Kinerja Industri Manufaktur Terhadap Perekonomian di Jawa Timur.

Istifadah, Nurul and Prof Dr. Maryunani, SE.,MS. and Prof. Candra Fajri Ananda, SE.,M.Sc.Ph.D and Dr. Susilo, SE.,MS. (2013) Kinerja Industri Manufaktur Terhadap Perekonomian di Jawa Timur. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis: (1) kinerja industri manufaktur terhadap perekonomian di Jawa Timur; (2) industri manufaktur unggulan di Jawa Timur, serta (3) mengetahui lokasi konsentrasi industri manufaktur unggulan di Jawa Timur. Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah sektor dan lokasi spasial. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah rasio industrialisasi, analisis shift share dan model input-output. Pendekatan sektor dilakukan dengan mengkaji dan menganalisis kinerja industri manufaktur Jawa Timur serta identifikasi industri manufaktur unggulan di Jawa Timur. Sedangkan pendekatan lokasi dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi lokasi industri manufaktur unggulan menurut daerah kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama periode tahun 2003-2011, kontribusi industri manufaktur terhadap PDRB Jawa Timur (rasio industrialisasi) menunjukkan kecenderungan yang semakin menurun, walaupun secara absolut nilai outputnya meningkat. Jenis-jenis industri manufaktur yang memberikan kontribusi kinerja tertinggi meliputi: industri makanan dan minuman, industri kertas, industri kimia, industri karet, dan industri furnitur. Sedangkan industri yang memberikan kinerja negatif adalah industri pengolahan tembakau dan industri logam dasar. Jenis-jenis industri manufaktur unggulan yang mempunyai tingkat keterkaitan ke depan dan ke belakang yang tinggi adalah industri makanan dan minuman, industri kertas, industri kimia, industri karet, industri logam dasar, industri percetakan, industri kulit, industri kayu, serta industri kilang migas. Dan, lokasi industri manufaktur yang termasuk kategori unggulan berdasarkan indeks keterkaitannya berlokasi di Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang, Pasuruan, Kediri, Mojokerto, dan Madiun.

English Abstract

This study aims to examine and analyze: (1) performance of the manufacturing industry to the economy in East Java, (2) leading manufacturing industries in East Java, and (3) the location of the leading manufacturers of industrial concentration in East Java. Analytical approach used is sector and spatial location. Analysis tool used is the ratio of industrialization, shift share analysis and inputoutput models. The sector approach is done by reviewing and analyzing the role and performance of the manufacturing industry in East Java and identify leading manufacturing industries in East Java. And, locational approach is done by identifying the leading manufacturing location in the district/ town in East Java. The results showed that during the period 2003-2011, the contribution of manufacturing to GDP in East Java (industrialization ratio) showed a downward trend, although the absolute value of the output increases. The types of manufacturing industries that contributed the highest performance include: food and beverage industry, paper industry, chemical industry, rubber industry, and the furniture industry. Meanwhile, the industry has a negative performance is the tobacco processing industry and basic metal industries. The types of manufacturing industries that have a superior level of forward linkage and backward linkage includes food and beverage, paper industry, chemical industry, rubber industry, basic metal industry, printing industry, leather industry, wood industry, and the oil refinery industry. Finally, the location of manufacturing industries including superior category based index of sectoral linkages located in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Malang, Pasuruan, Kediri, Mojokerto, and Madiun.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 061302
Uncontrolled Keywords: kinerja industri manufaktur, keterkaitan antar sektor, analisis shift share, model input output.
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 25 Apr 2024 07:28
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2024 07:28
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