Alifian Singgih, Fachrani and Dr.dr. Dhelya Widasmara,, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV and Dr. dr. Panji Sananta,, M.Ked, Sp.OT (K) (2022) Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Kusta yang Dinilai Dengan Kuesioner Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) di RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kusta tidak hanya suatu kondisi medis belaka, tetapi juga merupakan kondisi yang berkaitan erat dengan kondisi psikologis, sosial-ekonomi, dan spiritual yang berpotensi melemahkan suatu individu. Penyakit kusta bersifat kompleks sehingga memengaruhi kondisi fisik dan kualitas hidup pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas hidup pasien kusta di Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah pasien kusta tipe Multibasiler yang melakukan kontrol di Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar, Malang dari bulan April 2022 hingga Juni 2022. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah total sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dimana diantara 32 subjek yang terlibat, terdapat 0% pasien yang tidak mengalami efek terhadap kualitas hidup, 3% pasien mengalami efek ringan terhadap kualitas hidup, 13% mengalami efek sedang terhadap kualitas hidup, 31% mengalami efek besar terhadap kualitas hidup, dan 53% mengalami efek yang sangat besar terhadap kualitas hidup. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tendensi skor kualitas hidup pasien menunjukkan kusta berpengaruh sangat besar pada kualitas hidup pasien.
English Abstract
Leprosy is not merely a medical condition, but also a condition that is closely related to psychological, socio-economic, and spiritual conditions that have the potential to weaken an individual. Leprosy is a complex disease that affects both patient's physical condition and quality of life. This study aims to determine the quality of life of leprosy patients at the Dermatology and Venereology Polyclinic, dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang. This study used a descriptive study design with a survey approach. The subjects in this study were multibacillary leprosy patients who had control at the Dermatology and Venereology Polyclinic, dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang from April 2022 to June 2022. The sampling technique in this study was total sampling. This study uses the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) instrument. The results showed that among the 32 subjects involved, there were 0% of patients experienced no effect at all on quality of life, 3% of patients experienced a small effect on quality of life, 13% of patients experienced a moderate effect on quality of life, 31% of patients experienced a very large effect on quality of life, and 53% of patients experienced an extremely large effect on quality of life. It can be concluded that the tendency of the patient's quality of life score to show that leprosy has an extremely large effect on the patient's quality of life.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522060248 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kualitas Hidup, Kusta, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 610 Medicine and health |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kedokteran > Pendidikan Dokter |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 04 May 2023 01:46 |
Last Modified: | 04 May 2023 01:46 |
URI: | |
Alifian Singgih Fachrani.pdf Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024. Download (2MB) |
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