Analisis Dinamika Vegetasi Tumbuhan Bawah (Understorey) di Tegakan Monokultur dan Agroforestri Jati (Tectona grandis) pada Musim Hujan dan Kemarau.

Kholifah., Izzah Nurul and Adi Setiawan,, S.P., M.P., Ph.D (2023) Analisis Dinamika Vegetasi Tumbuhan Bawah (Understorey) di Tegakan Monokultur dan Agroforestri Jati (Tectona grandis) pada Musim Hujan dan Kemarau. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman jati (Tectona grandis) memiliki karakteristik yang unik, sebagai bentuk adaptasi terhadap perubahan musim dengan menggugurkan daun saat musim kemarau dan kembali menghijau saat musim hujan. Tanaman jati dapat dikelola dengan pola tanam secara monokultur maupun tumpang sari (agroforestri). Pengelolaan yang berbeda dapat memberikan perbedaan kondisi lingkungan pada tempat tumbuhan bawah hidup sehingga mempengaruhi keanekaragaman hayati, keseimbangan ekosistem, serta kelimpahan dan dinamika spesies tumbuhan bawah. Ditunjang dengan musim yang berbeda menyebabkan perubahan kondisi lingkungan yang berdampak terhadap dinamika spesies vegetasi tumbuhan bawah (Utami & Putra, 2020). Vegetasi tumbuhan bawah seringkali dianggap sebagai gulma tanpa memperhatikan peranannya sebagai sumber keragaman hayati yang patut dilestarikan, melindungi tanah, menyediakan bahan organik, menciptakan iklim mikro bagi serangga, dan mengurangi erosi (Otuba & Johansson, 2016). Melihat pentingnya peranan vegetasi tumbuhan bawah, maka vegetasi tumbuhan bawah perlu dijaga kelestariannya sekaligus untuk melindungi gen, spesies, dan habitat (Sutoyo, 2010). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies, dinamika struktur dan komposisi vegetasi tumbuhan bawah yang ada pada kawasan monokultur dan agroforestri jati di Kecamatan Kalipare, Kabupaten Malang pada musim hujan dan musim kemarau. Penelitian ini merupakan survei lapang yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga Juli 2023. Penelitian ini dimulai dari persiapan penelitian, pengambilan data, hingga analisis data. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kawasan hutan produksi jati Perum Perhutani di bawah pengelolaan Resort Pemangkuan Hutan (RPH) Kalipare, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Alat yang digunakan ialah plot ukuran 1 m x 1 m, meteran, kantong plastik, label, gunting, alat tulis, tali penanda, Global Positioning System (GPS), kamera serta hemisperical lens (Samsung gear 360°). Pada tiap plot pengamatan dilakukan pengukuran terhadap komposisi tutupan lahan meliputi jenis spesies vegetasi tumbuhan bawah, persentase tutupan vegetasi tumbuhan bawah, dan persentase tutupan serasah. Adapun pengamatan faktor lingkungan meliputi faktor cahaya (keterbukaan kanopi) dan air (curah hujan). Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan ialah metode petak ganda sistematis berukuran 1 m × 1 m dengan bantuan transek sebanyak 3 transek (line) pada masing-masing sisi hutan dan jumlah plot setiap transek ialah 10 plot. Total 90 plot pengamatan yang diamati seluruhnya setiap pengambilan data sebanyak dua kali, pada musim hujan dan musim kemarau. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis kuantitatif untuk mengetahui dinamika vegetasi tumbuhan bawah di monokultur dan agroforestri jati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan spesies tumbuhan bawah di hutan dan agroforestri jati yang terdiri atas 66 spesies dari 26 famili. Komposisi komunitas tumbuhan bawah monokultur jati meliputi 49 spesies dari 23 famili sedangkan di agroforestri jati terdapat 35 spesies dari 16 famili. Struktur vegetasi di monokultur jati dan agroforestri jati menunjukkan bahwa spesies tumbuhan bawah dengan habitus terna (herbs/forbs) merupakan jenis vegetasi yang paling dominan ditemukan baik saat musim hujan maupun kemarau. Berdasarkan Indeks Kesamaan Sorensen didapatkan pengetahuan bahwa komposisi spesies tumbuhan bawah antara monokultur jati dan agroforestri jati (42.85%), dan antara monokultur jati pada musim hujan dan kemarau (46.87%) memiliki tingkat kesamaan yang rendah (kurang dari 50%). Adapun berdasarkan analisis regresi dengan permodelan Generalized Poisson Regression (GPR) didapatkan pengetahuan bahwa variabel independen tutupan vegetasi dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan berupa keterbukaan kanopi dan curah hujan.

English Abstract

The teak plant (Tectona grandis) has unique characteristics, as a form of adaptation to seasonal changes by dropping its leaves during the dry season and turning green again during the wet season. Teak plants can be managed using monoculture or intercropping (agroforestry) planting patterns. Different management can provide different environmental conditions where understory plants live, thus affecting biodiversity, ecosystem balance, as well as the abundance and dynamics of understory plant species. Supported by different seasons, it causes changes in environmental conditions which have an impact on the dynamics of understory vegetation species (Utami & Putra, 2020). Understory vegetation is often considered weeds without paying attention. Understory vegetation is often considered weeds without considering its role as a source of biodiversity that should be preserved, protecting the soil, providing organic matter, creating a microclimate for insects, and reducing erosion (Otuba & Johansson, 2016). Seeing the important role of understory vegetation, its sustainability needs to be maintained as well as to protect genes, species, and habitat (Sutoyo, 2010). This research aims to determine the species, structural dynamics and composition of understory vegetation in monoculture and agroforestry of teak areas in Kalipare District, Malang Regency during the wet and dry season. This research is a field survey carried out from March to July 2023. This research starts from research preparation, data collection, to data analysis. The research was carried out in the Perum Perhutani teak production forest area under the management of the Kalipare Pemangkuan Hutan Resort (RPH), Malang Regency, East Java. The tools used are a plot measuring 1 m x 1 m, measuring tape, plastic bags, labels, scissors, stationery, marking rope, Global Positioning System (GPS), camera and hemisperical lens (Samsung gear 360°). In each observation plot, measurements were made of land cover composition including types of understory vegetation species, percentage of understory vegetation cover, and percentage of litter cover. The environmental factors observed include light (canopy openness) and water (rainfall). The method used in this study is a systematic double plot method 1 m × 1 m with 3 transects on each side of the forest and the number of plots for each transect are 10 plots. There were 90 observation plots which were observed in full for each data collection. The data obtained was analyzed using quantitative analysis to determine the dynamics of understorey vegetation in the teak forest of RPH Kalipare. The research results show that there are differences in understory plant species in forests and agroforestry, consisting of 66 species from 26 families. The composition of the understory plant community in teak forests includes 49 species from 23 families, while in agroforestry there are 35 species from 16 families. The vegetation structure in teak forests and agroforestry shows that understory plant species with herb habitus (herbs/forbs) are the most dominant type of vegetation found both during the rainy and dry seasons. Based on the Sorensen Similarity Index, it was found that the composition of understory species between teak forests and agroforestry (42.85%), and between teak forests in the rainy and dry seasons (46.87%) had a low level of similarity (< 50%). Meanwhile, based on regression analysis using Generalized Poisson Regression (GPR) modeling, it was found that the independent variable vegetation cover was influenced by environmental factors in the form of canopy openness and rainfall.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523040340
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2024 03:39
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2024 03:39
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