kenzi Putra., Yehezkiel and Jaya Mahar Maligan,, STP, MP. and Emi Sofia Murtini,, STP, MP, PhD and Wenny Bekti S.,, STP, M.Food.St, Ph.D (2023) Pengaruh Teknik Penyeduhan Terhadap Atribut Sensori Kopi Wine Robusta Tirtoyudo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
RINGKASAN Teknik penyeduhan merupakan salah satu variabel yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap komposisi kimia seduhan kopi yang berakibat pada atribut sensori kopi. Selama proses penyeduhan, kandungan kimia dalam bubuk kopi akan terekstrak ke dalam air dimana senyawa volatil yang mempengaruhi aroma serta senyawa yang larut air akan terekstrak dan senyawa non-volatil akan tercampur pada ekstrak dan berkontribusi pada rasa. Teknik penyeduhan yang tepat memungkinkan ekstraksi kopi yang optimal dari biji kopi sehingga akan menghasilkan cita rasa dan aroma yang diinginkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan teknik penyeduhan terhadap intensitas atribut sensori kopi wine Robusta Tirtoyudo dan mengetahui preferensi konsumen dari setiap teknik seduhan kopi wine Robusta Tirtoyudo. Metode rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) dengan satu faktor yaitu teknik seduh (frenchpress, aeropress, dan V60). Analisis atribut sensori dilakukan menggunakan metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) yang diujikan pada 103 panelis. Data hasil pengujian intensitas atribut sensori dianalisis dengan software Minitab 19 menggunakan analisis General Linear Model (GLM) taraf kepercayaan 95% dan uji lanjut menggunakan uji lanjut BNJ atau Tukey. Uji penerimaan dianalisis menggunakan analisis 1-Proportion Test serta untuk data hasil uji kesukaan/preferensi terhadap atribut sensori dianalisis menggunakan Friedman Test dengan uji lanjut menggunakan menggunakan uji Nemenyi Multiple Pairwise. Perlakuan terbaik ditentukan melalui nilai rata-rata atribut overall tertinggi pada uji kesukaan dan nilai penerimaan tertinggi pada uji penerimaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknik penyeduhan yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap atribut sensori kopi wine Robusta Tirtoyudo, dimana terdapat 9 atribut sensori yang berbeda nyata yaitu: aroma nutty, aroma sweet, aroma roasty, rasa pahit, rasa manis, citarasa kakao, citarasa karamel, citarasa burn, dan aftertaste sepat. Hasil uji penerimaan terhadap masing-masing teknik seduh berbeda nyata dimana daya terima teknik penyeduhan aeropress lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan teknik penyeduhan V60 maupun frenchpress. Tingkat Kesukaan panelis terhadap masing-masing teknik penyeduhan pada atribut overall yaitu pada teknik penyeduhan frenchpress 3,19 (agak suka), 3,47 (agak suka) pada teknik penyeduhan V60 dan 3,67 (agak suka) pada teknik penyeduhan aeropress. Perlakuan terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik penyeduhan aeropress dengan atribut dominan yaitu aroma nutty, aroma winey, aroma fruitty, rasa manis, citarasa kakao, citarasa karamel, citarasa peanut, dan mouthfeel body.
English Abstract
SUMMARY The brewing technique is one of the variables that greatly influences the composition of the brewed coffee, which results in the chemical and sensory attributes of the coffee. During the brewing process, the chemical compounds in the coffee grounds will be extracted into the air, where volatile compounds that affect the aroma and water-soluble compounds will be extracted, and non-volatile compounds will be mixed in the extract and contribute to the taste. The proper brewing technique enables optimal extraction of coffee from coffee beans so that it will produce the desired taste and aroma. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of different brewing techniques on the sensory intensity of Robusta Tirtoyudo wine coffee and to determine consumer preferences for each technique of brewing Robusta Tirtoyudo coffee wine. The experimental design method used was RAL (completely randomized design) with one factor, namely the brewing technique (french press, aeropress, and V60). Sensory attribute analysis was performed using the Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) method, which was tested on 103 panelists. Data from sensory attribute intensity testing results were analyzed with Minitab 19 software using General Linear Model (GLM) analysis with a 95% confidence level and further tests using BNJ or Tukey advanced tests. The acceptance test was analyzed using the 1-proportion test analysis, and the results of the preference/favorability test for sensory attributes were analyzed using the Friedman test with further testing using the Nemenyi multiple pairwise test. The best treatment is determined by the highest average overall attribute value on the preference test and the highest acceptance value on the acceptance test. The results showed that different brewing techniques had an effect on the sensory attributes of Robusta Tirtoyudo wine coffee, where there were nine sensory attributes that were significantly different, namely: nutty aroma, sweet aroma, roasty aroma, bitter taste, sweet taste, cocoa flavor, caramel flavor, burnt flavor, and astringent aftertaste. The results of the acceptance test for each brewing technique were significantly different, with the receiving power of the aeropress brewing technique being higher than the V60 and French press brewing techniques. The panelists' level of preference for each brewing technique on the overall attribute was 3.19 (rather liked), 3.47 (rather liked) for the V60 brewing technique, and 3.67 (rather liked) for the aeropress brewing technique. The best treatment in this study was the aeropress brewing technique, with dominant attributes namely nutty aroma, winey aroma, fruity aroma, sweet taste, cocoa flavor, caramel flavor, peanut flavor, and mouthfeel body.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052310 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | kopi wine, Robusta Tirtoyudo, metode RATA, teknik penyeduhan |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username saputro |
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2024 04:18 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jan 2024 04:18 |
URI: | |
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