Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Indonesia di Pasar Internasional. Dibawah bimbingan Dr. Rahman Hart

Hendrawan, Ryan and Dr. Rahman Hartono, S.P., M.P. (2024) Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Indonesia di Pasar Internasional. Dibawah bimbingan Dr. Rahman Hart. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Liberalisasi ekonomi yang kian meluas, mendorong keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam perdagangan internasional menjadi keputusan sangat penting guna memperoleh pangsa pasar yang lebih luas dan keuntungan yang lebih besar. Setiap negara yang terlibat dituntut memiliki komoditas ekspor unggulan berdaya saing Daya saing telah menjadi kunci bagi perusahaan, negara maupun wilayah untuk bisa berhasil dalam partisipasinya dalam globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas dunia (Bustami dan Hidayat, 2013). Sektor pertanian telah menjadi salah satu komoditas unggulan ekspor serta motor penggerak dan pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia. Selama periode 2017-2021, sektor pertanian telah berkontribusi rata-rata sebesar 13,13% dari rata-rata nilai total Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Indonesia sebesar Rp 15.336.268.400,28 (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). Pada tahun 2020-2021, sejumlah negara termasuk Indonesia, mengalami pandemi Covid-19 yang berdampak pada menurunnya daya beli sebagian besar masyarakat. Namun, daya beli masyarakat tidak sepenuhnya menurun untuk semua produk hinggga memunculkan fenomena panic buying. Salah satu komoditas pertanian yang terdampak fenomena ini adalah jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc). Menurut FAO (2023c) sejak tahun 2017-2021, rata-rata permintan volume impor jahe dunia telah meningkat sebesar 8,54% lebih tinggi dibandingkan rata-rata penawaran volume ekspor jahe dunia sebesar 6,81%. Hal tersebut merupakan peluang yang menguntungkan bagi negara produsen sekaligus pengekspor jahe, terutama Indonesia. Jahe merupakan tanaman obat dengan luas panen dan produksi tertinggi dibandingkan tanaman obat Indonesia lainnya. Sejak tahun 2017-2021, Indonesia memiliki rata-rata luas panen jahe seluas 93.841.259 m² dan rata-rata produksi jahe seberat 217.827.589 kg (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2022b). Menurut FAO (2023a) kurun waktu tahun 2017-2021, rata-rata produksi jahe Indonesia mencapai 5,19% dari rata-rata total produksi jahe dunia sebesar 4.198.127,51 ton. Indonesia berada diperingkat kelima setelah India (41,51%), Nigeria (17,52%), China (14,26%) dan Nepal (6,86%) dalam daftar 10 negara produsen jahe terbesar di dunia. Meskipun secara global Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara produsen jahe terbesar dunia namun kinerja ekspor jahe Indonesia belum sebaik dengan kemampuan produksinya. Berdasarkan kuantitasnya, sejak tahun 2017-2021, rata-rata volume ekspor jahe Indonesia hanya 0,80% dari rata-rata total volume ekspor jahe dunia sebesar 898.606,53 ton (FAO, 2023c). Kecilnya volume ekspor jahe Indonesia berdampak pada pangsa nilai ekspor jahe Indonesia hanya 0,54% dari rata-rata nilai ekspor total jahe dunia sebesar US$ 1.125.673.600. Pangsa ekspor jahe Indonesia terpaut jauh dengan negara pengekspor jahe lainnya seperti China (49,08%), Belanda (12,36%), Thailand (6,43%), India (5,96%) serta gabungan beberapa negara lainnya (19,17%) (FAO, 2023b). Pada periode yang sama, Indonesia juga terlibat dalam transaksi impor jahe hingga memiliki pangsa nilai impor jahe sebesar 0,78% dari rata-rata nilai impor total