Implementasi Keputusan Sekretaris Jenderal Kpu Ri Nomor 53 Tahun 2016 Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pelaksanaan Pemberian Tunjangan Kinerja Pegawai Di Sekretariat KPU (Studi Di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Kota Batu )

Hestiningtyas, Ria Ayu (2017) Implementasi Keputusan Sekretaris Jenderal Kpu Ri Nomor 53 Tahun 2016 Tentang Petunjuk Teknis Pelaksanaan Pemberian Tunjangan Kinerja Pegawai Di Sekretariat KPU (Studi Di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Kota Batu ). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar adanya permasalahan mengenai tunjangan kinerja di KPUD Kota Batu. Permasalahan mengenai tunjangan kinerja di KPUD Kota Batu diantaranya, tidak tercapainya tujuan dari kebijakan pemberian tunjangan kinerja, adanya kebijakan di keputusan yang tidak dilaksanakan di KPUD Kota Batu, dan adanya permasalahan teknis pelaksanaan pemberian tunjangan kinerja di KPUD Kota Batu. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini difokuskan dua hal: Pertama, pada proses implementasi Keputusan Sekretaris Jenderal KPU RI Nomor 53 Tahun 2016 yang meliputi penerima tunjangan kinerja, besaran tunjangan kinerja, pencatatan kehadiran serta alokasi anggaran dan pembayaran tunjangan kinerja. Kedua, dampak kebijakan bagi Pegawai KPUD Kota Batu dan Sekretariat KPUD Kota Batu. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebijakan pemberian tunjangan kinerja memang tidak berjalan dengan efektif dan tujuan dari adanya kebijakan tidak tercapai. Penerima tunjangan kinerja di KPUD Kota Batu adalah PNS/CPNS yang sudah mempunyai JFU (Jabatan Fungsional umum), besaran tunjangan yang diberikan kepada pegawai sudah sesuai keputusan, alat pencatat kehadiran menggunakan pencatatan elektronik berupa finger scan (sidik jari), buku kendali tidak digunakan, pegawai pengelola tunjangan kinerja masih kurang transparan, kurangnya komunikasi atar pegawai pengelola, alokasi anggaran tunjangan kinerja berasal dari APBN yang masuk DIPA KPUD Kota Batu. Dampak positif bagi pegawai yaitu meningkatnya jumlah pendapatan yang berpengaruh terhadap sosial ekonomi pegawai seperti lebih bisa menabung untuk masa depan dan dampak positif bagi Sekretariat KPUD Kota Batu tidak terlalu terlihat karena karena kurang adanya pertanggungjawaban penerimaan tunjangan kinerja. Dampak negatif bagi pegawai KPUD Kota Batu tidak ada, namun bagi Sekretariat KPUD Kota Batu jika pelaksanaanya tidak berjalan baik akan menimbulkan kecemburuan sosial seperti pegawai lebih malas dan iri hati terhadap pegawai lain. Saran penelitian adalah pegawai yang menangani tunjangan kinerja harus lebih transparan, perlu dibuatkannya aplikasi yang lebih canggih yang bisa menghubungkan finger scan dengan Smart Phone pegawai dan yang terakhir perlu adanya perubahan dan penambahan di dalam Keputusan Sekretaris Jenderal KPU RI Nomor 53 Tahun 2016.

English Abstract

This research was conducted on the basis of problems regarding the performance allowance in KPUD of Batu City. The problems on performance allowance were, not the achievement of the aims of the policy of performance allowance, there was a policy in decisions not carried out, and the technical issues for granting performance allowance at KPUD of Batu City. The purpose of this research was to know and describe, and analyze the implementation of the Secretary General of KPU RI Decree Number 53 of 2016 in KPUD Kota City. The method used was descriptive qualitative research. This research focused on two things: First, in the process of implementation of the Decree of Secretary General of KPU RI Number 53 of 2016 covering the recipient of performance allowance, the amount of performance allowance, the attendance recording and budget allocation and payment of performance allowance. Second, the impact of the policy for employees of KPUD Batu City and KPUD Secretariat of Batu City. The results of the study showed that the policy of performance allowance is will not work effectively and the purpose of these policy is not sufficient . Allowance recipients performance in KPUD of Batu City were Civil Servants or Candidate of Civil Servants (PNS / CPNS) who already had the JFU (General Functional Position), the amount of allowance paid to the employees was already in accordance with the decree, the attendance recording device was using electronic recording in the form of finger scan (fingerprint), Books of Control was not used, the employees of performance allowance management were still lacking of transparency, of communication among the management employees, the budget allocation of performance allowance came from APBN that entered DIPA KPUD Batu City. The positive impact for employees was the increasing amount of income that affected the employees’ socio-economic such as they could save more for the future and for the Secretariat of KPUD Batu City it was not too visible because of the lack of accountability of reception of performance allowances. The negative impact for employees of KPUD Batu City did not exist, but for the KPUD Secretariat of Batu City if the implementation did not go well it would lead to social jealousy such as employees became lazier and envy of other employees. Suggestions of study were for employees who handled the performance allowance should be more transparent, it was necessary to create more sophisticated applications that could connect the finger scan with the employees’ smart phone and lastly, changes and additions to the Decree of Secretary General of KPU RI No. 53 of 2016 were needeed.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIA/2017/466/051706209
Uncontrolled Keywords: Implementasi, Tunjangan Kinerja, Dampak Kebijakan
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 352 General considerations of public administration > 352.3 Executive management > 352.38 Information management
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Publik / Negara
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2017 07:16
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2020 07:47
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