Mitigasi Risiko Kehalalan dan Keamanan Produksi Lempuk Crispy Menggunakan Metode House of Risk (Studi Kasus UMK Lempuk Crispy di Kecamatan Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan)

Nurfitri, Kartika and Dr. Sucipto, STP., MP (2023) Mitigasi Risiko Kehalalan dan Keamanan Produksi Lempuk Crispy Menggunakan Metode House of Risk (Studi Kasus UMK Lempuk Crispy di Kecamatan Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ikan lempuk bernama latin Gobiopterus sp. merupakan ikan endemik Indonesia berhabitat di Danau Ranu Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Kandungan gizi ikan lempuk untuk protein sebesar 14%, lemak 7,08%, sumber omega 3, 6, dan 9, sehingga menjadi sumber nutrisi yang baik untuk manusia. Sebagian besar ikan lempuk diolah menjadi lempuk crispy oleh beberapa UMK, khususnya penduduk sekitar danau seperti UMK Isrina Food, UMK Mendhez, dan UMK JieToom. Sebagai upaya menjaga kepercayaan konsumen, produk lempuk crispy dari ketiga UMK mengutamakan kehalalan dan keamanan produk. Proses produksi tidak lepas dari risiko kehalalan dan keamanan produksi. Berdasar kriteria Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal (SJPH) terdapat risiko yang dapat mempengaruhi status kehalalan suatu produk seperti potensi terkontaminasi najis, risiko status halal bahan baku tidak pasti, dan penggunaan bahan tambahan. Risiko keamanan pangan berdasar dari Cara Produksi Pangan yang Baik untuk Industri Rumah Tangga (CPPB-IRT) seperti tempat dan peralatan produksi kurang terstandar, kurang higiene dan sanitasi, dan lingkungan tidak sesuai standar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kejadian risiko dan sumber risiko, menganalisis korelasi kejadian dan sumber risiko, dan memberikan usulan mitigasi risiko kehalalan dan keamanan produksi. Metode House of Risk (HOR) 2 fase digunakan dalam penelitian ini. HOR fase 1 mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor risiko, sedang HOR fase 2 menetapkan strategi mitigasi yang tepat. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat 29 risk event, 30 risk agent, dan 6 preventive action untuk usaha Mendhez, 4 preventive action untuk usaha Isrina Food, dan 5 preventive action untuk usaha JieToom. HOR fase 1 dilakukan penilaian severity, occurrence, dan korelasi keduanya. Berdasarkan prinsip diagram Pareto diperoleh 7 risk agent prioritas yaitu belum terdapat Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) proses produksi yang mempertimbangkan halal, perawatan dan pemeriksaan peralatan tidak secara berkala pada fasilitas produksi, peralatan tidak disimpan pada tempat tertutup, ruangan produksi bersebelahan dengan kebun yang tidak ada penutup dan pembatas, lokasi pembersihan bahan baku di ruang terbuka, tidak menerapkan sanitasi dan higieni yang baik, dan pemakaian minyak berulang kali tanpa ada aturan pemakaian. Pada HOR fase 2 didapat 6 usulan prioritas strategi mitigasi untuk ketiga usaha. Pertama membuat SOP proses produksi yang mempertimbangkan halal di ketiga usaha. Kedua melakukan pengecekan dan pembersihan peralatan pada fasilitas produksi secara rutin untuk mencegah kontaminasi di ketiga usaha. Ketiga membuat penutup kain seperti tirai pada rak penyimpanan peralatan di usaha Mendhez. Keempat membangun pembatas antara lokasi pembersihan dengan area luar di usaha Isrina Food. Kelima membuat SOP proses produksi pada proses penggorengan di usaha JieToom. Keenam membriefing pekerja terkait jumlah pengulangan dalam penggorengan di usaha JieToom. Harapan adanya usulan strategi mitigasi pada ketiga usaha dapat menekan munculnya risk agent penyebab timbulnya risk event, sehingga menjaga kehalalan dan keamanan produksi lempuk crispy.

English Abstract

Lempuk fish named latin Gobiopterus sp. is an endemic fish from Indonesia which lives in Lake Ranu Grati, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. The nutritional content of lempuk fish for protein is 14%, fat is 7.08%, a source of omega 3, 6 and 9, so it is a good source of nutrition for humans. Most of the lempuk fish are processed into lempuk crispy by several MSEs, especially residents around the lake such as UMK Isrina Food, UMK Mendhez, and UMK JieToom. As an effort to maintain consumer confidence, lempuk crispy products from the three MSEs prioritize halal and product safety. The production process is inseparable from the risk of halal and production safety. Based on the criteria of the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH), there are risks that may affect the halal status of a product, such as the potential for unclean contamination, the risk of uncertain raw material halal status, and the use of additional materials. Food safety risks are based on Good Food Production Methods for Home Industries (CPPB-IRT) such as unstandardized production places and equipment, lack of hygiene and sanitation, and non-standard environments. This study aims to analyze risk events and risk sources, analyze the correlation of risk events and sources, and provide recommendations for mitigating halal risks and production safety. MethodHouse of Risk (HOR) 2 phases were used in this study. HOR phase 1 identifies and analyzes risk factors, while HOR phase 2 establishes appropriate mitigation strategies. The results obtained are 29 risk events, 30 risk agents, and 6 preventive actions for Mendhez business, 4 preventive actions for Isrina Food business, and 5 preventive actions for JieToom's business. HOR phase 1 is assessed severity, occurrence, and the correlation between the two. Based on the principle of the Pareto diagram, there is 7 obtained risk agent priority is not yet available Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the production process that considers halal, maintenance and inspection of equipment is not carried out periodically at production facilities, equipment is not stored in closed places, production rooms are adjacent to plantations that have no cover and boundaries, raw material cleaning locations are in open spaces, do not apply good sanitation and hygiene, and the use of oil repeatedly without any usage rules. In HOR phase 2, 6 proposals for priority mitigation strategies were obtained for the three businesses. The first is to make production process SOPs that consider halal in the three businesses. Second, check and clean equipment at production facilities on a regular basis to prevent contamination in the three businesses. The third made cloth coverings such as curtains on equipment storage racks at Mendhez's business. The fourth is to build a barrier between the cleaning location and the outside area at Isrina Food's business. Fifth, make SOP for the production process in the frying process at the JieToom business. The sixth is briefing workers regarding the number of repetitions in frying at the JieToom business. It is hoped that with the proposed mitigation strategy for the three businesses, it can suppress the emergency risk agent which is the cause of its occurrence risk event, thus maintaining the halal and safety of the production of lempuk crispy.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Halal, House of Risk, Ikan Lempuk, Keamanan Produksi, Risiko, Food Safety, Halal, House of Risk, Lempuk Fish, Risk Management, Risk Mitigation
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Annisti Nurul F
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2024 00:59
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2024 00:59
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