Marjinalisasi Pada Mang Usil Dalam Surat Kabar Kompas (Kajian Analisis Wacana Dimensi Teks Model Van Dijk)

Kurniawan, Muhammad Guntur (2015) Marjinalisasi Pada Mang Usil Dalam Surat Kabar Kompas (Kajian Analisis Wacana Dimensi Teks Model Van Dijk). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Skripsi ini fokus terhadap analisis teks model Van Dijk (struktur makro, superstruktur, dan struktur mikro) dan marjinalisasi (jenis dan gradasi) yang terdapat dalam ragam pojok Mang Usil surat kabar Kompas. Struktur mikro analisis teks wacana Van Dijk difokuskan pada latar, detail, maksud, dan praanggapan. Pemilihan Mang Usil sebagai objek penelitian karena berdasarkan referensi penelitian terdahulu belum ada analisis wacana surat kabar yang menganalisis jenis penyampaian berita ragam pojok Mang Usil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui praktik-praktik kebahasaan yang dipakai Mang Usil dan implikasinya terhadap ideologi, pelaksanaan fungsi pers, serta kecenderungan terhadap pihak tertentu. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena data yang dianalisis bukan berupa angka. Sementara itu, jenis penelitian ini adalah analisis isi. Analisis isi digunakan untuk mengksplor konten mengenai fakta kebahasaan marjinalisasi yang terdapat dalam Mang Usil. Data penelitian ini adalah wacana ragam pojok Mang Usil dan teks berita tunggal surat kabar Kompas periode 1—31 Maret serta tiga berita dari halaman web Sumber data penelitian ini adalah surat kabar Kompas edisi 1—31 Maret 2015 dan halaman web Penggunaan marjinalisasi dalam struktur makro Mang Usil berimplikasi pada pelaksanaan fungsi direktif dan fungsi kontrol pers oleh Kompas. Pola marjinalisasi superstruktur pemerintah menjadi objek marjinalisasi paling sering muncul dalam Mang Usil. Elemen latar mengandungi marjinalisasi kepada pihak, kegiatan, atau ideologi tertentu yang muncul melalui wacana bagian situasi dan sentilan Mang Usil. Elemen detail menunjukkan penggunaan metafora (ungkapan, kiasan, dan peribahasa) serta tataran sintaksis (kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat) dalam marjinalisasi Mang Usil. Maksud penyampaian informasi berimplikasi pada jenis marjinalisasi (eufemisme, disfemisme, labelisasi, dan stereotip) yang muncul dalam Mang Usil. Sementara itu, praanggapan menunjukkan gradasi marjinalisasi (sindiran, kritikan, dan ejekan) yang dipakai dalam Mang Usil. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah Kompas, melalui Mang Usil, menggunakan praktik-praktik kebahasaan tertentu untuk tujuan penyampaian pesan, pemaparan kecenderungan, penampakan ideologi, dan pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi pers.

English Abstract

This research focuses on the analysis of dimensional text models by Van Dijk (macro structure, superstructure, and micro structure) and marginalization (types and gradations) found in the corner modes of Mang Usil in Kompas newspaper. The macro structure of discourse analysis as proposed by Van Dijk focused on the background, details, and presupposition. Mang Usil was taken as the object of this research because regarding the previous research, there were no discourse analysis on the newspaper that analyzed a kind of delivery of news corner modes of Mang Usil. The objective of this research was to find out the languange practices found in Mang Usil and the implication on ideology, the implementation of press, and the tendency on certain parties. A qualitative descriptive was used as the research approach because the data analysis was not a kind of numerical data. Meanwhile, the type of this research was content analysis. Content analysis was used to explore the content regarding the fact of marginalization languages found in Mang Usil. The data of this research was discourse of the corner modes of Mang Usil and single news articles of Kompas newspaper in periode of March 1 – 31, and three news articles from The data source of this research was conducted from Kompas newspaper March 1 – 31, 2015 edition and was from The use of marginalization in macro structure of Mang Usil implied on the implementation of directive functions and press control functions that was applied by Kompas newspaper. The marginalization pattern of government superstructure had become the object of marginalization moslty occured in Mang Usil. The background element contained the marginalization to certain parties, events, or ideology that occured in the discourse of part of the situation and in the insinuation of Mang Usil. The details element confirmed that the use of metaphor (expressions, allusions, and proverbs) and syntactical levels (words, phrases, clauses, and sentences) in the marginalization of Mang Usil. The purpose of information delivery implied on the types of marginalization (euphemism, labels, and stereotypes) that occured in Mang Usil. Meanwhile, presupposition confirmed the gradations of marginalization (insinuations, critics, and mockery). The conclusion of this research confirmed that Kompas newspaper used certain language practices for the purpose of messages delivery, tendency exposure, ideology apparation, and the implementation of press functions.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2015/376/0051506506
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mang Usil, marjinalisasi, analisis teks model Van Dijk
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 741 Drawing and drawings > 741.6 Graphic design, illustration, commercial art > 741.65 Magazines and newspapers
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2015 15:53
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2021 06:56
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