Pengaruh Aditif Gliserol pada Pembuatan Membran Selulosa Oksalat Menggunakan Metode Sintering

Laila, Iffa Zulfatul (2017) Pengaruh Aditif Gliserol pada Pembuatan Membran Selulosa Oksalat Menggunakan Metode Sintering. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Selulosa oksalat merupakan material hasil modifikasi yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku membran. Meskipun demikian, produk yang dihasilkan bersifat rapuh. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan penambahan gliserol sebagai aditif. Studi pengaruh gliserol ditelaah melalui perubahan sifat fisikokimia membran selulosa oksalat yang dihasilkan. Sebelum dilakukan teknik sintering, selulosa oksalat terlebih dahulu didispersikan ke dalam campuran pelarut aseton-air dengan perbandingan volume 1 : 1, dan ditambahkan gliserol. Variasi gliserol adalah untuk perbandingan volume campuran pelarut : gliserol 10 : 0, 10 : 1, 10 : 3, 10 : 5, 10 : 7, dan10 : 9. Campuran diaduk hingga 48 jam dan disaring. Padatan kemudian dicetak dengan teknik sintering pada temperatur 100oC selama 15 menit, dan dicuci menggunakan etanol. Karakterisasi didasarkan pada spektrofotometri FTIR, indeks swelling dan densitas. Adanya aditif gliserol tidak merubah struktur kimia selulosa oksalat, tetapi daya tarik terhadap air cenderung meningkat. Semakin banyak gliserol yang ditambahkan, ikatan antar rantai semakin fleksibel dan meningkatkan porositas membran, terutama hingga komposisi campuran pelarut : gliserol sebesar 10 : 3.

English Abstract

Cellulose oxalate is a cellulose modified material that has potency to be developed as a membrane raw materials. However, it was brittle, therefore, the addition of glycerol has been done. This study was to observe the change of cellulose oxalate physicochemical properties due to glycerol addition. Prior to membrane producing through sintering technique, first, it was dispersed into 1 : 1 of volume ratio of acetone : water mixture, then, it was added the glycerol. The volume ratio of solvent mixture : glycerol were 10 : 0, 10 : 1, 10 : 3, 10 : 5, 10 : 7 and 10 : 9. Furthermore, it was stirred for 48 hours and was then filtered. Afterward, the residues obtained were molded using hot pressing technique at 100 ° C for 15 minutes, and were washed using ethanol. Characterization based on FTIR spectrophotometry, swelling index and its density, has been conducted. Although, the presence of glycerol additive was not changing its chemical structure, however, the affinity on water was increasing. In addition, due to the increasing of glycerol added, the chain bonding was more flexible, therefore, could increase the membrane porosity. Mainly, it was obtained on solvent mixture : glycerol composition up to 10 : 3.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FMIPA/2017/392/051709732
Uncontrolled Keywords: Selulosa Oksalat, gliserol, sintering, membran
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 668 Technology of other organic products > 668.2 Glycerin
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Kimia
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2017 06:59
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2021 04:16
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