Optimasi Suhu dan Lama Pemanggangan Terhadap Karakteristik Sereal Fortifikasi Tepung Garut dan Tepung Bayam Merah Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology

Aditya Wicaksana., Yoga and Dr. Ir. Sukardi,, MS. and Riska Septifani,, STP, MP. (2023) Optimasi Suhu dan Lama Pemanggangan Terhadap Karakteristik Sereal Fortifikasi Tepung Garut dan Tepung Bayam Merah Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


RINGKASAN Sereal merupakan makanan alternatif bagi masyarakat Indonesia sebagai pengganti asupan karbohidrat pokok layaknya nasi yang praktis dan juga kaya akan nutrisi. Komoditas yang biasa digunakan dalam pembuatan sereal adalah gandum dan oat. Namun, komoditas tersebut sulit tumbuh di negara tropis seperti Indonesia, sehingga perlu adanya inovasi baru dalam pembuatan sereal. Komoditas umbi garut dan bayam merah berpotensi dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sereal fortifikasi berbasis local food sebagai sumber karbohidrat, serat, protein, dan zat aktif lainnya yang kaya gizi dan menyehatkan. Proses penting dalam pembuatan sereal adalah pemanggangan yang dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan suhu dan mengatur waktu hingga didapatkan konsistensi dari tingkat kerenyahan, ketahanan terhadap air, dan karakteristik fisik terbaik. Interaksi antara suhu dan lama pemanggangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap karakteristik fisik dan kimia sereal, sehingga diperlukannya evaluasi efisiensi pemanggangan agar mendapatkan hasil sereal yang optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan optimasi dengan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Central Composite Design (CCD) software Design Expert Proses optimasi menggunakan variasi faktor suhu (110oC, 115oC, dan 120oC) dan lama pemanggangan (17 menit, 19,5 menit, dan 22 menit) dengan respon berupa kadar pati dan daya rehidrasi sereal. Hasil paling optimal dilakukan pengujian karakteristik fisiko-kimia berupa rendemen, kadar air, warna, dan ketahanan kerenyahan dalam susu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan suhu dan lama pemanggangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan kadar pati dan peningkatan daya rehidrasi sereal. Kondisi optimal penelitian ini yaitu perlakuan suhu 114,76oC dan lama pemanggangan 18,8 menit (desirability 0,653). Didapatkan kadar pati dan daya rehidrasi sereal berturut-turut sebesar 47,22% dan 1,38%. Uji karakteristik fisiko-kimia sereal setelah verifikasi menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 85,1%, kadar air 1,83% yang telah sesuai dengan SNI 01-4270-1996, warna coklat muda dengan keterangan L*a*b* berturut-turut sebesar 57,07 ; 7,1 ; 25,16, serta mampu mempertahankan kerenyahan di dalam susu selama 148 detik. Produk komersial (Oriflakes) memiliki nilai kadar pati yang lebih kecil yaitu hanya 32,74%, namun daya rehidrasinya lebih besar yakni 1,92%. Sereal fortifikasi tepung garut dan tepung bayam merah pada penelitian ini memiliki kadar pati dan daya rehidrasi yang baik. Namun diperlukan adanya inovasi proses produksi menggunakan mesin ekstruder terotomatisasi untuk menghasilkan karakteristik sereal terbaik seperti produk di pasaran. Penelitian lebih lanjut terkait uji proksimat perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan nilai gizi produk. Selain itu juga perlu adanya penelitian terkait energi total per takaran saji berdasarkan kebutuhan energi harian. Uji umur simpan produk dan perbandingan penggunaan kemasan dengan produk komersial juga penting untuk mengetahui pengaruh terhadap daya tahan dan kualitas sereal.

English Abstract

SUMMARY Cereal is an alternative food for Indonesians as a substitute for staple carbohydrate intake like rice that is practical and also rich in nutrients. Commodities commonly used in making cereals are wheat and oats. However, these commodities are difficult to grow in tropical countries like Indonesia, so there is a need for new innovations in making cereals. The commodities of arrowroot tubers and red spinach have the potential to be used as raw materials for making fortified cereals based on local food as a source of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and other active substances that are rich in nutrients and healthy. An important process in making cereal is roasting, which is done by increasing the temperature and adjusting the time until the consistency of crispness, water resistance, and the best physical characteristics are obtained. The interaction between temperature and roasting time has a significant effect on the physical and chemical characteristics of cereals, so it is necessary to evaluate roasting efficiency in order to obtain optimal cereal results. This research uses an optimization design with Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Central Composite Design (CCD) software Design Expert The optimization process uses variations in temperature factors (110oC, 115oC, and 120oC) and baking time (17 minutes, 19.5 minutes, and 22 minutes) with responses in the form of starch content and cereal rehydration power. The most optimal results were tested for physico-chemical characteristics in the form of moisture content, yield, color, and crispness resistance in milk. The results showed that increasing temperature and roasting time had a significant effect on reducing starch content and increasing the rehydration power of cereals. The optimal condition of this research is the temperature treatment of 114.76oC and roasting time of 18.8 minutes (desirability 0.653). The starch content and rehydration power of the cereal were 47.22% and 1.38%. The test of physico-chemical characteristics of the cereal after verification resulted in a yield of 85.1%, moisture content of 1.83% which is in accordance with SNI 01-4270-1996, light brown color with L*a*b* information of 57.07; 7.1; 25.16, respectively, and able to maintain crispness in milk for 148 seconds. The commercial product (Oriflakes) has a smaller starch content value of only 32.74%, but its rehydration power is greater at 1.92%. The cereal fortified with arrowroot flour and red spinach flour in this study has good starch content and rehydration power. However, there is a need for innovation in the production process using an automated extruder machine to produce the best cereal characteristics like products on the market. Further research related to proximate test needs to be done to determine the nutritional value content of the product. In addition, there is also a need for research related to total energy per serving size based on daily energy needs. Product shelf life tests and comparison of packaging use with commercial products are also important to determine the effect on durability and quality of cereals.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sereal, Pemanggangan, Kadar Pati, Daya Rehidrasi
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username saputro
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2024 06:50
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 06:50
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/210973
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