jahe dunia sebesar US$ 1.170.425.000 (FAO, 2023c). Pangsa impor jahe yang lebih besar dibandingkan pangsa ekspor jahe akan berdampak buruk terhadap perkembangan perekonomian nasional hingga terancamnya eksistensi dan daya saing ekspor jahe Indonesia di pasar internasional. Kegiatan perdagangan jahe Indonesia di pasar internasional memiliki potensi sekaligus menghadapi ancaman serius dari negara pesaing lainnya. Persaingan perdagangan jahe dunia yang kian kompetitif, perlu dilakukan analisis terkait daya saing dan spesialisasi perdagangan jahe Indonesia di pasar internasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis keunggulan daya saing komparatif jahe Indonesia di pasar internasional dibandingkan negara pesaingnya; (2) menganalisis keunggulan daya saing kompetitif jahe Indonesia di pasar internasional dibandingkan negara pesaingnya; (3) menganalisis spesialisasi perdagangan jahe Indonesia di pasar internasional dibandingkan negara pesaingnya. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive pada skala makro yakni Indonesia dan dunia. Objek penelitian ini adalah daya saing komparatif dan kompetitif serta spesialisasi perdagangan jahe Indonesia. Negara pesaing dalam penelitian ini yakni negara produsen sekaligus pengekspor jahe di pasar international yakni China, India dan Thailand. Data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder time series tahun 2000 hingga 2021. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa analisis deskriptif, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Competitive Index (XCi) dan Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP). Hasil analisis Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) menunjukkan Indonesia memperoleh rata-rata nilai RCA>1 yakni 1,80 yang mengindikasikan Indonesia memiliki daya saing komparatif jahe yang kuat di pasar internasional. Posisi daya saing komparatif jahe Indonesia berada di posisi terendah setelah China (7,00), Thailand (5,08) dan India (3,95). Posisi daya saing komparatif jahe Indonesia dan negara pesaing dipengaruhi oleh pangsa nilai ekspor jahe didalam nilai ekspor total seluruh barang negara dibandingkan pangsa nilai ekspor jahe dunia didalam nilai ekspor total seluruh barang dunia. Hasil analisis Export Competitive Index (XCi) menunjukkan Indonesia memperoleh rata-rata nilai XCi>1 yakni 1,20 yang mengindikasikan kemampuan daya saing kompetitif pangsa ekspor jahe Indonesia mengalami trend yang meningkat atau menguat di pasar internasional. Posisi daya saing kompetitif jahe Indonesia berada di posisi teratas diikuti India (1,08), Thailand (1,06) dan China (1,02). Posisi daya saing kompetitif jahe Indonesia dan negara pesaing dipengaruhi oleh pangsa nilai ekspor jahe negara didalam pangsa nilai ekspor jahe dunia pada periode berjalan dibandingkan pangsa ekspor jahe negara didalam pangsa ekspor jahe dunia pada periode sebelumnya. Hasil analisis Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP) menunjukkan Indonesia memperoleh rata-rata nilai ISP positif (diatas 0 sampai 1) yakni 0,43 yang mengindikasikan Indonesia cenderung sebagai negara pengekspor jahe di pasar internasional. Hal ini juga menunjukkan perdagangan jahe Indonesia berada pada tahap pertumbuhan. Posisi perdagangan jahe Indonesia berada di posisi ketiga setelah China (1,00/tahap kematangan) dan Thailand (0,86/tahap kematangan) dan lebih unggul dari India (0,27/tahap pertumbuhan). Spesialisasi perdagangan jahe Indonesia dan negara pesaing dipengaruhi oleh selisih nilai ekspor-impor jahe negara dibandingkan total nilai ekspor-impor jahe negara.

