Model Indeks Pendidikan dan Kesehatan terhadap Angka Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Dampit Kabupaten Malang

Hutabri, Wendy (2017) Model Indeks Pendidikan dan Kesehatan terhadap Angka Kemiskinan di Kecamatan Dampit Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pendidikan, kesehatan, dan standart hidup layak merupakan bagian dari program pemerintah untuk mengentaskan kemisikinan dalam Indeks Pembangunan Manusia atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Human Development Index (HDI). Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu Mengetahui gambarab umum karakteristik Human Development Index (Rata-rata Lama Sekolah, Harapan Lama Sekolah, dan Angka Harapan Hidup saat Lahir) dan angka kemiskinan serta Permodelan Indeks Pendidikan (Rata-rata Lama Sekolah dan Harapan Lama Sekolah) dan Indeks Kesehatan (Angka Harapan Hidup saat Lahir terhadap indikator kemiskinan. Indikator kemiskinan dianatara Headcount Index, Poverty Gap Index, Poverty Severity Index, dan Human Poverty Index Dipengaruhi oleh Indeks Pendidikan dan Indek Kesehatan. Headcount index Poverty Gap Index, Poverty Severity Index dipengaruhi oleh Angka Harapan Lahir Hidup yang bernilai negatif artinya setiap peningkatan dari Angka Harapan Lahir Hidup dari data input rata rata usia orang yang meninggal dapat menurunkan angka Headcount Index, Poverty Gap Index,dan Poverty Severity Index sedangkan Human Poverty Index dipengaruhi oleh Rata-rata Lama Sekolah dan Angka Harapan Lahir Hidup yang bernilai negatif artinya peningkatan Rata-rata Lama Sekolah dari data input Lama jenjang pendidikan yang dapat ditempuh penduduk dan Angka Harapan Lahir Hidup dari data input rata rata usia orang yang meninggal dapat menurunkan Human Poverty Index.

English Abstract

Education, health care, and decent living standard is part of a government program to alleviate kemisikinan in the human development index or commonly known with the Human Development Index (HDI). The purpose of the research, namely public gambarab Knowing the characteristics of the Human Development Index (the average of the old school, Old school, Hope and life expectancy at birth) and poverty as well as Modeling Education Index (average of the old school and the old school Expectations) and the index of health (life expectancy at birth against indicators of poverty. Indicators of poverty include any Headcount Index, the Poverty Gap Index, the Poverty Severity Index, and the Human Poverty Index is influenced by education and Health Index Index. Any headcount index Poverty Gap Index, the Poverty Severity Index is influenced by the Birth of Life Expectancy is negative that means any increase of the numbers of hope Born live from input data average age of those who died can lose any Headcount Index figures, the Poverty Gap Index, and Poverty Severity Index while the Human Poverty Index is influenced by the average of the old school and a Life Expectancy of birth is negative that means an increase in Mean years of Schooling of Old secondary input data that is resident and numbers The hope Born live from input data average age of those who died can reduce Human Poverty Index.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/801/051708644
Uncontrolled Keywords: Human Development index, Headcount Index, Poverty Gap Index, Poverty Severity Index, Human Poverty Index , Kecamatan Dampit
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 362 Social problems of and services to groups of people > 362.5 Poor people
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Perencanaa Wilayah dan Kota
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2017 01:52
Last Modified: 13 Mar 2023 07:19
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