Pengaruh Penambahan Campuran Arang Limbah Kulit Pisang dan Fly Ash Terhadap Penurunan Nilai Resistansi Pentanahan Rod Grounding

Jagad, Mohammad Wahyu and Drs. Ir. Moch. Dhofir, S.T., M.T. and Ir. Teguh Utomo, S.T., M.T. (2024) Pengaruh Penambahan Campuran Arang Limbah Kulit Pisang dan Fly Ash Terhadap Penurunan Nilai Resistansi Pentanahan Rod Grounding. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pengunaan energi listrik tidak lepas dari resiko yang mungkin terjadi akibat kegagalan isolasi maupun arus bocor. Salah satu sistem proteksi untuk tenaga listrik ialah sistem pentanahan. Sistem pentanahan dibangun dengan menghubungkan fisik komponen atau peralatan listrik ke tanah baik secara langsung maupun melalui media konfigurasi elektroda pentanahan. Hal yang penting untuk sistem pentanahan yang bagus adalah memiliki nilai resistansi pentanahan yang rendah. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menurunkan nilai resistansi pentanahan salah satunya dengan memberikan perlakuan tanah atau soil treatment.. Perlakuan tanah dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan zat lain kedalam tanah guna merekayasa kondisi tanah agar dapat mereduksi nilai resistansi pentanahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh campuran arang limbah kulit pisang dan fly ash terhadap penurunan nilai resistansi pentanahan. Arang kulit pisang mengandung karbon aktif yang mampu menjaga kelembaban tanah. Fly ash merupakan residu pembakaran batu bara yang mengandung senyawa elektrolit. Campuran arang limbah kulit pisang dan fly ash yang direkayasa homogen memiliki resistivity sebesar 385,76 Ω-cm. Pengujian dilakukan dengan 3 variasi komposisi campuran masing-masing arang kulit pisang 75% dan fly ash 25%, arang kulit pisang 50% dan fly ash 50%, dan arang kulit pisang 25% dan fly ash 75% dengan kedalaman sisipan dibuat konstan 0,7 m dan diameter 0,15 m. Hasil pengujian dan perhitungan yang didapatkan akibat penambahan bahan campuran yaitu penurunan nilai resistansi pentanahan yang siginifikan. Campuran pertama berhasil menurunkan resistansi pentanahan sebesar 46,1 Ω atau reduksinya sebesar 52,77%. Campuran kedua berhasil menurunkan resistansi pentanahan sebesar 40,27 Ω atau reduksinya sebesar 46,57%. Campuran ketiga berhasil menurunkan resistansi pentanahan sebesar 27,3 Ω atau reduksinya sebesar 31,34%. Rekayasa pembasahan dilakukan dengan penambahan 300 ml air dengan memberikan dampak penurunan direntang 9,33%-23,90%

English Abstract

The use of electrical energy cannot be separated from risks that may occur due to insulation failure or leakage currents. The anticipatory step is to build a protection system. One of the protection systems for electric power is the ground system. The ground system is built by physically connecting electrical components or equipment to the ground either directly or through ground electrode configurations. The important thing for a good defense system is to have a low resistance value. Efforts that can be made to reduce the value of land resistance include providing soil treatment. Soil treatment is most ideally carried out in the area closest to the ground electrode. Soil treatment can be carried out by adding other substances to the soil in order to manipulate the condition of the soil so that it can reduce the soil resistance value. This research aims to test the effect of a mixture of banana peel waste charcoal and fly ash on reducing land resistance values. Banana peel charcoal contains active carbon which is able to maintain soil moisture. Fly ash is a residue from burning coal that contains electrolyte compounds. A homogeneous mixture of banana peel waste charcoal and fly ash has a resistivity of 385.76 Ω-cm. Tests were carried out with 3 variations of mixture composition, respectively 75% banana peel charcoal and 25% fly ash, 50% banana peel charcoal and 50% fly ash, and 25% banana peel charcoal and 75% fly ash with the insertion depth kept constant at 0, 7 meters and 0.15 meters in diameter. The test and calculation results obtained as a result of the addition of mixed materials were a significant decrease in the defense resistance value. The first mixture succeeded in reducing ground resistance by 46.1 Ω or a reduction of 52.77%. The second mixture succeeded in reducing ground resistance by 40.27 Ω or a reduction of 46.57%. The third mixture succeeded in reducing ground resistance by 27.3 Ω or a reduction of 31.34%. Wetting engineering was carried out by adding 300 ml of water with a reduction impact in the range of 9.33%-23.90%

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524070057
Uncontrolled Keywords: Resistansi pentanahan, Resistivitas tanah, Arang kulit pisang, Fly ash, Soil treatment
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2024 08:03
Last Modified: 19 Feb 2024 08:03
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