Inovasi Produk Bakso Vegan Penambahan Gel Campuran Karagenan dan Konjak Glukomanan

Sami’Nuuran Sholeh., Wafii and Mokhamad Nur,, STP, M.Sc, Ph.D and Dwi Pujiastuti,, S.Pi (2023) Inovasi Produk Bakso Vegan Penambahan Gel Campuran Karagenan dan Konjak Glukomanan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


RINGKASAN Bakso dapat dikembangkan menjadi alternatif pangan vegan seiring dengan berkembanganya tren pola hidup vegan. Penggunaan protein nabati berupa vital wheat gluten dan soy protein isolate pada bakso vegan menghasilkan tekstur yang kurang kenyal dan mudah hancur. Karagenan dan konjak glukomanan (KGM), berinteaksi secara sinergis, dapat berperan sebagai gelling agent untuk memperbaiki tekstur bakso vegan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh proporsi karagenan, proporsi KGM, dan interaksi kedua perlakuan pada gel campuran karagenan dan KGM terhadap sifat fisik dan organoleptik bakso vegan, menentukan proporsi karagenan dan KGM yang menghasilkan bakso vegan terbaik berdasarkan parameter fisik dan organoleptik, membandingkan bakso vegan perlakuan terbaik dengan produk bakso vegan komersial. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahap yaitu penelitian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk menentukan bahan baku bakso vegan, mendapatkan formulasi bakso vegan, serta mengamati karakteristik bakso vegan penambahan hidrokoloid berupa karagenan dan KGM. Hasil penelitian pendahuluan yakni formulasi bahan baku bakso vegan meliputi tepung sagu (22%), vital wheat gluten (16%), gel campuran karagenan dan KGM (13%), minyak nabati (8%), tepung pati kentang (5%), bumbu (4%), soy protein isolate (2%), dan air (30%). Tekstur bakso vegan penambahan hidrokoloid menjadi lebih kenyal dan kompak, hal ini kemudian akan diteliti lebih lanjut pada penelitian utama. Penelitian utama menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial (RAKF) dengan 2 faktor yakni proporsi karagenan (3, 6, dan 9%) dan proporsi KGM (0, 3, dan 6%) dalam pembuatan gel campuran karagenan dan KGM. Dilakukan analisis sifat fisik bakso vegan berupa warna, water holding capacity (WHC), rendemen, dan hardness serta organoleptik atribut kenampakan, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan keseluruhan (over-liking) bakso vegan. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan software Minitab 19 menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA) General Linear Model untuk data pengujian sifat fisik, One-Way ANOVA untuk data pengujian organoleptik, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) dengan masing-masing taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi karagenan dan KGM berpengaruh nyata (α=0,05) terhadap WHC, rendemen, dan hardness bakso vegan. Interaksi kedua perlakuan berpengaruh nyata (α=0,05) terhadap hardness dan organoleptik (aroma, rasa, tekstur, keseluruhan) bakso vegan. Bakso vegan perlakuan terbaik ditentukan menggunakan metode multiple attribute Zeleny yakni pada bakso vegan penambahan karagenan 9% dan KGM 3% dengan karakteristik fisik: tingkat kecerahan (L*) 62,42; tingkat kemerahan (a*) 3,12; dan tingkat kekuningan (b*) 15,33; WHC 44,15%; rendemen 110,67%; dan hardness 5,97N. Karakteristik kimia berupa kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, dan kadar lemak, serta profil tekstur berupa hardness, cohesiveness, dan chewiness bakso vegan perlakuan terbaik tidak berbeda nyata (α=0,05) dengan produk bakso vegan komersial merk “EVERGREEN”.

English Abstract

SUMMARY Meatballs can be developed as an alternative vegan food in line with the growing trend of vegan lifestyle. The use of vegetable protein in the form of vital wheat gluten and soy protein isolate in vegan meatballs results in a texture that is less chewy and crumbles easily. Carrageenan and konjac glucomannan (KGM), interact synergistically, can act as gelling agents to improve the texture of vegan meatballs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the proportion of carrageenan, the proportion of KGM, and the interaction of the two treatments in the gel mixture of carrageenan and KGM on the physical and organoleptic properties of vegan meatballs, to determine the proportion of carrageenan and KGM that produced the best vegan meatballs based on physical and organoleptic parameters, to compare vegan meatballs best treatment with commercial vegan meatball products. This research consisted of 2 stages, namely preliminary research aimed at determining raw materials for vegan meatballs, obtaining vegan meatball formulations, and observing the characteristics of vegan meatballs with the addition of hydrocolloids in the form of carrageenan and KGM. The results of the preliminary research, namely the raw material formulation for vegan meatballs includes sago flour (22%), vital wheat gluten (16%), gel mixed with carrageenan and KGM (13%), vegetable oil (8%), potato starch flour (5%), seasoning (4%), soy protein isolate (2%), and water (30%). The texture of vegan meatballs with the addition of hydrocolloid becomes more chewy and compact, this will then be further investigated in the main research. The main research used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) factorial with 2 factors, namely the proportion of carrageenan (3, 6, and 9%) and the proportion of KGM (0, 3, and 6%) in the preparation of a mixed carrageenan and KGM gel. Analysis of the physical properties of vegan meatballs was carried out in the form of color, water holding capacity (WHC), yield, and hardness as well as organoleptic attributes of appearance, odor, taste, texture, and over-liking of vegan meatballs. The research data were analyzed using Minitab 19 software using the General Linear Model analysis of variance (ANOVA) for physical properties testing data, One-Way ANOVA for organoleptic testing data, and continued with Tukey's HSD test with a 95% confidence level for each. The results showed that the proportion of carrageenan and KGM had a significant effect (α=0.05) on WHC, yield, and hardness of vegan meatballs. The interaction of the two treatments had a significant effect (α=0.05) on the hardness and organoleptic (aroma, taste, texture, overall) of vegan meatballs. The best treatment for vegan meatballs was determined using Zeleny's multiple attribute method, namely vegan meatballs with the addition of 9% carrageenan and 3% KGM with physical characteristics: brightness level (L*) 62.42; degree of redness (a*) 3.12; and level of yellowness (b*) 15.33; WHC 44.15%; yield 110.67%; and 5.97N hardness. Chemical characteristics such as moisture content, ash content, protein content, and fat content, as well as texture profiles such as hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness of the best treated vegan meatballs were not significantly different (α=0.05) from the commercial vegan meatball product brand "EVERGREEN".

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bakso vegan, konjak glukomanan, semi-refined karagenan.
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username saputro
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2024 03:17
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 03:17
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