Analisis Titik Kontrol Kehalalan Restoran Sebagai Penunjang Implementasi Hotel Syariah (Studi Kasus di Hotel Fariz Syariah Kota Malang)

Hadi, Rara Angelina Puspita (2017) Analisis Titik Kontrol Kehalalan Restoran Sebagai Penunjang Implementasi Hotel Syariah (Studi Kasus di Hotel Fariz Syariah Kota Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hotel Fariz merupakan salah satu hotel dengan konsep syariah di kota Malang. Hotel ini telah memiliki beberapa fasilitas penunjang, salah satunya restoran. Status restoran yang belum bersertifikat halal membuat hotel Fariz belum memenuhi kriteria hotel syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui titik control kehalalan pada seluruh komponen di restoran hotel Fariz, sehingga dapat ditemukan solusi perbaikan yang dianggap tepat untuk menunjang dalam proses sertifikasi halal restoran hotel Fariz di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan mengeksplorasi informasi asal bahan dan proses produksi setiap menu di restoran hotel Fariz yang disajikan dalam bentuk matriks bahan. Penyusunan konsep dokumen Sistem Jaminan Halal (SJH) hanya mencakup prosedur tertulis aktivitas kritis dan penerapannya di restoran hotel Fariz. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, prosedur kehalalan yang belum diterapkan disebabkan belum terbentukknya tim manajemen halal serta kebijakan halal. Selama penelitian berlangsung ditemukan beberapa bahan yang masuk HCP list, yaitu daging, ikan ,dan beberapa bahan ringan yang tidak berlabel halal seperti makaroni, kembang tahu, kerupuk, terasi, tepung terigu, petis udang, gula dan saos raja rasa. Dari beberapa cluster olahan yang dianalisis, olahan tumis memiliki tingkat titik control kehalalan tertinggi karena kandungan bahan kritis dalam sajiannya seperti daging sapi, daging ayam, tepung terigu, petis udang, dan saos raja rasa. Kemudian beberapa proses penanganan bahan yang diantaranya perlu mendapatkan perlakuan khusus dikarenakan kondisi kemasan yang memicu kontaminasi bahan haram, serta penggunaan fasilitas pengolahan dan penyajian makanan yang berpotensi terjadinya kontaminasi bahan haram berasal dari penggunaan alat makan untuk sajian diluar menu olahan restoran hotel Fariz. Untuk menunjang konsep hotel syariah, perbaikan dilakukan dengan penggantian produk yang telah bersertifikat halal serta aturan-aturan pengunjung atau pegawai yang harus disusun dalam SOP (Standar Operation Procedure). Penerapan SJH pada restoran dapat diawali dengan pembentukan tim manajemen halal serta kebijakan halal, sehingga diharapkan segala aspek di dalam restoran hotel Fariz dapat memenuhi standar halal.

English Abstract

Hotel Fariz is one of the hotels with the concept of sharia in the city of Malang. The hotel has several supporting facilities, one of them is a restaurant. The status of a restaurant that has not been certified halal makes Fariz hotel has not met the criteria of sharia hotels. This study aims to determine the halal control points on all components in the hotel restaurant Fariz, so it can be found a solution that is considered appropriate to support in the process of halal certification restaurant Fariz in the future. The research used descriptive method by exploring the information of material origin and production process of every menu in Fariz hotel restaurant which presented in the form of material matrix. The drafting of the document of the Halal Assurance System (SJH) only covers the written procedures of critical activity and its application in the Fariz hotel restaurant. The results of this study indicate that, halal procedures have not been applied due to the establishment of halal management team and halal policy. During the research, some of the ingredients included in the HCP list, such as meat, chicken, and some unlabeled halal materials such as macaroni, kembang tahu, crackers, terasi, wheat flour, shrimp paste, sugar and taste king sauce. Of the several processed clusters analyzed, the processed stir-fry has the highest level of halal control points because the content of critical ingredients in the dish such as meat, chicken ,wheat flour, shrimp paste, and taste king sauce. Then some material handling process which among others need to get special treatment due to packaging condition that trigger contamination of haram materials, as well as the use of processing facilities and serving of food that potentially the contamination of haram materials comes from the use of cutlery for the dish outside the menu of the restaurant Fariz hotel. To support the concept of sharia hotels, improvements are made with the replacement of products that have been certified halal as well as the rules of visitors or employees to be arranged in SOP (Standard Operation Procedure).The implementation of SJH at the restaurant can be started with the establishment of halal management team and halal policy, so it is expected that all aspects within the hotel restaurant Fariz hotel can conform to halal standards.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/389/051709236
Uncontrolled Keywords: Halal, SJH 23102, Titik Kritis, Restoran Hotel, Syariah
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.7 Management of materials > 658.78 Internal control of material and physical distribution > 658.781 Materials handling
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2017 04:45
Last Modified: 25 Jan 2022 01:40
[thumbnail of BAB I Pendahuluan.pdf]
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[thumbnail of BAB II Tinjauan Pustaka.pdf]
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[thumbnail of BAB III Metode Penelitian.pdf]
BAB III Metode Penelitian.pdf

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[thumbnail of BAB IV Hasil dan Pembahasan.pdf]
BAB IV Hasil dan Pembahasan.pdf

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