Identifikasi Awal Zona Persebaran Mineral Emas Pada Endapan Aluvial Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas Studi Kasus: Lapangan “Mandeh” Pt. Antam Tbk

Andhika, Antares Wira (2017) Identifikasi Awal Zona Persebaran Mineral Emas Pada Endapan Aluvial Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas Studi Kasus: Lapangan “Mandeh” Pt. Antam Tbk. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang sangat melimpah, salah satunya mineral emas. Mineral emas terbentuk karena adanya proses mineralisasi. Emas tersebut merupakan emas primer yang mana seiring berjalannya waktu akan mengalami erosi, transportasi, serta pengendapan kembali yang disebut emas sekunder. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi awal emas sekunder pada endapan aluvial menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas. Pada pengukuran ini dilakukan pada dua blok, yaitu blok utara (lintasan OPQRS) dan selatan (lintasan FGHIJ). Adapun panjang tiap lintasan antara 600–800 meter dan jarak antar lintasan sebesar 200 meter. Nilai resistivitas yang didapatkan bervariasi, antara 0–3000 ohm.m. Adapun pembagiannya yaitu nilai resistivitas rendah antara 0–1000 ohm.m, sedangkan nilai resistivitas menengah antara 1001–2000 ohm.m, serta nilai resistivitas 2001–3000 ohm.m termasuk nilai resistivitas tinggi. Data nilai resistivitas yang didapatkan dikorelasikan dengan data bor. Adapun pada perlapisan soil termasuk rentang resistivitas rendah dan menengah. Adapun pada perlapisan gravel dan sand termasuk rentang nilai resistivitas rendah dan menengah. Gravel clay atau sand clay termasuk dalam nilai resistivitas menengah. Adapun clay temasuk nilai resistivitas tinggi. Pada blok utara terdapat kemenerusan sand dan gravel sebagai aliran utama sungai purba dengan lebar sungai 600 meter, sedangkan pada blok selatan terdapat kemenerusan gravel yang lebih kecil dibandingkan blok utara. Potensi pada penelitian ini sebesar 101 hektar dengan kedalaman 12 meter. Terdapat dua rekomendasi eksplorasi lanjutan, yaitu rekomendasi 1 terletak di sebelah timur blok utara dan rekomendasi 2 terletak di sebelah selatan blok utara.

English Abstract

Indonesia is a country that has great natural resources, one of them is gold mineral. Gold formed by the mineralization process. The gold is primary gold which over time will be eroded, transported, and re-sedimentation that called secondary gold. In this research carried out to preliminary identification of secondary gold in alluvial sediment using geoelectrical resistivity method. This research measured in two blocks, were northern block (line OPQRS) and southern block (line FGHIJ). In each line had 600-800 meter length and 200 meter of interval. The resistivity of this research obtained between 0-3000 ohm.m. At this thing, the value of 0-1000 ohm.m was low resistivity, 1001-2000 ohm.m value was medium resistivity, and the high resistivity was 2001-3000 ohm.m. The resistivity value correlated with well data. In this research, soil were low and medium resistivity. Gravel and sand were low and medium resistivity, gravel clay and sand clay were medium resistivity. And this thing, clay was high resistivity. In the northern block, there was sand and gravel continuation as main stream of the ancient river with 600 meter wide, while in the southern block there was a smaller gravel continuation than northern block. Based on this research, the potency was 101 hektare with 12 meter depth. There were two recommendations for advanced exploration, recommendation 1 was in eastern of northern block and recommendation 2 was in southern of northern block.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FMIPA/2017/378/051709718
Uncontrolled Keywords: Geolistrik, Resistivitas, Emas, Sand, dan Gravel.
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 537 Electricity and electronics
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2017 07:10
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2021 06:31
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