Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) (Studi Pada Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan (LMDH) Wana Lestari, Desa Kedukbembem, Kecamatan Mantup, Kabupaten Lamongan)

Irmawan, Rahmat Candra (2017) Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM) (Studi Pada Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan (LMDH) Wana Lestari, Desa Kedukbembem, Kecamatan Mantup, Kabupaten Lamongan). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar isu mengenai kelestarian hutan serta buruknya indeks kesejahteraan masyarakat desa hutan di Indonesia, salah satunya berada pada Desa Kedukbembem, dimana pada tahun 1997 hampir disemua tempat terjadi pembalakan liar secara besar-besaran, yang mengakibatkan hampir seluruh hutan di Indonesia menjadi gundul, begitu pula dengan hutan yang ada di Desa Kedukbembem. Dari adanya permasalahan tersebut, Perum Perhutani, selaku Perusahan BUMN yang memiliki kewenangan dalam mengelolah hutan, membuat sebuah Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM), yang dituangkan dalam SK Direksi Perum Perhutani No. 136/KPTS/Dir/2001 tanggal 29 Maret 2001 tentang Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (PHBM). Dalam pelaksanaan PHBM pada Desa Kedukbembem, dikelolah oleh LMDH Wana Lestari sebagai mitra dari Perum Perhutani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan sekunder, dengan sumber data berasal dari informan, peristiwa serta dokumen. Sedangkan analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa deskriptif melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Implementasi PHBM pada LMDH Wana Lestari sudah berlangsung cukup lama sejak tahun 2005, dimana secara garis besar implementasi PHBM sudah cukup baik. Perum Perhutani rutin melakukan sosialisasi kepada LMDH berkaitan dengan kebijakan yang diterapkan, selain itu dari segi sumber daya sering dilakukan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anggota LMDH. Tetapi masih ada sedikit kendala dalam anggaran operasional LMDH. Dilain sisi dalam menjaga hutan agar lestari, masyarakat juga rutin melakukan giat patroli bersama Perhutani, LMDH bersama masyarakat juga turut serta dalam penyusunan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM), dilain sisi Perum Perhutani KPH Mojokerto juga rutin melakukan Monitoring Evaluasi (MONEV) untuk mengontrol kinerja dari LMDH. Dampak dari Implementasi cukup siknifikan, dimana tejadi peningkatan perekonomian warga, warga dapat menggunakan selahan hutan untuk bercocok tanam, menanam rumput gajah di hutan untuk pakan ternak, serta memanfaatkan sumber air dari hutan untuk budidaya ikan lele, dilain sisi kesehatan masyarakat juga neningkat karena adanya sumber air bersih. Kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pentingnya menjaga kelestarian hutan juga meningkat, dimana secara tidak langsung hal tersebut berdampak pada kelestarian hutan itu sendiri.

English Abstract

This research was done on the basis of the issues regarding forest conservation problems as well as the poor welfare index of forest village community in Indonesia, one of them happened in Kedukbembem village, where in 1997, massive illegal logging occurred at almost all of the forest in Indonesia, which was resulting in barren forest, including the forest of Kedukbembem village. From that problem, Perum Perhutani, as Indonesian state owned enterprises or known as BUMN which possessing authority in managing forest, made a community forest based management policy, in the form of SK Direksi Perum Perhutani No. 136/KPTS/Dir/2001 at March 29, 2001 about the policy of social forestry. In the implementation of this policy in Kedukbembem village, it was managed by Wana Lestari Forest Village Community Institutions as the partner of Perum Perhutani. This research was using descriptive method with qualitative approach. The type of the data used was primary and secondary data, with the source of the data from informants, events as well as documents. While the data analysis used was descriptive analysis through the steps of data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and data conclusion. The implementation of Social Forestry at Wana Lestari Forest Village Community Institutions was held pretty long time since 2005, where the outline of the implementation of Community Forestry Based Management was fairly good. Indonesian state owned enterprises which possessing authority in managing forest also known as Perum Perhutani conducted socializations regularly towards Forest Village Community Institutions related with the policy to be implemented. Other than that, in term of resources, training was done frequently to improve the Forest Village Community Institutions members’ capabilities. However there were still some problems in term of operational budget. On the other side, in order to preserve the forest, communities also did patrol together with Perhutani regularly, Forest Village Community Institutions with the society also participated in the making of a Medium Term Development Plan also known as RPJM in Indonesia. On the other hand, Perum Perhutani Unity of Forest Management Mojokerto Regency also did Monitoring Evaluation regularly to control the performance of the Forest Village Community Institutions. The impact of the implementation was fairly significant, where the increase in economy of the citizens happened. Citizens were able to use land to farm, planting bulrush for animal feed, and using water sources from the forest for cultivating catfish. On the other side, society’s health rate was raise because of the clean water source. The public’s awareness towards the importance of preserving the forest also increased, which indirectly affects the sustainability of the forest itself.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIA/2017/628/051708358
Uncontrolled Keywords: Implementasi Kebijakan, Partisipasi Masyarakat, Pengelolaan Hutan Besama Masyarakat (PHBM).
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 354 Public administration of economy and environment > 354.5 Public administration of agriculture > 354.55 Forestry
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Publik / Negara
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2017 04:09
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2020 15:04
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