Hubungan Tekstur Tanah terhadap Kelimpahan Ikan Gelodok (Subfamili: Oxudercinae) di Ekowisata Kampung Blekok, Kabupaten Situbondo

Amalia, Rizka and Ir. Mulyanto,, M.Si (2023) Hubungan Tekstur Tanah terhadap Kelimpahan Ikan Gelodok (Subfamili: Oxudercinae) di Ekowisata Kampung Blekok, Kabupaten Situbondo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ekosistem mangrove menjadi habitat bagi beberapa jenis fauna akuatik, salah satunya adalah ikan gelodok. Habitat Ikan gelodok berada di kawasan pasang surut yang berasosiasi kuat dengan mangrove dan banyak menghabiskan waktunya di substrat dasar mangrove, dimana substrat tersebut memiliki tekstur tanah yang beragam. Habitat ikan Gelodok yang berada di permukaan dan kedalaman tanah sama dengan strata distribusi bahan organik tanah. Perbedaan tekstur tanah diduga berpengaruh terhadap keragaman jenis ikan gelodok yang hidup. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan, ditemukan banyaknya jenis serta kuantitas ikan gelodok yang hidup di kawasan mangrove dan di pinggiran sungai, yang diduga karena perbedaan tekstur tanah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tekstur tanah terhadap ikan gelodok, selain itu informasi mengenai ikan gelodok di kawasan mangrove Kampung Blekok masih terbatas. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2023 di Ekowisata Kampung Blekok, Situbondo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan 3 stasiun yaitu wilayah pesisir, mangrove dan sungai dan penentuan stasiun pengamatan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan 6 titik pengamatan di setiap stasiun. Pengambilan sampel ikan gelodok dilakukan dengan membuat transek berukuran 5 x 5 m2 , pengambilan sampel ikan dilakukan pada pagi hari saat surut. Pada tiap transek ikan diambil juga sampel tanah dengan kedalaman ±10 cm, untuk dianalisis tekstur tanah dan kandungan bahan organiknya. Analisis data ikan gelodok yaitu menghitung kelimpahan ikan dan kelimpahan relatif. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan tekstur tanah dengan ikan gelodok. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada 18 titik pengamatan ditemukan 2 jenis ikan gelodok, yaitu Periopthalmodon schlosseri dan Periopthalmus variabilis. Kelimpahan tertinggi yang ditemukan yaitu 8 ind/5m2 dan terendah yaitu 1 ind/5m2. Jenis ikan gelodok Periopthalmodon schlosseri ditemukan lebih sedikit (12%) dibandingkan dengan Periopthalmus variabilis dengan dominasi 88%. Dominasi spesies tertentu dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan, makanan dan keberadaan predator. Tekstur tanah dan bahan organik yang ditemukan yaitu stasiun 1 dengan pasir berlempung (24.675%), stasiun 2 lempung liat berpasir (25.425%) dan stasiun 3 lempung berpasir (25.05%). Tekstur dan bahan organik tanah memiliki kaitan dan pengaruh terhadap keberagaman jenis ikan gelodok yang hidup, akan tetapi parameter tersebut tidak dapat menentukan dengan pasti. Hal ini karena ada beberapa faktor lingkungan yang dapat mempengaruhi seperti adanya arus, gelombang dan pasang surut yang memicu pencucian bahan organik.

English Abstract

The mangrove ecosystem is a habitat for several types of aquatic fauna, one of which is the mudskipper. The habitat of mudskipper are in tidal areas which are strongly associated with mangroves and spend much of their time on the mangrove bottom substrate, where the substrate has a variety of soil textures. The habitat of the mudskippers which is on the surface and in the depths of the soil is the same as the distribution strata of soil organic matter. Differences in soil texture are thought to have an effect on the diversity of types of wild mudskipper that live. Based on the observations made, it was found that there were many types and quantities of mudskippers that lived in mangrove areas and on the banks of rivers, which was thought to be due to differences in soil texture. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out the relationship between soil texture and mudskippers, in addition to that, information about mudskippers in the mangrove area of Blekok Village is still limited. The research was conducted in January 2023 at Blekok Village Ecotourism, Situbondo. The method used is a survey method with 3 stations, namely coastal areas, mangroves and rivers and the determination of observation stations using purposive sampling with 6 observation points at each station. Sampling of mudskippers was carried out by making transects measuring 5 x 5 m2, fish sampling was carried out in the morning at low tide. At each fish transect, soil samples were also taken with a depth of ±10 cm, to analyze the soil texture and organic matter content. Data analysis of mudskippers, namely calculating fish abundance and relative abundance. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the relationship between soil texture and mudskippers. Based on the results of the study at 18 observation points, two types of mudskippers were found, Periophthalmodon schlosseri and Periopthalmus variabilis. The highest abundance found was 8 ind/5m2 and the lowest is 1 ind/5m2. mudskippers type Periopthalmodon schlosseri found less (12%) compared to Periopthalmus variabilis with a dominance of 88%. The dominance of certain species is influenced by environmental factors, food and the presence of predators. Soil texture and organic matter found were station 1 with loamy sand (24.675%), station 2 sandy clay loam (25.425%) and station 3 sandy loam (25.05%). Texture and soil organic matter have a bearing on and influence on the diversity of living mudskippers species, but these parameters cannot be determined with certainty. This is because there are several environmental factors that can influence such as currents, waves and tides that trigger the leaching of organic matter.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523080662
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2024 04:29
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2024 04:29
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