Sulfa, DekaAlifianul (2011) Some Perspectives on Vietnam War Reflected in Robert Bly’s Counting Small-boned Bodies, Driving through Minnesota during the Hanoi Bombing and Melancholia Poems. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Puisi adalah salah satu dari tiga bentuk karya sastra selain prosa dan drama. Puisi merupakan suatu bentuk penjabaran pemikiran manusia, dalam proses penulisannya dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman-pengalaman imajinatif dan emosional dari penulisnya. Melalui puisi, penulis menyampaikan pengalaman-pengalaman yang dirasakan oleh panca inderanya. Oleh karena itu, puisi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia. Salah satu dari banyak pengalaman yang mengispirasi seorang penulis adalah perang. Ada banyak puisi yang memiliki tema kekejian dalam perang. Salah satu penulis yang mengeksplorasi sisi buruk perang adalah Robert Bly, seorang penulis dan penyair dari Amerika. Counting Small-Boned Bodies, Driving through Minnesota during the Hanoi Bombing dan Melancholia adalah tiga karya puisinya yang menggambarkan keadaan pada saat terjadinya Perang Vietnam. Secara umum, Robert Bly memiliki dua pandangan mengenai Perang Vietnam yang digambarkan dalam puisi-puisinya. Penulis menggunakan teori strukturalisme genetik untuk menganalisis lebih dalam mengenai pendangan tersebut. Pertama, ia memandang Perang Vietnam sebagai usaha atau ajang pembunuhan massal. Perang Vietnam telah membunuh begitu banyak korban, baik dari masyarakat sipil Vietnam maupun para tentara Amerika. Pembunuhan massal menjadi tema dalam puisi Bly yang berjudul Counting Small-boned Bodies. Dalam sebuah puisinya Driving through Minnesota during Hanoi Bombing Bly juga menunjukkan perasaan bersalah bangsa Amerika terhadap perang yang terjadi di Vietnam. Dalam puisi-puisinya yang berhubungan dengan Perang Vietnam, Bly juga mengkritisi penghancuran alam yang dilakukan oleh tentara Amerika. Bly mengungkapkan penderitaan yang dialami masyarakat sipil Vietnam, yang kekurangan makanan karena tanaman pangan mereka disemprot menggunakan cairan kimia oleh tentara Amerika, dalam puisinya yang berjudul Melancholia. Disarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk menganalisis karya-karya Robert Bly yang lain dengan pendekatan yang lain pula. Disarankan pula kepada mahasiswa Sastra Inggris untuk melakukan penelitian-penelitian lainnya yang berkaitan dengan isu perang baik dalam puisi, prosa, film ataupun karya sastra yang lain.
English Abstract
Poetry is one of the three major types of literature besides prose and drama. It is a patterned form of verbal or written expression of ideas which is influenced by imaginative and emotional experiences. Poetry communicates experience which comes to us mostly through our senses. That is why poetry and human life cannot be separated. As poetry deals with emotion, it represents the emotion of the poet aroused by some scenes, experiences and attachments. Among the scenes or experiences inspiring a poet to express his or her emotional reaction and thought, the phenomenon of war is one of them. There are many poems concerning the inhuman sides of war written either by noted poets or by common people. One of the poets who is concerned with war and its inhuman sides is Robert Bly. Robert Bly is an American poet and author. Counting Small-Boned Bodies, Driving through Minnesota during the Hanoi Bombing and Melancholia are his works which represent the condition during the Vietnam War. In the three poems, Bly shows his perspectives towards Vietnam War. To dig out Bly’s perspective, the writer uses genetic structuralism as her approach. Generally, Robert Bly has two perspectives toward Vietnam War reflected in some of his poems. First, he views that Vietnam War is a mass killing. Vietnam War has killed a lot of people both from Vietnamese civilians and also the US soldiers. Mass killing becomes the theme in Robert Bly’s poems entitled Counting Small-boned Bodies and Driving through Minnesota during Hanoi Bombing. The great number of the dead victims is clearly described in Counting Small Boned-Bodies. Actually, most of the American, both the soldiers and also the civilians, felt guilty for the genocide in Vietnam because the victims of the genocide were not only the soldiers but also the innocent civilians. In his poems about Vietnam War, Robert Bly also criticizes the destruction of nature done by US army. Nature, in this analysis, does not only mean vegetation, but also environment, the land and also the people inside. The narrator captured the Vietnamese’s lacked of food and sufferings because of the herbicides sprayed by US army in his poem entitled Melancholia. It is recommended that the next researcher may analyze Robert Bly’s other poems by using other approaches. It is also recommended that the English students may conduct other researches related to war issues in other literary works or movies.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FBS/2011/20/051103975 |
Subjects: | 400 Language > 420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 04 Oct 2011 10:30 |
Last Modified: | 18 Oct 2021 05:52 |
URI: | |
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