Determinan Pertumbuhan Inklusif Di Indonesia (Perbandingan Antar Provinsi di Indonesia)”.

Saputro, Yuwono Dwi and Dr.rer.pol. Wildan Syafitri,, SE., ME. and Dr.rer.pol. Ferry Prasetyia,, SE., M.App.Ec (2023) Determinan Pertumbuhan Inklusif Di Indonesia (Perbandingan Antar Provinsi di Indonesia)”. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh determinan pertumbuhan inklusif di Indonesia meliputi aspek inklusi keuangan, aspek digitalisasi, aspek makroekonomi dan aspek fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan inklusif di Indonesia. Teknik estimasi menggunakan data panel 34 Provinsi di Indonesia, meliputi 11 periode, yaitu mulai tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2021. Hasilnya menunjukkan beberapa temuan, pertama aspek inklusi keuangan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan inklusif di Indonesia secara signifikan. Kedua, aspek digitalisasi mempengaruhi pertumbuhan inklusif di Indonesia secara signifikan parsial melalui proksi akses internet dan kepemilikan komputer, sedangkan proksi kepemilikan selular dan jumlah BTS (Base Tranceiver Station) tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Ketiga, aspek makroekonomi mempengaruhi pertumbuhan inklusif di Indonesia secara signifikan parsial melalui proksi inflasi dan tingkat pengangguran terbuka (arah negatif), sedangkan proksi penanaman modal dalam negeri dan penanaman modal luar negeri tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Keempat, aspek fiskal mempengaruhi pertumbuhan inklusif di Indonesia secara signifikan parsial melalui proksi pengeluaran pemerintah provinsi, kota dan kabupaten fungsi ekonomi dan fungsi pendidikan (arah negatif), sedangkan proksi pengeluaran pemerintah provinsi, kota dan kabupaten fungsi kesehatan tidak berpengaruh signifikan.

English Abstract

This research analyzes the effects of financial inclusion, digitalization, macroeconomy, and fiscal aspects on inclusive growth in Indonesia. Estimation techniques were applied on an eleven-period panel data of 34 Indonesian provinces, from 2011 to 2021. The results have led to the following findings. First, financial inclusion significantly influences inclusive growth in Indonesia. Second, digitalization as proxied by internet access and computer ownership partially has a significant influence on inclusive growth in Indonesia. However, when it is proxied by cellular telephone ownership and the number of BTS (Base Transceiver Station), the effect is not significant. Third, macroeconomic conditions partially have a negative and significant influence on inclusive growth in Indonesia if it is proxied by inflation and open unemployment rate. However, when it is proxied by domestic investment and foreign investment, the influence is insignificant. Fourth, the fiscal aspect partially has a significant and negative influence on inclusive growth in Indonesia when the proxies are provincial, city and regency government expenditures for economic and educational functions. However, when it is proxied by provincial, city and regency government expenditures for health functions, the effect is not significant.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0423020154
Uncontrolled Keywords: pertumbuhan inklusif, inklusi keuangan, digitalisasi, makroekonomi dan fiskal
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2024 04:46
Last Modified: 19 Mar 2024 04:46
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