Profil Dimensi Morfologi Anatomi Jari Tangan di RSUD. Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

Wibawanto. S, dr. Irasiqin and dr. Agung Riyanto Budi Santoso, Sp.OT(K), Sp.OT(K) (2022) Profil Dimensi Morfologi Anatomi Jari Tangan di RSUD. Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PENDAHULUAN: Tangan merupakan bagian tubuh yang sangat penting baik secara fungsional maupun estetika. Tangan terdiri dari harmoni anatomi yang sempurna antar jaringan sehingga dapat melakukan kegiatan yang rumit sekalipun. Data mengenai morfologi anatomi jari tangan sangat dibutuhkan dalam tindakan rekonstruksi, artroplasti maupun pengembangan implant yang presisi agar tercapai fungsi tangan yang optimal. Morfologi anatomi jari pada setiap individu sangat bervariasi terkait etnis, jenis kelamin, sisi tangan dan distribusi usia. Belum terdapat data terkait morfologi anatomi jari tangan di Indonesia khususnya di Malang. METODE: Penelitian observasional deskriptif menggunakan metode sampling quota dengan 384 sampel x-ray manus (Confidence Interval 95%). Pengukuran menggunakan aplikasi yang akurat, presisi dan berbasis web yaitu Sistem Informasi Radiologi (RIS) di RSUD. Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. HASIL: Secara keseluruhan, panjang PA pada Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 29.79, 39.18, 43.63, 40.97, 31.85, Middle phalanx (index-little finger) adalah 21.4, 25.8, 24.49, 17.05, Distal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 20.85, 15.30, 16.23, 16.64, 14.88. Diameter kaput dan basis PA/oblik pada Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 10.78, 10.72, 11.26, 10.50, 8.95/10.96, 10.39, 10.79, 10.04, 8.20 dan 14.13, 15.64, 15.16, 14.06, 13.18/14.63, 15.18, 15.12, 13.74, 11.97, Middle phalanx (index-little finger) adalah 8.86, 9.59, 9.13, 7.71/7.55, 8.06, 7.90, 6.57 dan 11.98, 12.89, 11.84, 9.58/10.68, 11.29, 10.20, 8.34, Distal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 10.78, 8.89, 9.59, 9.14, 7.52/11.21, 7.36, 7.92, 7.66, 6.24. Diameter isthmus PA pada Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 3.50, 4.06, 4.09, 3.64, 2.88, Middle phalanx (index-little finger) adalah 3.06, 3.12, 2.84, 2.63. Jarak artikular-isthmus PA pada Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 11.31, 12.81, 13.65, 13.73, 10.75, Middle phalanx (index-little finger) adalah 7.94, 9.14, 8.93, 6.69. Diameter midshaft PA pada Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) adalah 7.05, 8.45, 8.76, 8.03, 6.69, Middle phalanx (index-little finger mm adalah 6.62, 6.91, 6.53, 5.50. Alignment MCP I, IV, V, PIP III, IV, V dan DIP II deviasi ke sisi ulnar dan MCP II, III, PIP II dan DIP I, II, IV, V) deviasi ke sisi radial. Persentase jaringan lunak terhadap sendi MCP (thumb-little finger) adalah 0, 7.62, 13.62, 16.19, 15.62. Ukuran pada laki – laki lebih besar dari pada perempuan dan tangan kanan lebih besar dari pada kiri, namun terdapat hasil yang bervariasi pada distribusi usia. KESIMPULAN: Secara keseluruhan ukuran morfologi anatomi jari tangan pada penelitian ini relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan di Inggris dan Jerman (terkecuali, diameter isthmus dan jarak artikular terhadap isthmus). Tidak terdapat kesesuaian pada Alignment, hubungan jaringan lunak dan proporsi segmen jari tangan dengan rasio dan formulasi yang sudah ada.

English Abstract

INTRODUCTION: Both functionally and aesthetically, hands are among the most important organs for human beings. A perfect anatomical harmony between tissues are thus capable of successfully performing even the most intricate activities. Data on the anatomical morphology of the fingers are needed in reconstruction, arthroplasty and the development of precise implants to achieve optimal hand function. The anatomical morphology of the fingers varies greatly in each individual, regarding ethnicity, gender, dominant hand and age distribution. There is no data related to the anatomical morphology of fingers in Indonesia, especially in Malang. METHODS: Descriptive observational, using the quota sampling method with 384 sample of hand x-ray (Confidence Interval 95%). Measurements use an accurate, precise and web-based application, namely the Radiology Information System (RIS) at the Dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang. RESULTS: overall, on PA view the length of the Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) are 29.79, 39.18, 43.63, 40.97, 31.85, the Middle phalanx (index-little finger) are 21.4, 25.8, 24.49, 17.05, the Distal phalanx (thumb-little finger) are 20.85, 15.30, 16.23, 16.64, 14.88. The head and base diameters on the PA/oblique view of the Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) are 10.78, 10.72, 11.26, 10.50, 8.95/10.96, 10.39, 10.79, 10.04, 8.20 and 14.13, 15.64, 15.16, 14.06, 13.18/14.63, 15.18, 15.12, 13.74, 11.97, Middle phalanx (index-little finger) is 8.86, 9.59, 9.13, 7.71/7.55, 8.06, 7.90, 6.57 and 11.98, 12.89, 11.84, 9.58/10.68, 11.29, 10.20, 8.34, the Distal phalanx (thumb-little finger) is 10.78, 8.89, 9.59, 9.14, 7.52/11.21, 7.36, 7.92, 7.66, 6.24. The isthmus diameter on the PA view of the Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) are 3.50, 4.06, 4.09, 3.64, 2.88, the Middle phalanx (index-little finger) are 3.06, 3.12, 2.84, 2.63. The articular-isthmus distances on PA view of the Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) are 11.31, 12.81, 13.65, 13.73, 10.75, the Middle phalanx (index-little finger) are 7.94, 9.14, 8.93, 6.69. The midshaft diameter on PA view of the Proximal phalanx (thumb-little finger) are 7.05, 8.45, 8.76, 8.03, 6.69, Middle phalanx (index-little finger) are 6.62, 6.91, 6.53, 5.50. Alignment MCP I, IV, V, PIP III, IV, V and DIP II deviations to the ulnar side and MCP II, III, PIP II and DIP I, II, IV, V) deviations to the radial side. The percentage of soft tissue to the MCP joint (thumb-little finger) are 0.7.62, 13.62, 16.19, 15.62. The size in males is larger than females and the right hand is larger than the left hand, and varies in age distribution. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the size of the anatomical morphology of the fingers in this study was smaller than in previous studies in the UK and Germany (excluding isthmus diameter and articular distance to isthmus). There is no conformity in Alignment, soft tissue relationships and the proportion of finger segments with pre-existing ratio and formulations.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0422060160
Uncontrolled Keywords: Morfologi anatomi jari tangan, Proporsi segmen jari tangan, Fungsi optimal
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.7 Diseases of musculoskeletal system
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Orthopedi dan Traumatologi, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 08 May 2023 02:30
Last Modified: 08 May 2023 02:30
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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