Reformulasi Pengaturan Emergency Liquidity Assistance (Ela) Oleh Bank Sentral Dalam Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Permasalahan Likuiditas Sektor Perbankan Di Indonesia

Prawira, Adam Adi and Reka Dewantara, S.H., M.H. and Cyndiarnis Cahyaning Putri, S.H., M.Kn (2023) Reformulasi Pengaturan Emergency Liquidity Assistance (Ela) Oleh Bank Sentral Dalam Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Permasalahan Likuiditas Sektor Perbankan Di Indonesia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pada skripsi ini, penulis menganalisis permasalahan mengenai Reformulasi Pengaturan Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) Oleh Bank Sentral Dalam Pencegahan dan Penanganan Permasalahan Likuiditas Sektor Perbankan di Indonesia. Pilihan topik tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya isu hukum berupa ketidaklengkapan norma (incomplete norms) terkait pengaturan fasilitas pembiayaan Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) oleh Bank Sentral. Berdasarkan isu hukum tersebut, penulis mengidentifikasi rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana urgensi penyaluran fasilitas pembiayaan darurat oleh bank sentral dalam pencegahan dan penanganan permasalahan likuiditas sektor jasa perbankan di Indonesia? (2) Bagaimana pengaturan dan konsep Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) yang ideal dalam melakukan pencegahan dan penanganan permasalahan likuiditas sektor jasa perbankan di Indonesia? Selain itu, pada skripsi ini penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach), pendekatan historis (historical approach), dan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach). Bahan hukum (primer, sekunder, tersier) yang ditelusuri penulis melalui studi kepustakaan (library research) di perpustakaan offline maupun perpustakaan online dianalisis menggunakan penafsiran gramatikal, penafsiran sistematis, dan penafsiran preskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis mendapatkan jawaban dengan menganalisis urgensi penyaluran fasilitas pembiayaan darurat oleh bank sentral dalam pencegahan dan penanganan permasalahan likuiditas sektor jasa perbankan di Indonesia dari beragam perspektif, diantaranya perspektif yuridis, perspektif filosofis, perspektif sosiologis, dan perspektif historis. Pengaturan konsep Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) di Indonesia sudah terakomodasi di dalam fasilitas PLJP yang disediakan oleh Bank Indonesia. Namun, terdapat ketidaklengkapan norma berupa beberapa aspek yang belum diatur seperti confidentiality data dari bank peminjam dan juga prosedur pengawasan kepada Bank Indonesia selaku otoritas moneter yang berwenang secara penuh terhadap penyaluran fasilitas PLJP ini. Penulis menjadikan Amerika Serikat sebagai model best practices dalam rekomendasi konstruksi pengaturan kedua aspek tersebut.

English Abstract

In this (undergraduate) thesis, the author analyses the problem about Reformulation of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) Financing Facilities By The Central Bank In The Prevention And Address Of Liquidity Problems In The Banking Sector In Indonesia. The choice of this topic was motivated by the existence of legal issues in the form of incomplete norms related to the regulation of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) financing facilities by the Central Bank. Based on these legal issues, the authors identify the following problem formulations: (1) What is the urgency of distributing emergency financing facilities by the central bank in preventing and handling liquidity problems in the banking services sector in Indonesia? (2) What is the ideal arrangement and concept of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) in preventing and handling liquidity problems in the banking services sector in Indonesia? In addition, in this (undergraduate) thesis the author uses a type of research in the form of normative legal research using statutory approaches, historical approaches and comparative approaches. Legal materials (such as: primary, secondary, and tertiary) traced by the author through library research in offline libraries and online libraries were analyzed using grammatical interpretation, systematic interpretation, and prescriptive interpretation. From the research results, the authors get answers by analyzing the urgency of distributing emergency financing facilities by the central bank in preventing and handling liquidity problems in the banking services sector in Indonesia from various perspectives, including a juridical perspective, a philosophical perspective, a sociological perspective, and a historical perspective. Arrangements for the concept of Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) in Indonesia have been accommodated in the PLJP facility provided by Bank Indonesia. However, there are incomplete norms in the form of several aspects that have not been regulated, such as confidentiality data from the borrowing bank and supervisory procedures for Bank Indonesia as the monetary authority that has full authority over the distribution of this PLJP facility. The author makes the United States as a model of best practices in the construction recommendations for the regulation of these two aspects.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052301
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Samuri
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2024 02:06
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2024 02:06
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