Wildah, Nasirotul and Ardyarum, Mahfita and Ir. Bambang Ismuyanto, M.S., IPM. and Ir. A.S. Dwi Saptati Nur Hidayati, ST., M.T. (2023) Efektivitas Kinerja Selulosa Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca Linn) Sebagai Adsorben Ion Zn (Ii) Dalam Proses Adsorpsi Secara Batch. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Logam berat perairan seperti ion Zinc (II) hasil industri elektroplatting yang mencapai 25 mg/L dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air dan kesehatan masyarakat jika tidak ditangani. Upaya penanganan limbah logam berat perairan yang efektif, efisien, dan relatif sederhana dapat dilakukan melalui metode adsorpsi. Salah satu adsorben yang dapat mengadsorpsi ion logam adalah selulosa dikarenakan adanya pori-pori dan situs aktif seperti hidroksil (-OH). Adsorben selulosa dari kulit pisang kepok dapat menjadi alternatif dikarenakan melimpahnya limbah kulit pisang yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Adsorben selulosa kulit pisang kepok dapat dihasilkan melalui proses pre-treatment untuk memutus senyawa lignin yang mengikat selulosa. Proses pre-treatment terdiri atas delignifikasi menggunakan NaOH 17,5% dan proses bleaching H2O2 6%. Proses adsorpsi ion Zn (II) menggunakan adsorben selulosa kulit pisang dilakukan dengan variasi konsentrasi awal adsorbat yaitu 20, 25, 30, dan 35 ppm dengan massa adsorben 0,1 gram sebesar -60+70 mesh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pre-treatment menyebabkan persen transmitan gugus hidroksil (-OH) menurun serta kenaikan persen transmitan pada aromatik karbon (C=C-C), ester grup (C=O), dan aril eter (C-O) seiring proses berdasarkan hasil analisa FTIR. Berdasarkan uji BET diketahui bahwa adsorben selulosa kulit pisang pada penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam mesopori dengan jari-jari 4,7971 nm. Proses adsorpsi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian menggunakan waktu kontak 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, dan 75 menit. Berdasarkan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil didapati bahwa tidak adanya perbedaan signifikan hasil adsorpsi pada menit ke 30 – 75 menit, sehingga dapat dikatakan kesetimbangan telah dicapai mulai menit ke- 30. Sedangkan efek variasi konsentrasi awal adsorbat dalam penelitian ini memberikan nilai yang berbanding terbalik dengan besarnya penyisihan ion Zinc (II). Sehingga penyisihan terbesar didapati pada ion Zn (II) konsentrasi 20 ppm sebesar 95,2125% pada waktu kesetimbangan 30 menit. Perhitungan isotherm adsorpsi melalui model Langmuir (R2 = 0.9958) dan Freundlich (R2 = 0.9999) didapati bahwa proses adsorpsi dalam penelitian ini cenderung mengikuti hipotesis Freundlich. Adsorpsi ion Zn (II) pada adsorben terjadi secara multilayer dengan ikatan fisika (n>1). Kapasitas adsorpsi adsorben selulosa kulit pisang kepok terhadap ion Zn (II) berdasarkan model Isoterm Langmuir (Qm) senilai 7,6278 mg/g sedangkan berdasarkan model Isoterm Freundlich (Kf) sebesar 4,8764 ((mg/g) (L/g)1/n).
English Abstract
Heavy metal waters such as Zinc (II) ion from the electroplatting industry that reaches 25 mg/L can cause a decrease in water quality and public health if left untreated. Adsorption methods can be used to handle aqueous heavy metal waste water in an effective, efficient, and relatively easy technique. One of the adsorbents that can adsorb metal ions is cellulose due to the presence of pores and active sites such as hydroxyl (-OH). Cellulose adsorbents from kepok banana peels can be an alternative due to the abundance of banana peel waste that has not been utilized optimally. Banana peel kepok cellulose adsorbent can be produced through a pretreatment process to break down the lignin compounds that bind cellulose. The pre-treatment process consists of delignification using 17,5% NaOH and 6% H2O2 bleaching process. The Zn (II) ion adsorption process using banana peel cellulose adsorbent was carried out within variations of initial concentration of adsorbate, namely 20, 25, 30, and 35 ppm within an 0.1 grams of -60 + 70 mesh adsorbant mass. The results of the study showed that the pre-treatment process resulted in a decrease in the percentage of hydroxyl group (-OH) transmission as well as an increase in the rate of transmission in aromatic carbon (C=C-C), ester group (C = O), and aryl ether (C-O) along with the process based on the results of FTIR analysis. Based on the BET test it was known that the adsorbent of the banana peels cellulose in this study included into the mesopory with radius 4,7971 nm. The adsorption process carried out in the study used contact times of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minutes. Based on the Smallest Real Difference test, it was found that there was no significant difference in the adsorption result at the 30 – 75 minute, so it can be conclude that the equilibrium condition has been achieved from the 30 minute. While the effect of variation in the initial concentration of adsorbants in this study gives a reverse value compared to the initial concentration of the Zinc (II) ion removal. So the greatest separation was found at the Zn ion (II) concentration of 20 ppm of 95,2125% at the equlibrium time of 30 minutes. The calculation of isotherm adsorption through the Langmuir model (R2 = 0.9958) and Freundlich ( R2 = 0,9999) found that the adsorption process in this study tended to follow the Freundlich hypothesis. The adsorption of the Zn ion (II) on the adsorbent occurs multilayer with physical bonds (n>1). The adsorption capacity of the adsorbent cellulose of the banana peels to the Zn (II) ion based on the Langmuir Isoterm model (Qm) was 7,6278 mg/g while based on Isotherm Freundlich model (Kf) was 4,8764 ((mg/g) (L/g/n).
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052307 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Adsorben selulosa, Ion Zn (II), Isotherm Adsorpsi, Cellulose Adsorbent, Ion of Zn (II), Isotherm Adsorption. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Kimia |
Depositing User: | Zainul Mustofa |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jan 2024 06:32 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jan 2024 06:32 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/210167 |
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