable Peace from 2010. Adopted Statement of Mutual Commitments , between Government of Liberia and UNPBC , each designed programs which will implement in an attemp peacebuilding and National Reconciliation in Liberia. This Research is juridicial normative using Conseptual Approach and Statute Approach. The result show that mutual commitments which has been agreed by Government Of Liberia and UNPBC implemented according to designed programs and in order to apply post settlement peacebuilding and sustainable peace in Liberia. Effort to achieve peacebuilding and National Reconciliation in Liberia by UNPBC and Liberian Government by involving international partners such as World Bank , African Development Bank , United Nations Mission On Liberia ( UNMIL ) and UN Security Council and all countries specifically members of UN. All partners that cooperated with UNPBC act as donor or giving real contribution in an attempt to implement peacebuilding in Liberia. The Conclusion of this research is that UNPBC has a great role in an attemp to implement Post Settlement Peaecbuilding through programs such as Broaden the Donor Base , Mobilize Resources , Work With Regional Actors , and Monitoring the Implementation on Peacebuilding in Liberia. In terms of enforcing sustainable peace , UNPBC has role in the implementation of the programs are Poverty Reduction Strategy , Legal Service in cooperation with UNHCR and Service centre and formed Land Coordination Centre as a solution to solving land Conflict in Liberia

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2015/77/ 051502795
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 340 Law
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2015 10:32
Last Modified: 15 Apr 2015 10:32
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