Fachruddin, Muhammad Galih (2018) Pengaruh Kontrol Perilaku Terhadap Minat Petani Pada Komoditas Wortel (Daucus Carota) Mengadopsi Teknologi Pertanian Konservasi Irigasi Tetes, Desa Sumberbrantas, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Perubahan iklim menimbulkan ketidakpastian waktu pergantian musim. Indonesia hanya memiliki 2 musim yaitu musim penghujan dan musim kemarau. Perubahan iklim menyebabkan intensitas air hujan saat musim hujan yang turun lebih tinggi dibandingkan musim kemarau, dan saat musim kemarau menyebabkan jarang terjadi hujan sehingga menyebabkan krisis air. Desa Sumberbrantas merupakan desa dengan mayoritas penduduk bermata pencaharian petani (Data Kelurahan Sumberbrantas, 2017). Walaupun lokasi lahan pertanian desa Sumberbrantas berdekatan dengan sumber mata air tetapi krisis air saat musim kemarau. Bukti krisis air yaitu perubahan sistem irigasi petani desa Sumberbrantas. Alih fungsi lahan yang juga berpengaruh terhadap krisis air. Dampak lain alih fungsi lahan tutupan lahan menjadi lahan pertanian menyebabkan berkurangnya vegetasi tumbuhan sehingga telah terjadi banjir lumpur yang merusak lahan pertanian dan pemukiman penduduk desa Sumberbrantas. Petani menghadapi permasalahan krisis air melalui adaptasi. Adaptasi dapat dilakukan melalui pertanian konservasi. Pertanian konservasi dalam membantu dan memperbaiki tanah dan air. Perkembangan dibidang pertanian salah satunya yaitu teknologi pertanian konservasi. Adaptasi petani desa Sumberbrantas dengan teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi sprinkler. Pada tahun 2017 oleh GAPOKTAN Sumber Jaya Desa Sumberbrantas melakukan kerjasama penerapan teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi tetes dengan cara uji demplot (demonstrasi plot). Tetapi suatu teknologi pertanian konservasi belum tentu langsung diterima oleh petani untuk mengadopsi tetapi didasari oleh minat. Penelitian minat dapat malalui dasar Theory of planned behavior. Minat dapat ditimbulkan dari persepsi diri sendiri (petani) yaitu yang berasal dari kontrol perilaku dalam Theory of Planned Behavior Tujuan penelitian : 1) mendeskripsikan teknologi pertanian konservasi terdapat di Desa Sumberbrantas 2) menganalisis pengaruh kontrol kepercayaan (control belief strength) terhadap minat petani mengadopsi teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi tetes 3) menganalisis pengaruh kontrol kekuatan (power of control factor) terhadap minat petani mengadopsi teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi tetes. 4) menganalisis pengaruh kontrol kepercayaan (control belief strength) dan kontrol kekuatan (power of control factor) terhadap minat minat petani mengadopsi teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi tetes. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dilengkapi pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk memperkuat kevalidan penelitian berdasarkan data sedangkan pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk memperdalam dengan penguaian informasi melalui wawancara mendalam. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Sumber Brantas, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Provinsi Jawa Timur yang dipilih secara sengaja (purposive). Waktu penelitian vi dilaksanakan bulan Juli- September 2017 karena bulan tersebut masih mengalami musim kemarau. Responden dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 macam yaitu penentuan key informan secara purposive sampling dan sampel penelitian menggunakan sample random sampling. Penentuan jumlah responden menggunakan rumus slovin sehingga diperoleh 50 responden. Teknik analisis peneltian ini menggunakan 2 yaitu Pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan 2 teknik analisis yaitu analisis deskriptif dan analisis data model Miles dan Huberman. Sedangkan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan analisis regresi berganda menggunakan aplikasi IBM SPPS STATISTIK 22. Pada penelitian ini pengaruh kontrol prilaku terhadap minat petani mengadopsi teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi cenderung tidak setuju dan ragu ragu. Hal tersebut dikarenakan petani Sumberbrantas cenderung memprediksi teknologi irigasi tetes lebih susah diterapkan, membutuhkan modal yang lebih besar dan belum menemukan kecocokan bila diterapkan pada lahan pertanian dibanding teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi sprinkler yang telah digunakan petani. Memperkuat data ini dibuktikan dengan hasil dari analisis regresi linear berganda diperoleh Konstanta / intersep sebesar 0,161 secara matematis bartinya bahwa peningkatan satu variabel control belief dengan asumsi variabel bebas lain konstan menyebabkan kenaikan minat sebesar 0,645 unit.Variabel control of power factor (X2) sebesar 0,371 artinya peningkatan satu variabel control of power factor dengan asumsi variabel bebas lain konstan menyebabkan kenaikan minat petani sebesar 0,371 unit. Control belief sebesar 3,154 > 1,300, sehingga control belief strength berpengaruh secara positif terhadap minat petani untuk mengadopsi teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi tetes. Power of control factor sebesar 2,028 >1,300 sehingga power of control factor pengaruh yang signifikan secara positif terdapat minat petani untuk mengadopsi teknologi pertanian konservasi irigasi tetes. Nilai F hitung lebih besar dari F tabel 46,852 > 2,42 menunjukan pengaruh yang signifikan antara control belief strength (X1) dan control of power factor (X2) secara simultan terhadap minat petani (Y).
