Hubungan Iklim Dan Produksi Tanaman Durian Lokal (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Di Tiga Lokasi (Bangkalan, Wonosalam, Dan Ngantang)

Rahmanto, Ady (2017) Hubungan Iklim Dan Produksi Tanaman Durian Lokal (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Di Tiga Lokasi (Bangkalan, Wonosalam, Dan Ngantang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) adalah tanaman asli Asia Tenggara yang tersebar di Negara-negara Asia Tenggara terutama di Pulau Kalimantan. Buah durian merupakan buah yang cukup diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Tanaman durian merupakan buah menempati posisi ke-4 buah nasional dengan produksi yang tidak merata sepanjang tahun, lebih kurang 700 ribu ton per tahun. Berdasarkan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik bahwa pada tahun 2013 produksi durian di indonesia mencapai 689,682 ton produksi tersebut mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2012 dimana produksi durian mencapai 888,127 ton. Jawa timur mempunyai banyak daerah sentra buah durian dengan produksi yang berbeda- beda, dimana daerah - daerah tersebut memiliki perbedaan dari segi agroklimat, meliputi radiasi matahari, suhu, kelembaban udara, tekanan udara, evaporasi, curah hujan, angin dan awan sehingga dapat berdampak terhadap perbedaan produksi di setiap sentra produksi . Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari potensi produksi buah durian lokal dibeberapa sentra produksi durian. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah setiap sentra produksi durian lokal memiliki potensi hasil produksi yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juni – Agustus 2015 di tiga sentra produksi durian yaitu dengan metode survei dan observasi lapang, dilaksanakan di tiga tempat yaitu Kecamatan burneh, Kota Bangkalan,terletak memiliki ketinggian 2 – 200 mdpl. Desa Wonosalam, Kecamatan Wonosalam, Kabupaten Jombang, memiliki ketinggian 500 mdpl. Kecamatan Ngantang, Kabupaten Malang memiliki ketinggian 500 – 700 mdpl. Data yang digunakan yaitu data produksi durian dan data iklim curah hujan,lama hari hujan, suhu dan kelembaban Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat macam - macam durian di tiga lokasi tersebut seperti di Burneh : Se Koceng, Se Bandeng, Se Topa, Se Kerbuy, Montong Madura. Di Ngantang : Gading, Bajul, dan Tumbu. Di Wonosalam : Bido, Mentega super, Cakrak, Elang, Manol, Emprit, Landak, Dan Obet. Jumlah produksi durian terbanyak terdapat pada daerah wonosalam dengan hasil rata – rata 66.47 ton/tahun, ngantang 35.95 ton/tahun, dan yang terendah di Burneh 25.04 ton/tahun. Hasil korelasi antara produksi durian dengan unsur iklim di lokasi Burneh menunjukkan bahwa hanya kelembaban r = 0,09 yang memiliki hubungan positif terhadap produksi durian. Hasil korelasi antara produksi durian dengan unsur iklim di lokasi di Wonosalam menunjukkan bahwa curah hujan r = 0,59 dan jumlah hari hujan r = 0,68 yang memiliki hubungan positif terhadap produksi durian. Hasil korelasi antara produksi durian dengan unsur iklim di lokasi Ngantang menunjukkan bahwa hanya kelembaban r = 0,53 yang memiliki hubungan positif terhadap produksi durian.

English Abstract

Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) is a plant native to Southeast Asia, in the countries of Southeast Asia, especially on the island of Borneo. Durian fruit is a fruit that is quite sought after by people in Indonesia. Durian is the fruit of the plant occupies the position of the 4th National fruit production which is not evenly distributed throughout the year, approximately 700 thousand tons per year. Based on data from the Central Bureau of statistics that in 2013 the durian production in indonesia reached 689.682 tons of the production decline in 2012 where durian production reached 888.127 tons. East Java has a lot of durian fruit hub area with different production, where these areas have a difference in terms of agroklimat, covering the solar radiation, temperature, humidity, air pressure, rainfall, evaporation, wind and clouds so as to affect the production of difference in each production center. The research aims at studying the potential for fruit production in several local durian durian production center. The hypothesis proposed is that every local durian production center has the potential of different production results. The research was conducted in June – August 2015 in three durian production center with observation and survey methods, implemented in three places, namely: Burneh, Bangkalan is located has a elevation 2 – 200 mdpl. Wonosalam, Jombang, has an elevation of 500 mdpl. Ngantang, Malang has a elevation of 500 – 700 mdpl. The data used the data of production i.e. durian and climate data of rainfall, long days of rain, temperature and humidity The results showed there are a variety of durian in such locations as in Burneh: Se Koceng, Se, Se Kerbuy, Se Topa Montong, Madura. In Ngantang: ivory, Bajul, and Tumbu. In: Bido Wonosalam, butter super, Cakrak, Eagle, Manol, Emprit, Porcupine, and Obet. The largest number of durian production is found in areas with average results – wonosalam averaged 66.47 tons/year, ngantang 35.95 tons/year, and the lowest in Burneh 25.04 tons/year. Results of correlation between durian production with elements of the climate at the site Burneh showed that the only moisture r = 0.09 which has positive relationship towards the production of durian. Results of correlation between durian production with elements of the climate of a location in Wonosalam indicates that rainfall is r = 0.59 and number of rainy days r = 0.68 which has positive relationship towards the production of durian. Results of correlation between durian production with elements of the climate at the site show that only humidity Ngantang r = 0.53 which has positive relationship towards the production of durian.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2017/552/051710739
Uncontrolled Keywords: Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.), Iklim, Produksi
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 634 Orchards, fruits, forestry > 634.6 Tropical and subtropical fruits
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2017 07:07
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2023 01:36
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