Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Ketersediaan Air Di Waduk Wlingi.

Ananta, Muhammad Irfan and Prof. Dr. Ir. Lily Montarcih Limantara, M.Sc. and Dr. Ir. Widandi Soetopo, M.Eng., (2024) Analisis Pengaruh Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Ketersediaan Air Di Waduk Wlingi. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Waduk Wlingi terletak di Kabupaten Blitar yang memiliki manfaat sebagai pengendali banjir, PLTA, penyedia kebutuhan air baku untuk domestik dan industri, serta untuk mengairi irigasi DI Lodagung. Perubahan iklim dapat memberikan dampak seperti peningkatan suhu, kelembapan, dan hujan. Kondisi tersebut dapat meningkatkan debit aliran sungai yang besar. Debit air yang besar dapat memberikan permasalahan banjir yang tentunya akan merugikan masyarakat baik itu dari segi material maupun non material. Oleh karena itu penting untuk mengetahui perubahan debit air agar dapat dilakukan tindakan preventif, sehingga permasalahan tersebut tidak terjadi dan memberikan kerugian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan suhu, dan kelembapan, hujan yang terjadi dari Tahun 1990-2024. Perubahan tersebut dianalisis setiap 10 tahun sehingga dapat diketahui berapa persentase perubahan yang terjadi. Selain menganalisis perubahan suhu, kelembapan, dan hujan, dilakukan juga analisis dampak perubahan iklim terhadap ketersediaan air. Ketersediaan air di DTA Waduk Wlingi yang dihitung menggunakan metode FJ Mock sepanjang 24 tahun (2000-2024). Sebelumnya uji kualitas data dilakukan untuk memastikan data yang digunakan cukup baik sehingga hasil menghasilkan analisis yang akurat. Kalibrasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan 10 tahun pengukuran debit dari Stasiun AWLR Wlingi. Terakhir dilakukan perhitungan reliabilitas waduk dari analisis neraca air dilakukan. Hasil dari analisis perubahan suhu, kelembapan, dan hujan menunjukkan peningkatan yang variatif. Peningkatan pada suhu rata-rata, maksimum, dan minimum sekitar 3% dengan peningkatan suhu lebih tinggi di musim kemarau dibandingkan musim hujan. Peningkatan kelembapan relatif cukup tinggi di atas 10% baik itu pada musim hujan maupun musim kemarau. Sedangkan perubahan pada hujan rata-rata wilayah mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2.41%, ketika memasuki musim kemarau hujan meningkat secara signifikan sebesar 11.69%. Namun di musim hujan, hujan yang terjadi berkurang sebesar -0.24%. Kemudian hasil analisis pada perubahan ketersediaan air memiliki pola yang sama dengan perubahan hujan yakni perubahan ketersediaan air rata-rata tahunan sebesar 15.65% dan mengalami penurunan debit di musim hujan sebesar -6.96% dengan peningkatan yang signifikan di musim kemarau sebesar 16.88%. Reliabilitas waduk mengalami peningkatan yang awalnya sebesar 82.50% menjadi sebesar 87.50%.

English Abstract

Wlingi Reservoir is located in Blitar Regency which has benefits as flood control, hydropower, raw water supply for domestic and industrial use, as well as for irrigating domestic and industry, as well as irrigating DI Lodagung. Changes in Climate change can have impacts such as increased temperature, humidity, and rainfall. Conditions These conditions can increase the discharge of large river flows. Large water discharge large water discharge can provide flooding problems which will certainly harm society both in terms of material and non-material. Therefore therefore it is important to know changes in water discharge so that preventive action can be taken, so that these problems do not occur and provide preventive action, so that these problems do not occur and cause losses. The purpose of this research is to analyze changes in temperature, and humidity, rain that occurred from 1990-2024. The changes are analyzed every 10 years so that it can be known how much the percentage of changes that occur. percentage of changes that occur. In addition to analyzing changes in temperature, humidity, and rain, the impact of climate change on water availability was also analyzed. water availability. Water availability in the Wlingi Reservoir catchment area was calculated using the FJ Mock method for 24 years (2000-2024). Previously, a data quality test was conducted to ensure that the data used was good enough to produce an accurate analysis. accurate analysis. Calibration was carried out using 10 years of discharge measurements from the Wlingi AWLR Station. Finally, the calculation of reservoir reliability from the water balance analysis was carried out. The results of the analysis of changes in temperature, humidity, and precipitation showed a varied increase. The increase in average temperature, maximum, and minimum temperatures by about 3% with a higher temperature increase in the dry season compared to the rainy season. dry season than the rainy season. The increase in relative humidity is quite high above 10% in both the wet and dry seasons. While changes in in the average rainfall of the region has increased by 2.41%, when entering the dry season the rain increased significantly by 11.69%. However, in the rainy season, the rain that occurs is reduced by 0.24%. Then the results of analysis on changes in water availability has the same pattern as changes in water availability, namely changes in annual average water availability of 15.65% and experienced a decrease in discharge in the rainy season by -6.96% with a significant increase in the dry season by 16.88%. significant increase in the dry season by 16.88%. Reservoir reliability reservoir reliability has increased from 82.50% to 87.50%.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0424070211
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perubahan Iklim, Peningkatan Suhu, Debit FJ Mock, Reliability Waduk.
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: S Sucipto
Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2024 03:09
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2024 03:09
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