Pengaruh Diet Tinggi Kalori Terhadap Rasio Makrofag M1/M2 Melalui Akumulasi Lemak Pada Ginjal Tikus Sprague Dawley

Roifah, dr. Anisatur and Prof. dr. Djoko Wahono Soeatmadji,, SpPD, K-EMD and Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan,, SpPD, KGH (2022) Pengaruh Diet Tinggi Kalori Terhadap Rasio Makrofag M1/M2 Melalui Akumulasi Lemak Pada Ginjal Tikus Sprague Dawley. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pendahuluan: Diet tinggi kalori memicu obesitas dimana asupan energi melebihi pengeluaran sehingga terjadi hiperplasi serta hipertropi jaringan adiposa yang berekspansi menuju adiposa viseral dan terjadi akumulasi lemak pada jaringan ektopik termasuk ginjal. Adanya akumulasi lemak akan menyebabkan inflamasi yang tampak dari peningkatan rasio makrofag M1/M2. Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh diet tinggi kalori terhadap rasio makrofag M1/M2 ginjal melalui akumulasi lemak pada ginjal. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan true experimental in vivo test, post test only control group dengan tikus jantan Sprague Dawley (Rattus norvegicus). Tikus 10-12 minggu dibagi menjadi dua kelompok (jumlah per kelompok 8 tikus) yaitu tikus yang diberikan diet kalori dan diet normal selama 16 minggu kemudian dibandingkan perbedaan persentase akumulasi lemak dan rasio M1/M2 diantara keduanya. Pemeriksaan akumulasi lemak ginjal dilakukan dengan pewarnaan Oil red O. Pemeriksaan Makrofag M1 dan M2 Melalui Ekspresi CD11c dan CD206 dengan Metode Imunohistokimia Hasil: Tikus diet tinggi kalori memiliki persentase akumulasi lemak ginjal yang signifikan lebih tinggi dibandingkan tikus dengan diet normal (35,0±15,45% vs 1,25±1,16%) dengan nilai p=0,001. Hasil analysis Mann Whitney menunjukkan ratio M1/M2 yang lebih tinggi secara signiikan pada tikus diet tinggi kalori (0,26±0,03vs 0,97±0,09) dengan p=0,001. Terdapat korelasi kuat antara akumulasi lemak ginjal dan rasio makrofag M1/M2 pada tikus diet tinggi kalori dengan r=0,821; p = 0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan persentase akumulasi lemak pada ginjal dan rasio M1/M2 pada organ ginjal tikus yang diinduksi diet tinggi kalori dibandingkan diet normal. Terdapat korelasi kuat antara persentase akumulasi lemak dan rasio M1/M2 pada organ ginjal tikus diet tinggi kalori.

English Abstract

Background: A high-calorie diet triggers obesity where energy intake exceeds expenditure resulting in hyperplasia and hypertrophy of adipose tissue which expands towards visceral adipose and fat accumulation occurs in ectopic tissue including the kidneys. The accumulation of fat will cause inflammation which can be seen from the increase in the ratio of M1/M2 macrophages. Aim: This study was conducted to examine the effect of high calorie diet toward macrophage M1/M2 Ratio due to fat accumulation in the kidney. Methods: This study used true experimental in vivo test design, post test only control group with Sprague Dawley male rats. The rats were divided into two groups (eight rats per group), i.e. rats fed a high calorie diet and a normal diet for 16 weeks and then compared the difference in percentage of fat accumulation and the M1/M2 ratio between two group. Examination of fat accumulation in the kidney was carried out by staining Oil red O. Examination of M1 and M2 Macrophages by Expression of CD11c and CD206 in Immunohistochemical Method Results: Analysis showed that high calorie diet rats had significantly higher percentage of fat accumulation in the kidney than normal diet rats (35,0±15,45% vs 1,25±1,16%) with p=0.001. The results of Mann Whitney analysis showed a significantly higher M1/M2 ratio in high calorie diet mice (0,26±0,03vs 0,97±0,09) with p=0.001. There was a strong correlation between renal fat accumulation and M1/M2 ratio in high calorie diet mice with r=0,821; p=0.000 Conclusion: There was significant difference of fat accumulation in the kidney and the M1/M2 ratio in the rats induced by high calorie diet compared to normal diets. There was strong correlation between fat accumulation and M1/M2 ratio in kidneys of high calorie rats.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0422060144
Uncontrolled Keywords: Diet tinggi kalori, akumulasi lemak, makrofag, Ginjal
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 04 May 2023 02:26
Last Modified: 04 May 2023 02:26
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