Pengaruh Perbedaan Tahun Pangkas Tanaman Teh terhadap Kelimpahan Populasi Wereng Pucuk Teh Empoasca sp. pada Kebun Teh Afdeling Wonosari PTPN XII

Mahrani and Dr. Ir. Retno Dyah Puspitarini,, M.S. (2023) Pengaruh Perbedaan Tahun Pangkas Tanaman Teh terhadap Kelimpahan Populasi Wereng Pucuk Teh Empoasca sp. pada Kebun Teh Afdeling Wonosari PTPN XII. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman teh Camellia sinensis merupakan komoditas perkebunan yang banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia. Budidaya tanaman teh tidak lepas dari permasalahan yang disebabkan oleh hama dan penyakit tanaman. Salah satu hama utama yang menyerang tanaman teh adalah Wereng Pucuk Teh (WPT). Serangan dan penyebaran WPT sangat cepat, serangan hama ini dapat menurunkan produksi 50-80% karena pertumbuhan pucuk terganggu. WPT menyerang pucuk dan daun muda tanaman teh. Pemangkasan tanaman teh dapat mempengaruhi jumlah pucuk daun yang dihasilkan sehingga perbedaan tahun pangkas (TP) akan mempengaruhi kelimpahan populasi dan intensitas serangan WPT pada tanaman teh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelimpahan populasi dan tingkat serangan WPT pada tanaman teh TP I dan tanaman teh TP III. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai Maret 2023 di PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII Kebun Wonosari yang terletak di Bodean Putuk, Toyomarto, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Afdeling Wonosari untuk pengamatan kelimpahan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama WPT. Terdapat tiga TP pada lokasi penelitian, yaitu TP I, II dan III. Pada penelitian ini, lahan yang digunakan adalah lahan TP I dan TP III. Pada masing-masing TP ditetapkan sepuluh nomor lahan sehingga total nomor lahan yang digunakan yaitu 20 nomor lahan. Pada masing-masing nomor lahan ditetapkan dua petak pengamatan berukuran 10 x 20 m secara acak sehingga total keseluruhan petak pengamatan yang ditetapkan adalah 40 petak. Jumlah tanaman teh contoh yang diamati untuk satu petak pengamatan adalah 16 tanaman sehingga total tanaman teh contoh yang akan diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu 640 tanaman. Penetapan tanaman contoh menggunakan cara pengambilan sampel diagonal sistematis. Pada setiap tanaman teh contoh diamati empat daun mengikuti arah mata angin yaitu arah Timur, Utara, Barat, dan Selatan. Total daun teh contoh yang diamati dalam satu petak lahan yaitu 64 daun sehingga total keseluruhan daun teh yang akan diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu 2560 daun teh contoh. Pengamatan daun teh contoh dilakukan untuk mengetahui intensitas serangan WPT pada tanaman teh tersebut. Pengamatan intensitas serangan WPT dilakukan dengan mengamati setiap daun teh contoh yang telah ditetapkan kemudian dilakukan penentuan nilai tingkat kerusakan daun dengan skoring. Setelah itu, dilakukan perhitungan intensitas kerusakan daun dengan menggunakan rumus intensitas serangan. Pengamatan dan perhitungan populasi WPT dilakukan pada nomor dan petak lahan yang sama dengan penentuan dan perhitungan intensitas serangan WPT diatas. Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan perangkap lekat kuning berukuran 25 x 19 cm yang dilekatkan pada seluruh bagian botol plastik air mineral berukuran 1,5 L. Perangkap yang digunakan berjumlah 5 buah pada setiap petak pengamatan. Perangkap lekat kuning yang ii telah ditempel pada botol plastik kemudian diikatkan pada kayu penyangga dengan panjang lebih kurang 1 m. Ketinggian rata-rata tanaman teh lokasi penelitian yaitu lebih kurang 1 meter. Perangkap lekat kuning diletakan pada bagian tengah petak lahan dan pada bagian tengah masing-masing sisi petak lahan dengan menggunakan tongkat kayu yang ditancapkan di tanah hingga jarak ketinggian botol plastik dengan bidang petik tanaman teh lebih kurang satu jengkal. Kemudian WPT yang ditemukan pada perangkap lekat kuning dicatat jumlah populasinya. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap seminggu sekali selama delapan minggu pengamatan di masing-masing lahan TP I dan TP III. Pada setiap minggu pengamatan, perangkap lekat kuning tersebut diganti dengan yang baru dan dilakukan pemasangan kembali seperti yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya. Selain pengamatan dan perhitungan intensitas, dilakukan pula pengukuran ketinggian lokasi penelitian, lebar bidang petik, suhu dan kelembapan serta curah hujan. Data kelimpahan dan intensitas serangan yang didapatkan kemudian diuji menggunakan uji t dengan taraf kesalahan 5% untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan TP terhadap kelimpahan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama serta melakukan uji korelasi untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kelimpahan populasi dan intensitas serangan dengan ketinggian lokasi penelitian, lebar bidang petik, suhu, kelembapan dan curah hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan WPT ditemukan lebih sedikit pada TP I dibanding TP III. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari rata-rata kelimpahan populasi WPT pada TP I lebih rendah dibanding TP III yaitu 12,6 dan 19,0. Didukung dengan data pengamatan lebar bidang petik TP I yang lebih kecil dibanding TP III yaitu 69,57 cm dan 177,76 cm. Intensitas serangan WPT pada TP I lebih rendah dibanding TP III. Suhu saat pengamatan berkisar antara 23-27oC. Pada suhu 23oC, WPT yang hadir lebih banyak dibanding pada suhu 27oC. Kelembapan saat pengamatan berkisar antara 73-84%. WPT hadir lebih banyak pada kelembapan 84% dibanding pada kelembapan 73%. Dari data tersebut, perbedaan kelimpahan populasi dipengaruhi oleh suhu, kelembapan, dan lebar bidang petik sedangkan intensitas serangan WPT pada tanaman teh dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan kelembapan. Suhu berkorelasi negatif sedangkan lebar bidang petik berkorelasi positif terhadap kelimpahan populasi dan intensitas serangan. Ketinggian tempat dan curah hujan tidak mempengaruhi kelimpahan dan intensitas serangan WPT.

