Pratama, NandaBagus (2014) Commissive And Directive Acts Performed By David Cameron In His Davos Speech. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pragmatikadalahilmu yang mempelajaritentanghubunganantarabahasadankonteks.Pragmatikmencakuptindaka nkomisifdandirectif yang merupakanklasifikasidaritindaktutur.Tindakankomisifadalahtindakantertentu yang akandilakukanolehpembicarasesuaidenganapa yang diungkapkan. Sedangkantindakandirektifadalahungkapanpembicara yang menyuruhpendengaruntukmelakukansuatutindakan.Penelitimengambilpidatoyang disampaikanoleh David Cameron dalam World of Economic Forum (WEF)sebagaiobyekpenelitian.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmencarijenistindakanko misifdanjugajenistindakandirektif yang ditunjukkanoleh David Cameron ketikaberpidato di Davos. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifuntukmenjawabpermasalah an.Penulismenggunakanduatahapandalammengumpulkan data yaitumengunduh video besertatranskripnya, setelahitumemilihungkapan-ungkapan yang termasukdalamtindakankomisifdandirektif.Penulismenggunakanempatlangkahdal ammenganalisa data, pertamamendataungkapanungkapanterkaitdanmemasukkannyakedalamtabel, keduamengidentifikasitipeungkapan-ungkapan yang telahdipilih, kemudianmenganalisadanmendiskusikan data berdasarkanteoriyang digagasoleh Searle (1983) dan yang terakhirmenyimpulkanhasilanalisa data. Penelitianinimenemukantindakankomisif yang dilakukanpembicarasebanyak 25 ungkapan yang berisijanji (17 ungkapan), peringatan (5 pernyataan), penawaran (1 ungkapan), danancaman (1 ungkapan).Tindakandirektifdilakukanpembicarasebanyak 32 ungkapan yang meliputi saran (11 ungkapan), pertanyaan (3 ungkapan), perintah (8 ungkapan),danpermintaan (10 ungkapan).Berdasarkantemuanpeneliti, telahdiketahuibahwa David Cameron melakukanperjanjiansebanyak 17 kali.Jenistindakankomisiftesebutmerupakanjenis yang paling banyakdigunakanolehpembicarauntukmenjanjikanhal yang akanialakukan. Cameron jugamemberikan saran sebanyak 11 kali. Saran merupakanjenistindakandirektif yang paling banyakditunjukkanoleh David Cameron untukmenasehatipendengarolehkarenabanyaknyamasalah yang dihadapinegara G8. Penulismenyarankanagar peneliti yang melakukanstudiyang samadiharapkanuntukmencariobyek lain sepertikoran, iklan, acara TV, dansebagainya. Merekajugadisarankanuntukmenganalisarepresentatif, ekspresif, performatif, danassertifsehinggatipetindakankomisifdandirektif ang belumditemukanpenulisakandibahas.
English Abstract
Pragmatics can be defined as a study talking about the relationship between language and context. It covers commissive and directive acts as the kinds of speech act. Commissive acts are acts that commit the speaker to some future course of action. While directive acts are acts that attempt by the speaker to get the addressee to do something. The writer takes a speech that David Cameron has delivered in the World of Economic Forum (WEF) as the object of data. This study is aimed to know the types of commissive acts and also the types of directive acts performed by David Cameron in his Davos speech. This study uses qualitative approach to find out the answers of the problems. In collecting the data the writer had twosteps, they aredownloading the video and also the script, after thatselecting the utterances which are the case of commissive and directive acts.The writer had four steps in analyzing the data, firstly, listing the selected utterances and putting it into table, secondly, identifying the type of selected utterances, then analyzing and discussing the data based on the theory proposed by Searle (1983), and the last is concluding the result of the data analysis. This study reveals that commissive acts are applied by the speaker in 25 utterances containing promising (17 utterances), warning (5 utterances), offering (1 utterance), and threatening (1 utterance). The directive acts are applied in 32 utterances containing suggesting (11 utterances), questioning (3 utterances), commanding (8 utterances), and requesting (10 utterances). Based on the finding it is known that David Cameron applied promising which is a kind of commissive acts in 17 utterances. Such a kind of commissive acts is mostly used by David Cameron in his Davos speech in order to promise the audiences about what he will do in the future. He also applied suggesting in 11 utterances which is a kind of directive acts. Such a kind of directive acts is mostly used by David Cameron in his Davos speech in order to advise the audiences because there are so many problems that G8 faced at that time so that the speaker tried to give solutions for them. The next researcher who will conduct the similar study in case of commissive and directive acts are suggested to find other objects to be analyzed like newspaper, advertisement, TV program, etc. They are also expected to conduct studies which involve other kinds of speech act such as representative, expressive, performative, and assertive acts, since those four types have not been studied by the writer.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FBS/2014/139/051401074 |
Subjects: | 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris |
Depositing User: | Hasbi |
Date Deposited: | 19 Feb 2014 09:01 |
Last Modified: | 18 Oct 2021 04:12 |
URI: | |
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