Pengaruh Biourine Sapi dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Selada Krop (Lactuca sativa L.).

Jati., Titian Bayu and Bambang Guritno, Prof. Dr. Ir. and Paramyta Nila Permanasari,, S.P. M.Si. (2024) Pengaruh Biourine Sapi dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Selada Krop (Lactuca sativa L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Selada mempunyai banyak sekali kandungan nutrisi, serat dan vitamin seperti kalsium, fosfor, zat besi, vitamin A, B dan C. Selain itu selada juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan sayur segar untuk lalapan, garnish, pembuatan salad, dan dapat juga sebagai lalapan. dijadikan jus. Melihat manfaat yang ada pada selada membuat permintaan selada dipasaran semakin meningkat sedangkan produktivitas tanaman selada masih rendah. Tingginya permintaan selada ini harus dibarengi dengan peningkatan produksi selada. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi selada adalah dengan membudidayakan tanaman selada dengan baik. Salah satu kendala yang terjadi dalam budidaya selada adalah ketersediaan unsur hara. Kebanyakan petani menggunakan pupuk anorganik NPK untuk meningkatkan unsur hara namun mempunyai banyak dampak negatif. Penggunaan pupuk organik biourin sapi diharapkan dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk NPK dan meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah Desa Junrejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Alat-alat yang digunakan adalah: alat budidaya, alat tulis, timbangan analisis, dan alat-alat lain yang diperlukan selama penelitian. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih selada varietas alisan besar, kotoran ayam, pupuk NPK (16 : 16 : 16), pupuk organik biourin sapi, dan air. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah: P0: Kontrol (pupuk NPK 500 kg ha-1), P1: Biourin sapi 60.000 l ha-1 + Pupuk NPK 150 kg ha-1, P2: Biourin sapi 60.000 l ha-1 + Pupuk NPK 200 kg ha-1, T3 : Biourin sapi 60.000 l ha-1 + 300 kg ha-1 pupuk NPK, P4 : 60.000 l ha-1 biourine sapi + 400 kg ha-1 pupuk NPK, P5 : 60.000 l ha-1 biourin sapi + 500 kg/ha pupuk NPK. Seluruh data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Jika F hitung < F tabel maka hipotesis ditolak, sebaliknya jika F hitung > F tabel maka hipotesis diterima. Jika hipotesis diterima maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (HSD) pada taraf signifikansi 5% untuk mengetahui perlakuan terbaik. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi pupuk organik biourin sapi dan pupuk anorganik NPK dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada, sehingga perlakuan biourin sapi 60.000 l ha-1 + pupuk NPK 500 kg ha-1 dapat menunjukkan hasil terbaik pada panjang tanaman. , diameter tanaman, berat segar dan berat kering. Penambahan pupuk biourin juga meningkatkan hasil tanaman selada dengan bobot rata-rata pada perlakuan Biourin sapi 60.000 l ha-1 + Pupuk NPK 500 kg ha-1 120 ton sedangkan pada perlakuan kontrol bobot rata-rata 113 ton.

English Abstract

Lettuce has a lot of nutritional content, fiber and vitamins such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B and C. In addition, lettuce can be used as a fresh vegetable ingredient for fresh vegetables, garnishes, making salads, and can be made into juice. Seeing the benefits that exist in lettuce makes the demand for lettuce in the market increase while the productivity of lettuce plants is still low. This high demand for lettuce must be accompanied by an increase in lettuce production. One way to increase lettuce production is to cultivate lettuce plants properly. One of the obstacles that occur in lettuce cultivation is the availability of nutrients. Most farmers use NPK inorganic fertilizer to increase the elements but it has many negative effects. The use of cow biourine organic fertilizer is expected to reduce the use of NPK fertilizers and increase plant productivity. Research activities were carried out in the area of Junrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City, East Java Province. The tools used are: cultivation tools, writing tools, analytical scales, and other tools needed during the research. The materials used were great alisan variety lettuce seeds, chicken manure, NPK fertilizer (16 : 16 : 16), organic cow biourine fertilizer, and water. The study was conducted using a randomized block design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments used were: P0: Control (NPK fertilizer 500 kg ha-1), P1: Cow biourine 60.000 l ha-1 + NPK fertilizer 150 kg ha-1, P2: Cow biourine 60.000 l ha-1 + NPK fertilizer 200 kg ha-1, T3: Cow biourine 60.000 l ha-1 + 300 kg ha-1 of NPK fertilizer, P4: 60.000 l ha-1 of cow biourine + 400 kg ha-1 of NPK fertilizer, P5: 60.000 l ha-1 of cow biourine + 500 kg/ha of NPK fertilizer. All data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA. If F count < F table then the hypothesis is rejected, otherwise if F count > F table then the hypothesis is accepted. If the hypothesis is accepted, it is continued with the Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test at a significance level of 5% to find out the best treatment. The results of this research can be concluded that the combination of organic cow biourine fertilizer and NPK inorganic fertilizer can increase the growth and yield of lettuce plants, so that the treatment of 60.000 l ha-1 cow biourine + 500 kg ha-1 NPK fertilizer can show the best results in plant length. , crop diameter, fresh weight and dry weight. The addition of biourine fertilizer also increased the yield of lettuce plants with an average weight in the treatment of cow Biourine 60.000 l ha-1 + NPK Fertilizer 500 kg ha-1 120 ton while in the control treatment the average weight was 113 ton . In reducing the use of inorganic NPK fertilizer, the treatment of cow Biourine 60.000 l ha-1 + NPK Fertilizer 400 kg ha-1 can show better results than the control, reducing the use of NPK inorganic fertilizer can be reduced by 100 kg ha-1. However, the organoleptic test did not show good results compared to other parameters.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524040126
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2024 03:32
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2024 03:32
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