English Abstract

The Camellia sinensis tea plant is a widely cultivated commodity in Indonesia. The cultivation of tea plants is inseparable from problems caused by pests and plant diseases. One of the main pests that attack the tea plant is the tea leafhopper. The attack and spread of tea leafhopper is very fast, this pest attack can reduce production by 50–80% as it disrupts shoot growth. The tea leafhopper attacks the shoots and young leaves of the tea plant. Pruning tea plants can affect the number of leaf shoots produced. Therefore, the difference in pruning years will affect the abundance and intensity of tea leafhopper attacks on tea plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the population abundance and attack rates of tea leafhoppers in tea pruning years I and III. The research was conducted from January to March 2023 at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII Kebun Wonosari, located in Bodean Putuk, Toyomarto, Singosari District, Malang Regency, East Java. This research was conducted in Afdeling Wonosari to observe population abundance and the intensity of tea leafhopper pest attacks. The determination of research locations is based on differences in TP. There were three TPs at the study site, namely TPs I, II, and III, but only TPs I and III were used in this study. This was due to the fact that the plant conditions, including the height and width of the picking areas in TP I dan II, were not significantly different. Similar to the condition observed in TP II and III. Therefore in this study, the land chosen was TP I and TP III. In each TP, ten land numbers are assigned, making a total of 20 land numbers used. Within each land number, two observation plots measuring 10 x 20 m were randomly assigned, resulting in a total of 40 observation plots. The plant population in one observation plot was approximately 160 plants. The number of sample tea plants observed for one observation plot was 16 plants, therefore the total sample tea plants observed in this study were 640 tea plants. The determination of sample plants was done using the systematic diagonal sampling method. In each tea plant, four leaves were observed following the cardinal directions, namely east, north, west, and south. The total number of tea leaves observed in one plot of land was 64, resulting in a total of 2560 tea leaves observed in this study. An observation of sample tea leaves was conducted to determine the intensity of tea leafhopper attacks on the tea plant. The observation of the intensity of tea leafhopper attacks was carried out by observing each tea leaf sample that had been set and then determining the level of leaf damage by scoring. After that, the intensity of leaf damage was calculated using the attack intensity formula. Observations and calculations of the tea leafhopper population were carried out on the same number of plots of land as the determination and calculation of the attack intensity of the tea leafhopper above. Observations were made using yellow sticky traps measuring 25 x 19 cm, which were attached to all parts of a 1.5 L plastic bottle of mineral water. Five traps were utilized, amounting iv to a total of 200 yellow sticky traps. The yellow sticky traps, attached to plastic bottles, were subsequently fastened to wooden supports with a length of approximately 1 meter. The average height of the tea plants in the study area was approximately 1 meter. The yellow sticky traps were positioned at the center of each plot and in the middle of each side using wooden sticks inserted into the ground. This arrangement ensured a distance of approximately one inch between the height of the plastic bottle and the tea plant picking area. The tea leafhopper found in the yellow sticky traps were recorded to determine the population count. Observations were conducted once a week for eight weeks in both TP I and TP III. During each week of observation, the yellow sticky traps were replaced with new ones and reinstalled as before. Alongside observing and calculating the intensity, measurements were also taken for the height of the study site, the width of the picking areas, the temperature, humidity, and rainfall. The data obtained regarding the abundance and intensity of the attacks were then subjected to a t-test with a 5% error level to determine the effect of TP differences on population abundance and pest attack intensity. Additionally, a correlation test was carried out to determine the relationship between population abundance and attack intensity with the height of the study site, width of the picking patch, temperature, humidity, and precipitation. The research results showed that the abundance of tea leafhopper was found to be lower in TP I compared to TP III. This can be seen from the average population abundance of tea leafhopper in TP I, which was lower than TP III, namely 12.6 and 19.0, respectively. This is supported by the observation data of the plucking width, where TP I had a smaller plucking width of 69.57 cm compared to TP III, which had a plucking width of 177.76 cm. The intensity of the tea leafhopper infestation in TP I was lower than in TP III. The temperature during the observations ranged from 23 to 27°C. At a temperature of 23°C, there were more WPT present compared to a temperature of 27°C. The humidity during the observations ranged from 73 to 84%. The tea leafhopper was more abundant at a humidity of 84% compared to a humidity of 73%. From the data, it can be concluded that the difference in population abundance is influenced by temperature, humidity, and plucking width, while the intensity of tea leafhopper infestation on tea plants is influenced by temperature and humidity. Temperature showed a negative correlation, while plucking width showed a positive correlation with population abundance and infestation intensity. The altitude and rainfall did not affect the abundance or infestation intensity of tea leafhopper.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523040267
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.6 Animal pests
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2023 03:45
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2023 03:45
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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