English Abstract

Economic liberalization is increasingly widespread, encouraging Indonesia's participation in international trade to be a very important decision in order to gain a wider market share and greater profits. Competitiveness has become the key for companies, countries and regions to succeed in their participation in globalization and free trade (Bustami and Hidayat, 2013). The agricultural sector has become one of the leading export commodities and the driving force and growth of the Indonesian economy. During the 2017-2021 period, the agricultural sector has contributed an average of 13.13% of the average value of Indonesia's total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of IDR 15,336,268,400.28 (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2021). In 2020-2021, a number of countries, including Indonesia, experienced the Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in a decrease in the purchasing power of most people. However, people's purchasing power does not fully decrease for all products to the point that it creates a panic buying phenomenon. One of the agricultural commodities affected by this phenomenon is ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc). According to FAO (2023c), from 2017-2021, the average global ginger import volume demand has increased by 8.54%, higher than the average global ginger export volume supply of 6.81%. This is a favorable opportunity for ginger producing and exporting countries, especially Indonesia. Ginger is a medicinal plant with the highest harvest area and production compared to other Indonesian medicinal plants. From 2017-2021, Indonesia has an average ginger harvest area of 93,841,259 m² and an average ginger production of 217,827,589 kg (Statistics Indonesia, 2022b). According to FAO (2023a) for the period 2017-2021, Indonesia's average ginger production reached 5.19% of the average total world ginger production of 4,198,127.51 tons. Indonesia is ranked fifth after India (41.51%), Nigeria (17.52%), China (14.26%) and Nepal (6.86%) in the list of the 10 largest ginger producing countries in the world. Although globally Indonesia is one of the world's largest ginger producers, Indonesia's ginger export performance is not as good as its production capacity. Based on quantity, from 2017-2021, the average export volume of Indonesian ginger was only 0.80% of the average total world ginger export volume of 898,606.53 tons (FAO, 2023c). The small volume of Indonesian ginger exports has an impact on the share of Indonesian ginger export value of only 0.54% of the average total world ginger export value of US$ 1,125,673,600. Indonesia's ginger export share is far behind other ginger exporting countries such as China (49.08%), the Netherlands (12.36%), Thailand (6.43%), India (5.96%) and several other countries combined (19.17%) (FAO, 2023b). In the same period, Indonesia was also involved in ginger import transactions, with a share of 0.78% of the world's average total ginger import value of US$1,170,425,000 (FAO, 2023c). A larger share of ginger imports than ginger exports will adversely affect the development of the national economy and threaten the existence and competitiveness of Indonesian ginger exports in the international market. Indonesia's ginger trade in the international market has potential and faces serious threats from other competing countries. As the world ginger trade becomes more competitive, it is necessary to analyze the competitiveness and specialization of Indonesia's ginger trade in the international market. This study aims to (1) analyze the comparative competitive advantage of Indonesian ginger in the international market compared to its competitors; (2) analyze the competitive advantage of Indonesian ginger in the international market compared to its competitors; (3) analyze the specialization of Indonesian ginger trade in the international market compared to its competitors. The research location was determined purposively on a macro scale, namely Indonesia and the world. The object of this study is the comparative and competitive competitiveness and trade specialization of Indonesian ginger. Competitor countries in this study are ginger producers and exporters in the international market, namely China, India and Thailand. The data used is secondary time series data from 2000 to 2021. The analysis techniques used in this study are descriptive analysis, Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Competitive Index (XCi) and Trade Specialization Index (ISP). The results of the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) analysis showed that Indonesia obtained an average RCA>1 value of 1.80, indicating that Indonesia has a strong comparative competitiveness of ginger in the international market. The comparative competitiveness position of Indonesian ginger is in the lowest position after China (7.00), Thailand (5.08) and India (3.95). The comparative competitiveness position of Indonesian ginger and competitor countries is influenced by the share of ginger export value in the total export value of all countries' goods compared to the share of world ginger export value in the total export value of all world goods. The results of the Export Competitive Index (XCi) analysis showed that Indonesia obtained an average XCi>1 value of 1.20, indicating that the competitive competitiveness of Indonesia's ginger export share experienced an increasing or strengthening trend in the international market. The competitive position of Indonesian ginger is in the top position followed by India (1.08), Thailand (1.06) and China (1.02). The competitive position of Indonesian ginger and competitor countries is influenced by the share of the country's ginger export value in the share of world ginger export value in the current period compared to the share of the country's ginger exports in the share of world ginger exports in the previous period. The results of the Trade Specialization Index (ISP) analysis show that Indonesia has a positive average ISP value (above 0 to 1) of 0.43, indicating that Indonesia tends to be a ginger exporting country in the international market. This also indicates that Indonesia's ginger trade is in the growth stage. Indonesia's ginger trade position is third after China (1.00/maturity stage) and Thailand (0.86/maturity stage) and superior to India (0.27/growth stage). The specialization of Indonesian ginger trade and competitor countries is influenced by the difference in the value of the country's ginger import-export compared to the total value of the country's ginger import-export.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040257
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 20 May 2024 06:31
Last Modified: 20 May 2024 06:31
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