Rochliyani, Alfianda (2011) Compensatory Strategies in Telling Stories Used by Good Learners at English Study Program of University of Brawijaya : A Case Study Academic Speaking Class of 2011. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pelajar bahasa asing/bahasa kedua ( L2 ) seringkali mengalami kesulitan dalam berbicara karena keterbatasan kosakata L2 . Oleh sebab itu, mereka membutuhkan strategi yang dinamakan strategi kompensasi ( CpS ). Dalam studi ini, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti penggunaan CpS oleh pelajar pintar dalam bercerita karena kegiatan tersebut membutuhkan kemampuan mereka menyampaikan maksudnya dengan jelas. Rumusan masalah dari studi ini adalah (1) Jenis CpS apakah yang digunakan oleh pelajar pintar di Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Brawijaya saat menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan cerita rakyat? (2) Jenis CpS manakah yang paling sering digunakan oleh pelajar pintar di Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Brawijaya saat menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan cerita rakyat? dan (3) Apa alasan yang mungkin terjadi sehingga pelajar pintar mengatasi masalah kosakatanya? Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan tipe penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Datanya berupa ujaran yang mengandung CpS yang diujarkan oleh pelajar pintar dalam bercerita. Untuk menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan taksonomi CpS oleh Poulisse et al. (1990). Ada empat mahasiswa dari kelas Academic Speaking 2011 yang dilibatkan sebagai subyek penelitian. Mereka diminta untuk bercerita dua cerita dengan topik berbeda, yaitu pengalaman pribadi dan cerita rakyat. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa semua tipe CpS , yaitu analytic strategies, holistic strategies, transfer strategies dan morphological creativity digunakan dalam bercerita pengalaman pribadi. Sebaliknya, hanya ada tiga tipe CpS dalam bercerita cerita rakyat, dalam hal ini morphological creativity tidak digunakan. Selanjutnya, transfer strategies paling sering digunakan dalam bercerita pengalaman pribadi; sedangkan holistic strategies paling sering digunakan dalam bercerita cerita rakyat. Selanjutnya, alasan subyek mengatasi masalah kosakatanya adalah mereka tidak tahu, lupa, dan ragu dengan kata-kata L2 yang dimaksud. Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah semua tipe CpS dapat digunakan oleh para subyek untuk mengatasi keterbatasan kosakata L2 mereka saat bercerita. Selain itu, perbedaan topik cerita dapat mempengaruhi penggunaan CpS karena mereka lebih banyak mengkompensasikan keterbatasan kosakatanya saat bercerita pengalaman pribadi dibandingkan bercerita cerita rakyat.
English Abstract
Foreign/second language (L2) learners frequently encounter difficulties in speaking L2 due to the lack of L2 vocabulary knowledge. Therefore, they need strategies called compensatory strategies (CpS). In this study, the writer is interested in investigating the use of CpS by good learners in telling stories since it requires the learners’ ability to convey their message clearly. The research problems of this study are (1) What types of CpS are used by good learners at English Study Program of University of Brawijaya in telling personal experience and folktale? (2) Which types of CpS are the most frequently used by good learners at English Study Program of University of Brawijaya in telling personal experience and folktale? and (3) What are possible reasons of good learners in overcoming lexical problem in telling stories? This study used descriptive qualitative approach and the type of research was case study. The data were utterances containing CpS produced by good learners in telling stories. To analyze the data, the writer used CpS taxonomy proposed by Poulisse et al. (1990). There were four students of Academic Speaking class of 2011 involved as the subjects. They were asked to tell two stories with different topics, i.e., personal experience and folktale. The finding revealed that all of the types of CpS namely analytic strategies, holistic strategies, transfer strategies and morphological creativity were used in telling personal experience. However, there were only three types of CpS, except morphological creativity, used in telling folktale. Additionally, transfer strategies were the most frequently used in telling personal experience; while holistic strategies were the most frequently used in telling folktale. All in all, the reasons of the subjects in overcoming the lexical problems were they did not know, failed to recall and doubted with the correct L2 words intended to say. In conclusion, all of the CpS types can be used by the subjects to cope with their limitation of L2 vocabulary in telling stories. Furthermore, the different topics of stories can affect the use of CpS since the subjects compensate more L2 vocabulary in telling personal experience than folktale.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FBS/2011/38/051103993 |
Subjects: | 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 04 Oct 2011 09:25 |
Last Modified: | 18 Oct 2021 05:47 |
URI: | |
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