Snow White’s Traits That Are Against The Idea of Patriarchy Reflected in Mirror Mirror Movie

Jannah, Roudatul (2013) Snow White’s Traits That Are Against The Idea of Patriarchy Reflected in Mirror Mirror Movie. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sistempatriarkiadalahsuatusistem yang enempatkanlakilakilebihdominandaripadaperempuan. Hal apasaja yang sudahditetapkanolehlakilakiharusdiikutiolehistridananak- anaknya. Jikamerekatidakmengikutiperintahtersebut, merekaakandianggaptelahmenyalahiaturandandianggaprendah. Karenaadanyasistem yang tidakberpihakpadaperempuaninimakamunculahgerakanfeminis yang bertujuanuntukmenghapuskansistemtersebut. Dalam menganalisa film Mirror Mirror tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori feminis yang didukungolehteoripatriarki, danstudi film. Studi ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pengambilan data secara langsung dari film tersebut. Dengansedikittambahanteoristudi film penulisinginmenunjukkanpembuktiansecaralebihjelastentangsikap-sikap yang dilakukanoleh Snow White melaluigambar, percakapan, dannarasidarinarator.Penelitian yang dilakukanpenulisberbedadenganpenelitanpenelitiansebelumnyakarenapenulismengkombinasikanteorifeminisdanpatriarkikedalamteori film sehinggaakanlebihcocokdanlebihmenarikuntukdibaca. Dari analisa yang telah dilakukan, hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa ada lima sifat Snow White yang menentang ide patriarkidalam film ini. Lima haltersebutadalahmelaluikepandaiannyauntukmenjadiseorangpemecahmasalah, negosiator, danwanita yang kreatif; sifatpemberontaknya yang ditunjukkan di dalammaupun di luarkerajaan; sifatkemandiriannyadalammengatasiberbagaipersoalan; keberaniannyadalammenghadapiketakutannya; dankepemimpinannyauntukmenjadipemimpinkaumlaki-laki. Penulis menyarankan agar pengkajian kritik sastra dari Film Mirror Mirrordilakukan secara lebih komprehensifdengan menggunakan teori yang berbedasepertipascakolonialismedanteorimarsisme.Bisajugamenelititokohperempuanlaindalam film sehingga peneliti selanjutnya bisa memperoleh pengetahuan baru dari pengkajian karya sastra ini.

English Abstract

Patriarchal society puts a man in a dominant position which has more power than woman. Anything that has been defined by the man has to be followed by the wife and children. If they do not obey the rules, they will be seen as a rebellious person who will be degraded by society. This system does not support women so there is a feminist movement to reject it. To analyseMirror Mirror movie, the writer applies feminism theory which focus on patriarchy and movie study. This studyuses qualitative approach in analyzing this movie. The writer applies movie study to show the actions which are done by Snow White using pictures, dialogues, and narrations to strengthen it. The writer’s research is different from three others researchers in her previous study because she combines the theory into movie study which makes this research more compatible and more interesting to read. From the analysis, the result of the study shows that there are five traits of Snow White to against the idea of patriarchy. The traits are her intelligence is become a problem solver, a negotiator, and a creative woman; her rebellious is rebel someone inside and outside the Kingdom; her independence is handle everything which comes to her; her courageous is face the fear, and her leadership is become a leader of men. The writer suggests that the literary criticism of Mirror Mirror Movie can be conducted more comprehensively using different theories like Postcolonial theory or Marxism theory. The writer suggests to observe about another women characters in this movie so the researcher can get new insights form the study.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2013/231/051310759
Subjects: 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2013 09:25
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2021 05:46
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