Pelaksanaan Analisis Kredit Tanpa Agunan Untuk Modal Usaha (Studi Di Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. Cabang Manado)

Lullulangi, Tomy Moses (2017) Pelaksanaan Analisis Kredit Tanpa Agunan Untuk Modal Usaha (Studi Di Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. Cabang Manado). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana cara kreditur melakukan penilaian serta bagaimana penerapan prinsip kehati-hatian yang diterapkan pada perjanjian kredit tanpa agunan untuk modal usaha. Kredit tanpa agunan untuk modal usaha merupakan produk perbankan yang muncul dari permasalahan penyediaan agunan sebagai jaminan kredit oleh pelaku usaha kecil. Komitment pemerintah untuk memajukan dunia usaha kecil mendorong penyempurnaan produk kredit tanpa agunan untuk modal usaha sehingga dapat lebih mudah dijangkau oleh lapisan masyarakat kecil. Berkaitan dengan itu upaya untuk mendorong penyaluran kredit untuk usaha mikro dengan pembentukan aturan-aturan yang lebih meringankan calon debitur tidak serta-merta meningkatkan tersalurnya kredit tanpa agunan untuk usaha kecil. Bank umum pada kenyataannya masih takut menyalurkan kredit tanpa agunan yang dinilai memiliki resiko tinggi. Sebagaimana Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk. Cabang Manado dalam penyaluran kredit tanpa agunan untuk modal usaha di daerah Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki potensi tinggi dalam penyaluran kredit bagi usaha kecil peneliti tergerak untuk melakukan analisis terkait perjanjian kredit yang termuat pada tujuan penelitian tesis ini. Teori yang digunakan dalam membahas permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori keadilan, teori perjanjian dan teori perlindungan hukum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian empiris dan dengan melakukan pendekatan yang bersifat yuridis sosiologis. Kesimpulan yang peneliti tarik dari pembahasan. Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk Cabang Manado dalam melakukan penilaian debitur menggunakan prinsip

English Abstract

This thesis aims to analyze how creditors conduct evaluation of and how they apply the principle of prudence upon agreements of credit without collateral for enterprise capital. Non-collateral credit for enterprise capital is a banking product that arose from the problem of providing a collateral as a guarantee of credit by small-scale entrepreneurs. The commitment of the government to advance the world of small-scale enterprises drives the effort to perfect a credit product without collateral for enterprise capital so that it is more easily affordable by lower-class people. Related to this is the effort to drive distribution of credit for micro enterprises with the formation of regulations that present less burden to potential debtors but not spontaneously increasing credit flow without collateral for small-scale enterprises. Public banks in reality are still fearful of providing credit without collateral, which is judged to have a high risk. As Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk., Manado Branch, in providing credit without collateral for enterprise capital in North Sulawesi possesses a high potential in distributing credit for small enterprises, the researcher was moved to conduct analysis on credit agreements as stated for the goal of this research. The theories used to discuss the problems of this research were the theory of justice, the theory of agreements, and the theory of legal protection. This research used the method of empirical research through a juridical sociological approach. The conclusion that can be taken from the discussion Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk., Manado Branch, on the evaluation are using the 5C principle without assess the point of collateral. And by not assessing the point of collateral was also a disregard of legal formality in accordance with the theory of agreements on the stipulations of Article 8 Paragraph (1) for the analysis process for the BNI-KUR Mikro credit without collateral by Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk., Manado Branch. The principle of prudence in agreements of credit without collateral for BNI-KUR Mikro had been established in each stage of the credit application but also on credit risk control. The stage of analysis of potential debtors by Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk., Manado Branch, using the 5C principle was considered less relevant compared to the 4P principle which better illustrates the character of credit without collateral. The principle of prudence also needs to be applied in the monitoring of credit installment payment activities. These steps are expected x to be able to prevent the occurrence of problems at a later time in accordance with the theory of preventive legal protection.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/346.073/LUL/p/2017/041708980
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 346 Private law > 346.07 Commercial law > 346.073 Loan
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2017 02:39
Last Modified: 13 Dec 2020 09:26
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