Slip of the Tongue in News Anchors’ Utterances on Indonesian Private TV Stations (A Case Study on Metro TV and TV One)

Widyawati, Lya (2013) Slip of the Tongue in News Anchors’ Utterances on Indonesian Private TV Stations (A Case Study on Metro TV and TV One). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Manusia membutuhkan bahasa untuk bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang lain dalam kehidupannya. Agar bisa dimengerti oleh orang lain, makamereka diharuskan untuk menggunakan bahasa dengan benar. Namun, terkadangkesalahandalamberbicaratidakdapatdihindari,dalamhalinidisebutslip of the tongue(SOT).Merekamemproduksiujarandimanaujaran yang diucapkanterkadangberbedadenganapa yang telahterkonsepdalamfikiranmereka. Olehkarenaitu, dalampenelitianini, penulismengangkatfenomenaslip of the tongue yang ditemukandalamujaranpembawaberita Metro TV dan TV One.Ada duarumusanmasalahdalampenelitianini, yaitu: (1) apasajatipedariSOT yang ditemukanpadaucapan-ucapanpembawaberita di stasiun TV swasta Indonesia Metro TV dan TV One?;dan (2) faktorapasajayang memungkinkanpembawaberitatersebutuntukmelakukanSOT?. Penelitianinimerupakanstudikasus yang menggunakanpendekatankualitatif.Data tersebutmerupakanujaranujaranpembawaberitadariprogram berita TV yang disiarkan di Metro TV dan TV One.Data tersebutdiunduhdariYoutubepadabulanJanuarisampaiFebruari 2013. PenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwaterdapattujuhtipeSOTyang ditemukandalamujaran-ujaranpembawaberita Metro TV dan TV One.TipeSOT yang paling dominandalamtemuantersebutadalahsubstitusi (substitusi kata benda, kata keterangan, danpreposisi).Pembahasanlebihlanjut, adaberbagaimacamfaktor yang mempengaruhiterjadinyaSOT.Faktor paling dominan yang mempengaruhipembawaberita Metro TV dan TV One mengalamiSOTadalahfaktorkesulitan internal daneksternal yang dikemukakanolehSaksomo (2010). Berbagaikondisitersebutsangatmempengaruhipenampilanpembawaberitadalampel aporanberita. Penulismenyarankankepadapembawaberita TV agar lebihsadardansiapdalampenampilannyauntukmeminimalkanterjadinyaSOT.Penulis jugamenyarankankepadapenelitiselanjutnyauntukmengembangkantopikpenelitiani nilebihmendalampadaobjekatauteori yang berbeda.

English Abstract

People need language to communicate with others during their life. In order to be understood by others, they are supposed to speak correctly. Yet, sometimes people cannot avoid a mistake, in this case is slip of the tongue (SOT). They produce utterances which are different from the concept that they have in their mind.Thus, in this study, the writer conducts a research about slip of the tongue found in news anchors’ utterances of Metro TV and TV One. There are two problems of the study, namely: (1)what are the types of slip of the tongue found in news anchors’ utterances at Indonesian private TV stations?; and (2) what are the possible factors influencing TV news anchor experiencing slip of the tongue?. This research is a case study with qualitative approach. The data are the news anchors’ utterances of the news programs broadcasted on Metro TV and TV One. They were downloaded from Youtubefrom January 2013 to February 2013. This research discloses that seven types of SOT(perseveration, anticipation, substitution, deletion, blend, exchange, misderivation) are found in the utterances that produced by the news anchors of Metro TV and TV One. The most dominant type of SOT found in this research is substitution. It occurs seven times and is found in several forms of substitution (noun, adverb, and preposition substitution). In further reading, there are various kinds of factors influencing the occurrence of SOT. The most dominant factors influencing Metro TV and TV One news anchors experiencing the SOT are internal and external difficulties which are proposed by Saksomo (2010). Those various conditions highly affect the news anchors’ performance in reporting the news. The writer suggests TV news anchors to be more aware and well prepared in their performance in order to minimize the occurrence of SOT. She also suggests to the next researchers to develop and explore this topic deeper in different object or theory.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2013/147/051307516
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: slip of the tongue, Metro TV and TV One’s news anchors.
Subjects: 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Hasbi
Date Deposited: 19 Sep 2013 08:52
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 11:25
Full text not available from this repository.

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