Inovasi Pembuatan Roti Tawar Hybrid Sourdough: Studi Penggunaan Puree Buah Nanas (Ananas comosus (L) Merr.) Pada Starter Sourdough

Ratna Ayu, Dewanti and Erni Sofia Murtini,, STP., MP., Ph.D. (2023) Inovasi Pembuatan Roti Tawar Hybrid Sourdough: Studi Penggunaan Puree Buah Nanas (Ananas comosus (L) Merr.) Pada Starter Sourdough. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Roti tawar umumnya memiliki umur simpan pendek yaitu sekitar 2-3 hari yang ditandai dengan roti kering dan munculnya berbagai jamur serta bakteri patogen. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan ragi alami sourdough, namun membutuhkan waktu proses yang lama serta roti memiliki aroma dan rasa asam. Penggunaan metode hybrid mampu mengurangi waktu fermentasi karena adanya penambahan ragi instan. Penambahan puree buah nanas yang memiliki senyawa aromatik, kandungan gula tinggi, serta terdapat mikroba spesifik diharapkan mampu menutupi rasa dan aroma asam dari sourdough. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan puree buah nanas pada starter dan penambahan ragi instan pada adonan roti terhadap kualitas roti tawar hybrid sourdough. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah rasio puree buah nanas dan air pada starter sourdough (10:40, 30:20, dan 50:0). Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi ragi instan pada pembuatan roti (0,8 dan 1,2%) per berat tepung. Pembuatan roti tawar hybrid sourdough dilakukan 4 kali pengulangan sehingga didapatkan 24 satuan percobaan. Starter dibuat dengan mencampurkan tepung dan puree buah nanas:air yang difeeding selama 10 hari hingga siap digunakan. Pembuatan roti tawar hybrid dengan mencampur starter sourdough, ragi instan, dan bahan-bahan lainnya kemudian dipanggang menggunakan oven. Analisis yang digunakan pada starter adalah aroma, volume pengembangan, bubble formation, pH, total BAL dan yeast. Serta analisis pada roti meliputi hardness, warna, volume pengembangan, ukuran pori, kadar air, kadar serat kasar, dan organoleptik. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) dan uji lanjut menggunakan metode Tukey dengan taraf nyat a α=5%. Uji organoleptik menggunakan uji hedonik kemudian data dianalisis dengan metode Friedman Test. Pemilihan perlakuan terbaik ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Multiple Attribute Zeleny. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio puree buah nanas:air berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik starter seperti aroma, volume pengembangan, bubble formation, pH, total BAL dan yeast. Rasio puree buah nanas:air pada starter berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik roti seperti hardness, warna (L*, a*, dan b*), volume pengembangan, ukuran pori, kadar air, dan kadar serat kasar. Konsentrasi ragi instan pada adonan roti berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik roti seperti hardness, warna (L*, dan b*), volume pengembangan, ukuran pori, dan kadar air. Serta terdapat interaksi antara kedua perlakuan terhadap hardness roti. Roti tawar hybrid sourdough terbaik diperoleh dari rasio nanas:air 50:0 dengan konsentrasi penambahan ragi instan 1,2%. Roti tawar terbaik memiliki starter dengan total BAL 2,3 × 10 9 cfu/g, total yeast 1,6 × 10 iv 9 cfu/g, pH 4,3, dan volume pengembangan 52,72%, serta hasil analisis roti memiliki kadar air 42,39%, kadar serat kasar 2,74%, volume pengembangan 75,21%, hardness 497,11 g, ukuran pori 0,09 mm 2 , warna (L*, a*, b*) 71,05; 1,29; 24,2. Uji organoleptik mendapatkan nilai rerata warna 4,79, aroma 4,55, rasa 4,71, tekstur 4,68, dan overall 4,73 dari skala 1-6 yang artinya panelis memberikan penerimaan suka.

English Abstract

White bread generally has a short shelf life of around 2-3 days, which is marked by dry bread and the appearance of various fungi and bacteria. One way to overcome this is by using natural sourdough yeast, but it requires a long process time and the bread has a sour aroma and taste. The use of hybrid methods can reduce fermentation time due to the addition of instant yeast. The addition of honey pineapple puree, which has aromatic compounds, high sugar content, and specific microbes, is expected to cover up the sour taste and aroma of sourdough. This study aims to determine the effect of adding honey pineapple puree to the starter and adding instant yeast to the bread dough on the quality of hybrid sourdough bread. The study used a Randomized Block Factorial Design (RBFD) with 2 factors. The first factor was the ratio of honey pineapple puree and water in the sourdough starter (10:40, 30:20, and 50:0). The second factor was the concentration of instant yeast addition in bread making (0.8 and 1.2%) per flour weight. The making of hybrid sourdough bread was repeated 4 times, resulting in 24 experimental units. The starter was made by mixing flour and honey pineapple puree:water, which was fed for 10 days until ready to use. The making of hybrid bread by mixing sourdough starter, instant yeast, and other ingredients, then baked using an oven. The analysis used on the starter was aroma, volume expansion, bubble formation, pH, total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), and yeast. The analysis on bread included hardness, color, volume expansion, pore size, moisture content, crude fiber content, and organoleptic. The research data was analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and further tested using the Tukey method with a significant level of α=5%. Organol eptic testing used the hedonic test method, and the dat a were analyzed using the Friedman Test. The best treatment selection was determined using the Multiple Attribute Zeleny method. The results showed that the ratio of honey pineapple puree:water significantly affected the starter characteristics such as aroma, volume expansion, bubble formation, pH, total LAB, and yeast. The ratio of honey pineapple puree:water in the starter significantly affected the bread characteristics such as hardness, color (L*, a*, and b*), volume expansion, pore size, moisture content, and crude fiber content. The concentration of instant yeast in the bread dough significantly affected the bread characteristics such as hardness, color (L*, and b*), volume expansion, pore size, and moisture content. There was also an interaction between the two treatments on bread hardness. The best hybrid sourdough bread was obtained from a honey pineapple puree:water ratio of 50:0 with an addition of 1.2% instant yeast. The best bread had a starter with a total LAB of 2.3 × 109 cfu/g, total yeast 1.6 × 109 cfu/g, pH 4.3, and volume expansion of 52.72%, and the bread analysis results had a moisture content of 42.39%, crude fiber content of 2.74%, volume expansion of 75.21%, hardness of 497.11 g, pore size of 0.09 mm2, color (L*, a*, b*) of 71.05; 1.29; 24.2. Organoleptic testing obtained an average score of 4.79 for color, 4.55 for aroma, 4.71 for taste, 4.68 for texture, and 4.73 for overall from a scale of 1-6, which means that the panelists gave a liking acceptance.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hybrid Sourdough, Nanas, Ragi, Roti Tawar Hybrid Sourdough, Pineapple, Yeast, White Bread
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username verry
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2024 08:01
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2024 08:01
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