Items where Subject is "616.079 8 B cells (B lymphocytes)"
- Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) (2)
- 600 Technology (Applied sciences) (2)
- 616 Diseases (2)
- 616.07 Pathology (2)
- 616.079 Immunity (2)
- 616.079 8 B cells (B lymphocytes) (2)
- 616.079 Immunity (2)
- 616.07 Pathology (2)
- 616 Diseases (2)
- 600 Technology (Applied sciences) (2)
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Number of items at this level: 2.
Sumitro, Sutiman B. and -, Soetomo and Ciptadi, Gatot (2011) Pengembangan imunokontrasepsi berbasis antibodi monoklonal terhadap native peptide ZP3 (Mab-nbZP3dG) hasil deglikosilasi enzimatis menggunakan N-glycanase. Project Report. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat-Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. (Unpublished)
Utami, Sri (2020) Korelasi Rasio Platelet Limfosit (RPL), Rasio Neutrofil Limfosit (RNL) dan Skor Child Pugh (CP) dengan Survival pada Pasien Karsinoma Sel Hati (KSH). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.