Pengembangan Media Poster Paper Tole dalam Pembelajaran Menyusun Teks Anekdot bagi Siswa Kelas X SMA.

Yulianti, Verida (2017) Pengembangan Media Poster Paper Tole dalam Pembelajaran Menyusun Teks Anekdot bagi Siswa Kelas X SMA. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Media pembelajaran dapat menjadi pendukung tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran. Namun, kenyataannya guru masih menggunakan media yang dianggap kurang tepat dalam pembelajaran menyusun teks anekdot. Pada penelitian ini, dikembangkan media pembelajaran Poster Paper Tole untuk pembelajaran menyusun teks anekdot. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 2 Batu dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan guru dan siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg & Gall. Data yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini berupa data verbal (deskripsi kalimat) dan data nonverbal (angka). Hasil analisis data pada tahap pengembangan produk I dari ahli materi untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 50%, dari ahli media untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 71%, dan dari praktisi ahli untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 65%. Kemudian, hasil analisis data produk II pada uji coba skala kecil dengan melibatkan tiga siswa diperoleh persentase 91%. Hasil analisis data dari ahli materi untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 85%, ahli media untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 87,5%, dan praktisi ahli untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 91%. Hasil analisis data produk III pada uji coba skala sedang dengan melibatkan lima siswa diperoleh persentase 93%, ahli materi untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 97,5%, ahli media untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 87,5%, dan praktisi ahli untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 91%. Hasil analisis data produk IV yang diuji cobakan pada skala luas dengan melibatkan 29 siswa diperoleh persentase 91%, ahli materi untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 97,5%, ahli media untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 96%, dan praktisi ahli untuk keseluruhan aspek diperoleh persentase 93%. Jadi, berdasarkan hasil validasi dan uji coba yang telah dilakukan, media pembelajaran Poster Paper Tole dinyatakan sangat layak dan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai alternatif media pembelajaran yang kurang tepat agar pembelajaran mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan.

English Abstract

Learning media can become advocates the achievement of learning objectives. However, the reality of teachers still use media that are considered less precise in draw up the text of the anecdote. In this study, developed the learning media Poster Paper Tole text composing learning for anecdotes. This research was conducted in SMAN 2 Batu considering the needs of teachers and students. This research uses the model of development of Borg & Gall. The resulting data on this research in the form of verbal data (description of the sentence) and data (numbers). The results of the analysis of the data on the product development phase I of expert material to the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 50%, from media experts to the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 71%, and practitioners from expert to the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 65%. Then, the results of data analysis products II on small scale trials involving three students obtained the percentage of 91%. The results of the data analysis from the experts the material to the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 85%, media expert for the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 87.5%, and practitioners of the experts to the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 91%. The results of the data analysis products III on medium-scale trials involving five students obtained percentage 93%, the overall aspects of the obtained material for percentage of 97.5%, media expert for the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 87.5%, and practitioners of the experts to the overall aspects of the obtained the percentage of 91%. The results of the data analysis products IV tested cobakan on a wide scale by involving 29 students obtained the percentage of 91%, the overall aspects of the obtained material for percentage of 97.5%, media expert for the overall aspects of the obtained percentage is 96%, and practitioners of the experts to the overall aspects of the obtained percentage 93%. So, based on the results of validation and testing that has been done, the learning media Poster Paper Tole stated very decent and can be utilized as an alternative media less appropriate learning learning achieve goals expected.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2017/71/051700873
Subjects: 400 Language > 499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages > 499.22 Malayo-Polynesian languages of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, East Timor; Chamic languages > 499.221 Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Depositing User: Sugiantoro
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2017 08:57
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 02:26

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