Implementasi Business Development Pada Pt Citi Asia Internasional

Prasetya, Muhammad Dwiky Ilham and Bayu Ilham Pradana,, SE, MM (2023) Implementasi Business Development Pada Pt Citi Asia Internasional. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui implementasi business development pada PT Citi Asia Internasional. Studi ini menemukan bahwa (1) goal definition perusahaan mengacu pada visi perusahaan berdasarkan enam dimensi smart city, (2) tahap start perusahaan merujuk pada inisiasi dalam pembuatan business model, (3) idea phase perusahaan dapat berasal dari board of directors dan permintaan pasar, (4) project plan perusahaan terdiri dari project plan berbasis project-based dan project plan berbasis aktivitas bisnis mainstream perusahaan, (5) business model perusahaan didasarkan pada Business Model Canvas, (6) business plan perusahaan terdiri dari business plan setiap produk dan business plan bisnis secara keseluruhan, (7) development phase perusahaan dilakukan baik secara internal maupun melalui kerjasama dengan perusahaan lain, (8) prototype perusahaan dibuat dengan menciptakan Minimum Viable Product, (9) test phase perusahaan melibatkan pihak internal dan eksternal, (10) realization phase perusahaan terdiri dari produk Master Plan Smart City, Blueprint TIK, dan Blueprint Smart Branding, (11) lessons learned perusahaan terdiri atas adanya antrean pengambilan keputusan dan rangkap jabatan, (12) communication and internal marketing perusahaan dilakukan melalui pertemuan mingguan dan dua mingguan, (13) documentation perusahaan mengacu pada grand design perusahaan, dan (14) continuous improvement perusahaan dilakukan dengan mengembangkan versi produk berikutnya. Implikasi penelitian ini yaitu terjadi penguatan implementasi business development pada PT Citi Asia Internasional.

English Abstract

The purpose of this qualitative descriptive case study is to identify the implementation of business development at PT Citi Asia Internasional. The data was acquired from interviews, observations, and documentation conducted from August 18, 2022 to March 22, 2023. This study finds that (1) the company’s goal definition refers to its vision of the six-dimensional milestone of smart city, (2) the company’s start refers to the initiation of its business model, (3) the company’s idea phase starts from the board of directors and market demand, (4) the project plan consists of project-based business activities and mainstream business activities, (5) the business model is based on the Business Model Canvas, (6) the business plan was divided into two: for each product and for the overall business, (7) the development phase was conducted both in-house and through cooperation with other companies, (8) the prototyping was carried out by creating the Minimum Viable Products, (9) the test phase involves both internal and external parties, (10) the realization phase consists of Smart City Master Plan, Information and Communication Technology Blueprint, and Smart Branding Blueprint, (11) the lesson learned is marked by the decisionmaking queues and double positioning, (12) the communication and internal marketing was held by conducting weekly and biweekly meetings, (13) documentation refers to the company’s grand design, and (14) the company’s continuous improvement refers to the development of the next version. The research implication is the enhancement of the implementation of business development at PT Citi Asia Internasional.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: :0523020385
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pengembangan Bisnis, Proses Pengembangan Bisnis, PT Citi Asia Internasional
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Manajemen
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2023 02:59
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2023 02:59
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