Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Indeks Process Performance (Pp dan Ppk) Komposisi Hasil Mixing Krimer Kental Manis Peridoe Januari – September 2021 di PT Z

Ramadhanti, Indira and Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Dewanti Widyaningsih, M.Kes (2023) Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Indeks Process Performance (Pp dan Ppk) Komposisi Hasil Mixing Krimer Kental Manis Peridoe Januari – September 2021 di PT Z. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT Z selalu melakukan pengujian kualitas komposisi krimer kental manis hasil proses mixing dalam memenuhi spesifikasi parameter yang telah ditetapkan. Namun data hasil pengujian komposisi setiap parameternya belum pernah dilakukan analisis kapabilitas proses. Selain itu proses mixing merupakan awal mula seluruh bahan baku yang diperlukan sesuai dengan program settingan operator akan dicampur menjadi satu. Jika terjadi ketidak sesuaian pemakaian bahan baku, maka akan berpengaruh pada ketidaksesuaian komposisi produk akhir dan pencantuman label pangan berupa informasi nilai gizi. Analisis kapabilitas proses adalah salah satu teknik yang digunakan bertujuan untuk menjaga mutu dengan cara mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data kuantitatif hasil proses produksi sehingga mengetahui mutu suatu produk masih berada dalam batas spesifikasi atau tidak. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa hasil analisis kualitas krimer kental manis hasil proses mixing dari bulan Januari – September 2021 pada produk line A yaitu IP, EP, KP, IC, dan EC. Parameter yang diuji yaitu kadar protein, lemak, sukrosa, dan total solid. Data tersebut kemudian dilakukan analisis kapabilitas proses dengan menggunakan Minitab 19 dan dihasilkan nilai indeks Pp dan Ppk yang dapat menginterpretasikan suatu proses sudah kapabel atau belum. Indeks process performance (pp) menyatakkan secara kuantitatif data produksi telah berada di dalam rentang batas USL (Upper Specification Limit) dan LSL (Lower Specification Limit). Sedangkan indeks process performance kane (ppk) menyatakkan seberapa terpusat data. Hasil indeks tersebut kemudian disuguhkan dalam bentuk tren indeks pada setiap produk untuk dapat melihat perkembangan data pada setiap kuartalnya. Hasil analisis kapabilitas tersebut kemudian dilengkapi dengan analisis diagram fishbone untuk dilakukan identifikasi sebab dan akibat ketidaksesuaian yang dialami oleh mutu krimer kental manis hasil proses mixing dengan beberapa faktor penyebab yaitu man, machine, method, material, dan environment. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kapabilitas proses seluruh parameter mutu kadar lemak, protein, sukrosa, dan total solid pada seluruh produk di ketiga kuartal tidak ada yang kapabel dengan nilai indeks Pp dan Ppk yang kurang dari 1. Rendahnya nilai indeks kapabilitas proses dapat diartikan bahwa sebaran data proses lebih lebar dibandingkan rentang batas spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan, maka dapat disimpulkan masih terdapat sebaran data yang berada di luar batas spesifikasi. Diduga hal ini terjadi karena beberapa faktor seperti berbedanya beban pada komputer dengan riil, weight system yang tidak akurat, tidak berlakunya standar operasional prosedur perpindahan produk, tidak menutupnya diverter valve, terjadi shortage pada bahan baku protein, perubahan formulasi, perbedaan supplier, bahan baku yang tidak turun dari silo, tidak terjaganya kelembapan pada silo, error pada flowmeter pembacaan tidak sesuai antara computer dengan riil, adanya penggunaan recovery product, dan tidak adanya standar operasional prosedur penggunaan recovery product.

English Abstract

PT Z is one of the food industry companies with the largest production of sweetened condensed cream in Indonesia. PT Z always tests the quality of the sweetened condensed creamer composition resulting from the mixing process to meet predetermined parameter specifications. However, the data from the test results for the composition of each parameter has never been analyzed for process capability. In addition, the mixing process is the beginning of all the raw materials needed in accordance with the operator's setting program will be mixed together. If there is a discrepancy in the use of raw materials, it will affect the discrepancy in the composition of the final product and the inclusion of food labels in the form of nutritional value information. Process capability analysis is one of the techniques used to maintain quality by collecting and analyzing quantitative data on the production process results to know whether a product's quality is within specification limits. The secondary data collected was in the form of the results of an analysis of the quality of sweetened condensed creamer as a result of the mixing process from January to September 2021 on IP, EP, KP, IC, and EC products. The parameters examined were protein, fat, sucrose, and total solid levels. The data is then analyzed for process capability using Minitab 19 and index values Pp and Ppk are the results that can interpret whether a process is capable or not. The process performance index (pp) indicates quantitatively that production data is within the range of the USL (Upper Specification Limit) and LSL (Lower Specification Limit). Meanwhile, the process performance kane (ppk) index states how centralized the production data is, which shows the accuracy and precision of the data to meet targets, centered between specification limits. The index results are then presented in the form of an index trend for each products to be able to see data developments in each quarter. The results of the capability analysis are then complemented by fishbone diagram analysis to identify the causes and effects of discrepancies experienced by the quality product of process mixing sweetened condensed creamer with several causal factors such as man, machine, method, material, and environment. Making a fishbone diagram based on the results of field observations, interviews with PT Z and literature studies. The results of the analysis show that the process capability of all parameters fat, protein, sucrose, and total solid content in all products in the three quarters was not capable with results of index Pp and Ppk are less than 1. The low process capability index value means that the distribution of process data is wider than the range of specification limits that have been set, it can be concluded there are a bunch of distribution data that founded outside the specification limits. This condition occurred due to several factors such as the different load on the computer and the real one, inaccurate weight system, not applying Standard Operating Procedures for product transfer, diverter valve not closing perfectly, shortage of protein raw materials, formulation changes, differences in suppliers, raw materials that stuck from the silo, the humidity inside the silo is not maintained, the flowmeter does not match between the computer and the real one, the use of recovery products, and there is no standard operating procedures for using recovery products.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Kapabilitas Proses, Control Chart, Diagram Fishbone Krimer Kental Manis, Control Chart, Diagram Fishbone, Process Capability Analysis, Sweetened Condensed Creamer
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Annisti Nurul F
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2024 07:58
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 07:58
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