Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Overall Throughput Effectiveness Lini Produksi Semen dengan Pendekatan Total Productive Maintenance (Studi Kasus PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari)

Sikken, Aryadiepa Sahadewa and Dr.Eng. Ir. Oke Oktavianty, S.Si., MT (2023) Upaya Peningkatan Nilai Overall Throughput Effectiveness Lini Produksi Semen dengan Pendekatan Total Productive Maintenance (Studi Kasus PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kegiatan pembangunan pada negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia, lebih ditekankan pada pembangunan ekonomi, seperti konstruksi infrastruktur. Kondisi ini terus mendorong kebutuhan bahan bangunan seperti semen selama kegiatan pembangunan yang dilakukan terus meningkat. PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari merupakan salah satu produsen semen di Indonesia dengan tujuan agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi semen domestik Indonesia. Namun, kegiatan produksi di PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari masih belum dapat memenuhi target, dimana kejadian downtime mesin yang tinggi menjadi faktor penyebab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas dan bottleneck pada lini produksi semen, mengidentifikasi kerugian terbesar, mengidentifikasi potensi kegagalan dan risiko yang dapat ditimbulkan terhadap lini produksi semen, serta membuat rekomendasi upaya peningkatan efektivitas di lini produksi semen PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode overall throughput effectiveness, dimana dapat diketahui nilai efektivitas tiap mesin sebagai bagian sistem terintegrasi, serta mengetahui letak bottleneck pada sistem. Sebelumnya, perlu terlebih dahulu mengetahui nilai overall equipment effectiveness agar dapat melakukan perhitungan nilai overall throughput effectiveness. Pengukuran kerugian terbesar dilakukan menggunakan metode six big losses pada mesin yang menjadi bottleneck pada lini produksi semen, dimana dilakukan identifikasi dan penilaian risiko mengggunakan machine/machinery failure mode and effect analysis pada kerugian terbesar. Hasil identifikasi dan penilaian risiko menjadi dasar rekomendasi perbaikan dengan pendekatan total productive maintenance. Didapatkan efektivitas rerata mesin dengan metode overall equipment effectiveness sebesar 46.76% untuk raw mill, 55.55% untuk kiln, 51.22% untuk cement mill 1, dan 48.04% untuk cement mill 2. Pada metode overall throughput effectiveness didapatkan mesin kiln memiliki nilai bottleneck terendah, dengan kerugian terbesar berupa equipment failure/breakdown losses. Komponen CN5 dan L41WF memiliki risiko kegagalan tertinggi, sehingga dibuat rekomendasi perbaikan dengan pilar autonomous maintenance, education and training, dan planned maintenance. Estimasi dampak rekomendasi perbaikan terhadap penurunan nilai risk priority number yaitu sebesar 33.33% untuk komponen L41WF, 41.67% untuk komponen 471GQ, 44.44% untuk komponen 421FN1, 30% untuk komponen CN5, 33.33% untuk komponen L41BL1, dan 42.86% untuk komponen coal pipe.

English Abstract

Development activities in developing countries, including Indonesia, are emphasised on economic development, such as infrastructure construction. These conditions will further push demands for construction materials such as cement whenever the number of constructions continues to rise. PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari is one of the cement producers in Indonesia that aims to fulfil Indonesian domestic cement demands. However, production activities at PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari struggles to meet targets, wherein high machine downtime became a cause factor. This study aims to find out effectiveness and bottleneck level in the cement production line, identify the largest loss, identify potential failures and risks possessed towards the cement production line, and to create recommendations as efforts to increase effectiveness of the cement production line at PT Sinar Tambang Arthalestari. This study utilises the overall throughput effectiveness method, which could identify effectiveness level of each machine as an integrated system and identify bottleneck in the system. Beforehand, it is required to find out the overall equipment effectiveness value to allow calculations for the overall throughput effectiveness value. Six big losses are utilised to measure the biggest loss on the machine that was identified as the bottleneck at the cement production line, wherein risk identification and evaluation is done using machine/machinery failure mode and effect analysis on the biggest loss. The risk identification and evaluation result became the basis of formulating improvement recommendations using total productive maintenance approach. Results for the average machine effectiveness using overall equipment effectiveness are 46.76% for raw mill, 55.55% for kiln, 51.22% for cement mill 1, and 48.04% for cement mill 2. Kiln was found to obtain the lowest bottleneck value through the overall throughput effectiveness method, with equipment failure/breakdown losses being the biggest loss. Component CN5 and L41WF of kiln was found to obtain the highest failure risk, therefore improvement recommendations are formulated using autonomous maintenance, education and training, and planned maintenance pillars. It is estimated that the improvement recommendations could reduce the risk priority number by 33.33% for L41WF component, 41.67% for 471GQ component, 44.44% for 421FN1 component, 30% for CN5 component, 33.33% for L41BL1 component, and 42.86% for coal pipe component.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523070185
Uncontrolled Keywords: effectiveness, cement, kiln, six big losses, total productive maintenance
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 22 Sep 2023 02:22
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2023 02:22
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/203182
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