Business Intelligence, Soft System Methodology, Sistem Infomasi Industri Outsourcing.

Nugroho, Chrismantya Dwi Satriya and Prof. Dr. Dra. Endang Siti Astuti, M.Si and Dr. Ari Darmawan, S.AB., M.A (2021) Business Intelligence, Soft System Methodology, Sistem Infomasi Industri Outsourcing. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui situasi masalah implementasi sistem business intelligence pada industri outsourcing dengan kompleksitas integrasi IOIS, dimana source data berasal dari proses bisnis perusahaan (internal) dan proses bisnis dari perusahaan rekanan (eksternal) untuk memperoleh informasi yang relevan untuk sistem business intelligence. Soft System Methodology (SSM) adalah metodologi yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dan memodelkan sistem untuk mengintegrasikan sistem teknologi (hard) dan sistem manusia (soft). Menggunakan pandangan soft system thingking dan berakar pada paradigma kompleksitas situasi, kapasitas sistem real word serba messy dan tidak terstruktur dengan melihat faktor keberhasilan penerapan sistem business intelligence secara manajerial melalui aspek organisasi, aspek proses, dan aspek teknologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu suatu proses penelitian dan pemahaman untuk menyelidiki suatu fenomena dan masalah. PT. Perdana Fajar Mandiri merupakan perusahaan outsourcing yang dihadapkan pada model bisnis rekanan yang berbeda-beda baik secara proses bisnis dan sumberdaya menjadi tantangan dalam pengoperasian sistem business intelligence di wilayah internal perusahaan khususnya pada pengolahan data yang beragam membuat dukungan sistem dan teknologi informasi yang bisa menyebabkan implementasi sistem business intelligence yang buruk apabila tidak terjalinnya intensitas komunikasi user antara manajemen PT. Perdana Fajar Mandiri dengan perusahaan rekanan. Soft System Methodologi (SSM) adalah metodologi yang digunakan untuk menganalisis dan memodelkan sistem untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi (hard) sistem dan human (soft) sistem. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan oleh peneliti yaitu berupa saran perbaikan yang bisa dilakukan oleh perusahaan dengan pendekatan secara sistematik dan budaya perusahaan. Diketahui bahwa akar permasalahan yang terjadi dalam penerapan business intelligence di industri outsourcing adalah adanya konflik kepentingan antara bisnis dan teknologi. Standard operating procedure (SOP) dianggap menyulitkan end-user mitra dan mengganggu integrasi IOIS sehingga dapat menyebabkan mereka tidak mau menggunakan layanan business intelligence. Namun dari sisi teknis, tidak adanya SOP akan mempengaruhi kualitas data/input yang diperoleh sehingga mempengaruhi output yang dihasilkan. Perbedaan sudut pandang dan kepentingan antara CEO dan CIO menjadi akar permasalahan mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi.

English Abstract

This study aim to find out the messy problem situation of implementing business intelligence at the outsourcing industry with complex IOIS integration, in which the data sources come from the company business processes (internal) and the business processes from partner companies (external) to obtain relevant information for business Intelligence system. Soft System Methodology (SSM) is a methodology used to system analyze and modeling to integrate technology (hard) system and human (soft) system. Using the view of soft systems thinking and rooted in the paradigm of situational complexity, the capacity of all-round real world systems that are messy and unstructured by looking at the success factors of implementing business intelligence system managerially through organizational aspects, process aspects, and technology aspects. This research is a case study research with a qualitative approach, which is a research and understanding process to investigate a phenomenon and problem. PT. Perdana Fajar Mandiri is an outsourcing company that is faced with different partner business models, both in terms of business processes and resources, which are a challenge in operating business intelligence systems in the company's internal areas, especially in various data processing, making system support and information technology that can lead to system implementation. bad business intelligence if there is no intensity of user communication between the management of PT. Perdana Fajar Mandiri with partner companies. Soft System Methodology (SSM) is a methodology used to analyze and model systems to integrate technology (hard) systems and human (soft) systems. The final result expected by the researcher is in the form of suggestions for improvements that can be made by the company with a systematic approach and corporate culture. It is known that the root of the problem that occurs in the implementation of business intelligence in the outsourcing industry is that there is a conflict of interest between business and technology. Standard operating procedure (SOP) are considered to be difficult for partner end-users and disrupt the IOIS integration so that they can cause them not to want to use business intelligence services. However on the technical side, the absence of SOP will affect the data/input quality obtained, thus affecting the output produced. The difference in perspective and interests between CEO and CIO is the root of the problem why this can happen.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042103
Uncontrolled Keywords: Business Intelligence, Soft System Methodology, Sistem Infomasi Industri Outsourcing.
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2024 08:18
Last Modified: 01 Mar 2024 08:18
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