English Abstract
Climate change creates uncertainty during the turn of the season. Indonesia only has 2 seasons namely rainy season and dry season. Climate change causes rainfall intensity during the rainy season which drops higher than the dry season, and during the dry season causes rarely rain causing water crisis. Sumberbrantas village is a village with the majority of farmers' livelihoods (Data Sumberbrantas Village, 2017). Although the location of agricultureland Sumberbrantas village adjacent to the source of water springs but the water crisis during the dry season. Evidence of water crisis that is change of irrigation system of Sumberbrantas village farmer. Land use change that also affects the water crisis. Another impact of land use conversion of land cover to agricultural land causes a reduction of vegetations so that there has been a mud flood that damaged agricultural land and resettlement Sumberbrantas villagers. Farmers face water crisis problems through adaptation. Adaptation can be done through conservation agriculture. Conservation agriculture in helping and improving land and water. The development of agriculture is one of them is the technology of conservation agriculture. Adaptation of Sumberbrantas village farmers with agricultural technology of sprinkler irrigation conservation. In 2017 by GAPOKTAN SumberJaya Sumberbrantas village cooperates on the application of agricultural technology of drip irrigation conservation by means of demplot test (demonstration plot). But a technology of conservation agriculture is not necessarily directly accepted by farmers to adopt but is based on intention. Intention research can be based on the Theory of planned behavior. Intention can be generated from self-perception (farmers) that is derived from behavior control in Theory of Planned Behavior The purpose of the study: 1) describe the technology of conservation agriculture in Sumberbrantas Village 2) analyze the influence of control belief on the intention of farmers to adopt technology agriculture conservation of drip irrigation, 3) analyzing the influence of power control factor on farmer's intention to adopt technology of drip irrigation conservation agriculture. 4) analyzing the influence of control belief strength and power of control factor on intention of farmers adopt agriculture technology of drip irrigation conservation The research used quantitative approach with qualitative approach. Quantitative approaches are used to strengthen the validity of research based data while qualitative approaches are used to deepen with information harvesting through in-depth interviews. The research was conducted in Sumber Brantas Village, Bumiaji Sub-district, Kota Batu, East Java Province chosen purposively. The research was conducted from July to September 2017 because the month is still experiencing the dry season. Respondents in this study there are 2 kinds of determination key informants by purposive sampling and sample research using viii sample random sampling. Determination of the number of respondents using slovin formula so that obtained 50 respondents. The technique of this research using 2 qualitative approach using 2 analytical techniques that is descriptive analysis and data analysis model Miles and Huberman. While the quantitative approach using multiple regression analysis using IBM SPPS STATISTICS application 22. In this study, the influence of behavioral control on farmers' intention in adopting irrigation conservation agriculture technology tends to disagree and hesitate. This is because Sumberbrantas farmers tend to predict drip irrigation technology is more difficult to apply, requires a larger capital and has not found a match when applied to agricultural land than agriculture technology conservation of sprinkler irrigation that has been used by farmers. Reinforcing this data is evidenced by the result of multiple linear regression analysis obtained by Constant / intercept of 0.161 mathematically it means that the increase of one variable of control belief with other free variable assumption constant causes an increase of intention of 0.645 units. the increase of one variable control of power factor with the assumption of another constant free variable led to an increase in the intention of farmers by 0.371 units. Control belief equal to 3,154> 1,300, so control belief positively influence to farmer's intention to adopt irrigation conservation technology technology of drip of Power of control factor equal to 2,028> 1,300 so control of power factor positively significant influence there is intention of farmer to adopt agriculture technology of irrigation conservation drops. F value arithmetic greater than F table 46,852> 2,42 shows significant influence between control belief (X1) and control of power factor (X2) simultaneously to peasant intention (Y). Suggestion after doing this research that is 1) Technically needed adjustment of technology with field condition, because in cultivation activity there is always rotation cropping so that required modification of drip distance that can be changed change or application on drip irrigation pipe system that can be moved. 2) Demonstration plots in the furthest and closest areas of the spring so that they can know the comparison, the implementation of the demonstration plot is done to the landowners used in the activity. In the event of a failure, the government of the organizer as a joint venture guarantees the existence of intensive debriefing. So farmers do not face the risk of failure
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2018/152/051802627 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.1 Edible roots |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 30 May 2018 04:14 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2021 07:14 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/11233 |
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