Setyasnomo, Mohammad Hafiz (2017) Perencanaan Strategi Supply Chain dan Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing dalam Segmen Pasar Majemuk. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok masyarakat Indonesia dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari. Permintaan jumlah minyak goreng terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah populasi Indonesia. Menurut Kementrian Pertanian konsumsi minyak goreng mengalami sedikit peningkatan hingga 9,6 liter/kapita. Hal tersebut mendorong pihak industri miyak goreng memproduksi lebih banyak lagi minyak untuk dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Dilansir dalam sumber Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association & Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture bahwa jumlah produksi minyak goreng di Indonesia terus meningkat dari tahun 2008 hingga 2016. Seharusnya hal tersebut berlaku pula pada PT. Palko Sari Eka. PT. Palko Sari Eka merupakan perusahaan industri yang bergerak di bidang penyulingan minyak kelapa. Sebagai acuan dalam sumber Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (Gapki) & Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture hal ini justru bertolak belakang dengan jumlah produksi dan pemasaran dalam PT Palko Sari Eka yang selalu mengalami penurunan hingga saat ini. Dengan demikian, tujuan penelitian ini perlu melakukan segmentasi pasar, mengembangkan driver supply chain, dan mengetahui strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan jumlah penjualan pada PT. Palko Sari Eka. Segmentasi pasar yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan uji cluster menggunakan metode Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC). Kemudian dilakukan identifikasi aktivitas value chain dan perencanaan alternatif strategi value chain menggunakan metode Analitical hierarchy Process (AHP). Perancangan strategi driver supply chain menggunakan analisis SWOT yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu input stage untuk merumuskan strategi dengan melakukan analisa Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) dan External Factor Evaluation (EFE), matching stage dengan menggunakan Internal-External Matrix (IE Matriks) dan Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats Matrix (SWOT Matriks), dan terakhir decision stage dengan menggunakan Quantitive Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Setelah didapatkan strategi driver supply chain yang sesuai dapat dilakukan perancangan strategi pemasaran sesuai dengan value chain dan segmentasi yang telah dibuat. Hasil penelitian pada PT. Palko Sari Eka didapatkan bahwa segmentasi pasar yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan 4 cluster dengan karakteristik masing-masing. Berdasarkan 4 cluster tersebut aktivitas value chain yang perlu diutamakan diantaranya adalah aktivitas outbound logistic, marketing and sales, dan operation. Kemudian driver supply chain yang perlu diutamakan di perusahaan adalah driver fasilitas dan driver informasi. Kemudian, semua input tersebut dihasilkan 6 strategi pemasaran diantaranya perlu adanya kerjasama dengan retailer dengan bentuk pengiriman langsung dengan milk run. Kemudian adanya promosi dengan media sosial dan perlu adanya salesman untuk menjual produk minyak kelapa, adanya pemanfaatan grafik kurs dollar menggunakan ilmu trading, adanya pemisahan proses produksi untuk segmen pasar tertentu dan koordinasi antara internal dan eksternal perusahaan menggunakan database system
English Abstract
Recent demand of cooking oil is always increased in line with the increasing number of the Indonesian population. It is one of the basic needs in Indonesia to fulfill their daily needs. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, consumption of cooking oil experiences a slight increase to 9.6 liters/capita. It encourages industry of cooking oil to produce more. Taken from the source of Indonesian palm oil producers association & Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, that the number of cooking oil production in Indonesia keeps rising from 2008 to 2016 and that increase should apply to PT Palko Sari Eka. It is one of companies which is engaged in the area of distillation coconut oil. as a reference in the source of Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association ( Gapki ) & Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. this is, in fact, in contrast with the volume of production and marketing in pt palko sari eka which has constantly experienced a decrease up to now ( had been gotten a downhil until now). Thus, PT Palko Sari Eka has to take steps to increase the number of its production and sale of marketing strategy with segmentation market, develop driver supply chain, and to find out the marketing strategies to increase the number of sales in PT. Palko Sari Eka. The segmentation of the market was performed with a test cluster approach using methods of agglomerative clustering hierarchical ( AHC ). Then the activity of the value chain and planning an alternative strategy value chain were carried out using methods analitical hierarchy Process ( AHP ). Driver drafting strategy supply chain used an analysis training that is divided into three phases which are the input stage used to formulate a strategy by doing internal analysis of evaluation ( IFE ) and external analysis of evaluation ( EFE ), matching event staging by using internal-external IE matrix ( matrix ) and weakness strength opportunity threats matrix ( matrix ), and the last staging decision by the use of quantitive strategic planning matrix ( QSPM ). After driver supply chain driver strategy which is suitable, strategy of supply chain can be conducted design marketing strategies in accordance with the value chain and segmentation that have been made. The results of research in PT. Palko Sari Eka shows that market segmentation that has been done produces 4 market groups with their unique characteristics. Based on the four market groups, the chain value activity that needs a priority is the activity of outbound logistic, marketing and sales and operation. Then driver supply chain that need to be focused in the company is facility driver and information driver. Then, all those inputs produce 6 strategies of marketing which include the need of cooperation with the retailers in the form direct delivery with milk run and the need of promotion using social media. The need of salesman to sell the product of coconut oil as well as the usefulness of dollar currency graph using trading knowledge, and the separation of production process for certain market segment and the coordination between the internal and external company using a database system.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FT/2017/937/051708780 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Manajemen Strategi, Analisis Cluster, Value Chain, Driver Supply Chain, |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.4 Executive management > 658.401 Planning, policy making, control, quality management |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 20 Sep 2017 09:48 |
Last Modified: | 09 Dec 2020 04:18 |
URI: | |
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