Analisis manajemen telenta dalam peningkatan kinerja staf Food and Beverage Service studi kasus di Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya

Fadhlullah, Reva Hanif and Andira Dwi Wiranugraha, SM., MBA (2023) Analisis manajemen telenta dalam peningkatan kinerja staf Food and Beverage Service studi kasus di Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya. Diploma thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Dalam industri perhotelan, layanan makanan dan minuman memiliki peran sentral dalam membentuk pengalaman tamu yang memuaskan. Oleh karena itu, manajemen talenta yang efektif dalam sektor ini menjadi krusial untuk mencapai kinerja yang unggul. Penelitian ini memiliki fokus pada analisis manajemen talenta dalam konteks peningkatan kinerja staf food and beverage di Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya. Penerapan manajemen talenta dalam industri perhotelan melibatkan serangkaian Manajemen kinerja, analisis kebutuhan dan pengembangan pembelajaran, implementasi kebutuhan dan pembelajaran, dan review talent. Dalam konteks studi kasus ini, Best Western Papilio Hotel Surabaya dipilih sebagai objek penelitian. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, di mana data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan manajemen hotel, staf food and baverage, dan observasi langsung terhadap operasional food and baverage. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan yang terstruktur dan komprehensif manajemen talenta di hotel ini memiliki dampak yang positif terhadap peningkatan kinerja staf food and baverage. Implementasi manajemen talenta semuanya berkontribusi pada peningkatan motivasi dan kinerja staf, yang pada gilirannya mempengaruhi kualitas layanan.

English Abstract

In the hospitality industry, food and beverage service assumes a pivotal role in shaping a gratifying guest experience. Consequently, the effective management of talent within this sector becomes paramount in the pursuit of superior performance. This research delves into the analysis of talent management concerning the enhancement of performance among the food and beverage personnel at the Best Western Papilio Hotel in Surabaya. The application of talent management within the hotel industry encompasses a sequence of crucial components, including performance management, the evaluation of learning needs and development, the execution of learning programs, and talent reviews. In the context of this specific case study, the Best Western Papilio Hotel in Surabaya has been selected as the focal point for investigation. The methodology employed in this study is descriptive qualitative in nature. Data collection primarily revolves around in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including hotel management and food and beverage staff. Additionally, direct observation of food and beverage operations contributes to the wealth of data gathered. The research findings unequivocally indicate that the structured and comprehensive approach to talent management implemented at this hotel has yielded positive outcomes in terms of enhancing the performance of the food and beverage staff. The effective execution of talent management initiatives has contributed significantly to bolstering staff motivation and overall performance. Consequently, these improvements in staff performance have had a ripple effect, positively influencing the overall quality of service provided by the hotel

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Identification Number: 0523170618
Uncontrolled Keywords: Food and beverage service, Talent management, Development and learning needs analysis.Layanan makanan dan minuman, Manajemen talenta, Analisis kebutuhan pengembangan dan pembelajaran.
Divisions: Program Vokasi > D4 Manajemen Perhotelan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2024 07:43
Last Modified: 10 Jun 2024 07:43
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