Identifikasi Spesies dan Kepadatan Populasi Lalat Buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) pada Pertanaman Jeruk di Malang: Pengaruh Skala Lahan dan Skala Lanskap.

Furqoni., Rahmat and Akhmad Rizali,, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D. (2024) Identifikasi Spesies dan Kepadatan Populasi Lalat Buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) pada Pertanaman Jeruk di Malang: Pengaruh Skala Lahan dan Skala Lanskap. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman jeruk merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan dengan potensi produksi tinggi yang dapat menjadi sumber peningkatan devisa negara melalui kegiatan ekspor. Jawa Timur sebagai penyumbang produksi jeruk tertinggi memiliki beberapa sentra jeruk, salah satunya di wilayah Malang. Akan tetapi, salah satu hambatan dalam produksi jeruk yakni hadirnya hama yang berpotensi dapat menurunkan kualitas serta kuantitas jeruk. Salah satu hama yang mengganggu produksi jeruk yakni lalat buah. Kehadiran lalat buah dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti faktor kondisi habitat, manajemen lahan, dan lanskap. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji karakteristik pada lokasi penelitian; mengkaji spesies lalat buah pada pertanaman jeruk di lokasi penelitian; mengkaji pengaruh faktor skala lahan terhadap populasi lalat buah pada pertanaman jeruk; serta mengkaji pengaruh faktor skala lanskap terhadap populasi lalat buah pada lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 9 lahan pertanaman jeruk yang berlokasi di 3 Kecamatan di daerah Kabupaten Malang dan Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, sedangkan kegiatan identifikasi sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Hama Tumbuhan, Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2023 hingga Januari 2024. Metode pelaksanaan penelitian ini terbagi menjadi beberapa kegiatan, a) penentuan lokasi dan plot pengamatan; b) pengambilan sampel lalat buah; c) identifikasi dan dokumentasi sampel lalat buah; d) pengambilan data variabel skala lahan; serta e) pemetaan dan pengukuran komposisi lanskap. Data yang telah didapatkan kemudian ditabulasikan menggunakan software Microsoft Excel 365 menjadi database. Karakteristik lahan dianalisis menggunakan analisis LecoS untuk mendapatkan NP dan CA tiap penggunaan lahan pada masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Lalat buah yang didapatkan, dibuat kunci identifikasi untuk mempermudah dalam identifikasi spesies. Analisis GLM (Generalized Linear Models) dengan family quasipoisson digunakan untuk mengetahui korelasi frekuensi pemangkasan, frekuensi aplikasi pestisida, umur tanaman, dan ketinggian tempat terhadap populasi lalat buah, serta informasi mengenai hubungan antara skala lanskap terhadap populasi lalat buah. Karakteristik lanskap pada masing-masing lokasi penelitian berbeda-beda yang terdiri atas beberapa tipe penggunaan lahan yakni, habitat semi-alami, pertanaman jeruk, pertanian semusim, lahan terbuka, pemukiman dan peternakan. Spesies lalat buah yang didapatkan dan yang berperan sebagai hama utama yakni Bactrocera carambolae dan Bactrocera dorsalis. Faktor skala lahan berupa frekuensi aplikasi pestisida berkorelasi negatif terhadap populasi lalat buah, namun umur tanaman dan ketinggian tempat berkorelasi positif terhadap populasi lalat buah. Faktor skala lanskap berupa CA pertanaman jeruk berkorelasi positif terhadap populasi lalat buah.

English Abstract

Orange plants are one of the plantation commodities with high production potential which can be a source of increasing the country's foreign exchange through export activities. East Java, as the highest contributor to orange production, has several orange centers, one of which is in the Malang area. However, one of the obstacles in orange production is the presence of pests which have the potential to reduce the quality and quantity of oranges. One of the pests that disrupts citrus production is fruit flies. The presence of fruit flies can be influenced by several factors, such as habitat conditions, land management and landscape. Therefore, this research was conducted to examine the characteristics of the research location; studying fruit fly species on citrus plantations at the research location; studying the influence of land scale factors on fruit fly populations in citrus plantations; and examine the influence of landscape scale factors on fruit fly populations at the research location. This research was carried out on 9 orange plantations located in 3 subdistricts in Malang Regency and Batu City, East Java, while sample identification activities were carried out at the Plant Pest Laboratory, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University. The research was carried out from November 2023 to January 2024. The method of carrying out this research is divided into several activities, a) determining the location and observation plot; b) fruit fly sampling; c) identification and documentation of fruit fly samples; d) collection of land scale variable data; and e) mapping and measuring landscape composition. The data that has been obtained is then tabulated using Microsoft Excel 365 software into a database. Land characteristics were analyzed using LecoS analysis to obtain NP and CA for each land use at each research location. The fruit flies that are obtained are made into an identification key to make it easier to identify the species. GLM (Generalized Linear Models) analysis with the quasipoisson family was used to determine the correlation between pruning frequency, pesticide application frequency, plant age, and altitude on fruit fly populations, as well as information regarding the relationship between the landscape scale and fruit fly populations. The landscape characteristics at each research location are different, consisting of several types of land use, namely, semi-natural habitat, citrus plantations, seasonal farming, open land, settlements and livestock. The fruit fly species that were found and which act as the main pests are Bactrocera carambolae and Bactrocera dorsalis. Land scale factors in the form of frequency of pesticide application are negatively correlated with fruit fly populations, but plant age and altitude are positively correlated with fruit fly populations. The landscape scale factor in the form of CA of citrus plantations is positively correlated with fruit fly populations.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040167
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2024 03:26
Last Modified: 25 Mar 2024 03:26
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