Items where Subject is "671.253 Permanent-mold casting"
- Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) (4)
- 600 Technology (Applied sciences) (4)
- 671 Metalworking Processes and primary metal products (4)
- 671.2 Founding (casting) (4)
- 671.25 Specific methods of casting (4)
- 671.253 Permanent-mold casting (4)
- 671.25 Specific methods of casting (4)
- 671.2 Founding (casting) (4)
- 671 Metalworking Processes and primary metal products (4)
- 600 Technology (Applied sciences) (4)
Azahra, Siti Amalina (2018) Pengaruh Laju Pendinginan terhadap Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro Pulley Aluminium dengan Permanent Mold Casting. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Baihaqi, Luqman (2018) Pengaruh Laju Pendinginan Terhadap Porositas dan Struktur Mikro Coran Pulley Al-Zn dengan Permanent Mold. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Husaini, Muhammad Nuzul Fahri (2018) Pengaruh Variasi Persentase Berat Limbah Velg dan Piston Al-Si terhadap Densitas, Porositas, dan Kekerasan Coran Pulley. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pratama, Rony Satria (2018) Pengaruh Fraksi Velg Dan Piston Paduan Al-Si Pada Proses Recycling Casting Terhadap Efisiensi Peleburan Dan Yield Casting. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.