Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pensiunan TNI Angkatan Udara

Nirsanindia, Nickyta Sheila (2017) Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pensiunan TNI Angkatan Udara. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai kualitas hidup pada pensiunan TNI Angkatan Udara. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Pemilihan informan dilakukan secara purposive, dengan informan berjumlah tiga orang pensiunan TNI Angkatan Udara yang tergabung dalam organisasi PPAU (Perhimpunan Purnawirawan Angkatan Udara) Cabang 06 Malang. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap subyek yang bersangkutan. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa, pada komponen being, digambarkan bahwa ketiga subyek masih mampu dalam melakukan kegiatan seperti berolahraga, mengendarai motor, dan melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari. Tetapi, terdapat beberapa penurunan kesehatan fisik yang mereka alamai. Ketiga subyek semakin aktif dalam kegiatan keagamaan. Selanjutnya, pada komponen belonging dapat digambarkan bahwa hubungan ketiga subyek masih aktif dalam mengikuti kegiatan yang diadakan di lingkungan rumahnya, antar tetangga mereka hidup rukun, begitu pula dengan lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan organisasi. Kemudian, pada komponen becoming dapat digambarkan bahwa meskipun ketiga subyek telah pensiun, mereka tidak hanya berdiam diri di rumah, mereka aktif mengikuti kegiatan organisasi, olahraga, melakukan rekreasi dengan keluarga, dan bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan sekitar mereka.

English Abstract

This study aims to provide an overview of the quality of life in air force soldiers who has been retired. The research was qualitative with phenomenological approach. Selection of informants was done purposively, with informants amounted to three people who joined in the organization of PPAU (Perhimpunan Purnawirawan Angkatan Udara) Cabang 06 Malang. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with the concerned subject. Data were obtained through indepth interviews with the concerned subject. The results of this study states that, in the component of “being”, described that the three subjects are still able to perform activities such as exercising, riding a motorcycle, and perform daily activities. However, there are some declines in physical health. The three subjects are increasingly active in religious activities. Furthermore, in the components of “belonging” can be described that the relationship of the three subjects are still active in following the activities held in the neighborhood, between their neighbors living in harmony, as well as the family environment and organizational environment. Then, on the components of becoming can be described that although the three subjects has retired, they are not only stay at home, they actively follow the activities of the organization, sports, doing recreation with family, and socialize with their environment.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2018/17/051800932
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kualitas Hidup, Pensiun, TNI Angakatan Udara
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 362 Social problems of and services to groups of people > 362.8 Other groups of people > 362.889 6 Retired people
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Psikologi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 07 May 2018 05:59
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2021 02:58
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