Shadow Economy Pariwisata Provinsi Gorontalo: Analisa Konten Dan Sentimen Untuk Pengembangan Pariwisata Lokal

Mopangga, Herwin and Prof. Dr. Ghozali Maskie and Dr. Multifiah, and Dias Satria, (2022) Shadow Economy Pariwisata Provinsi Gorontalo: Analisa Konten Dan Sentimen Untuk Pengembangan Pariwisata Lokal. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Destinasi, usaha dan produk pariwisata meningkat seiring trend positif kunjungan wisatawan nusantara dan mancanegara ke Provinsi Gorontalo tahun 2015-2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik shadow economy pariwisata Provinsi Gorontalo, menganalisis intensitas shadow economy pariwisata melalui sektor dan tenaga kerja informal serta merekomendasikan kebijakan pengembangan pariwisata Provinsi Gorontalo yang mereduksi shadow economy. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif interpretif dimana online review di konversi ke dalam kategori dan kesan kemudian diabsahkan wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terfokus. Penelitian menyimpulkan 1) shadow economy ada seiring perkembangan pariwisata Provinsi Gorontalo. Pelaku usaha informal pariwisata sebanyak 30,83 persen dari total pekerja industri pariwisata, 2) ojek perahu, sewa alat diving/snorkeling, nelayan tangkap dan penjual ikan segar; ojek sepeda motor, rental mobil, penginapan/homestay, jasa parkir, pemandu wisata; kedai/warung makan serta penjual eceran adalah jenis PUIP shadow economy. Intensitas shadow economy pariwisata kategori tenaga kerja sebesar 22,5 persen, tingkat harga 36,91 persen, eksploitasi lingkungan 10,37 persen serta keamanan dan kenyamanan 25,7 persen. 3) Penelitian merekomendasikan sinergi Pentahelix dengan menerapkan model ICEE yaitu 1) ICT Readiness; 2) CHSE Regulation; 3) Economic; dan 4) Education. Kebaruan penelitian menunjukkan; 1) shadow economy pariwisata secara global didominasi sektor formal perusahaan asing yang mengeruk keuntungan dari industri pariwisata domestik (Kesar & Cuic, 2017); (Din et al, 2016); (Schneider & Enste, 2000), sedangkan di Provinsi Gorontalo lebih kepada aksi ambil untung individu atau komunitas melalui penggunaan tenaga kerja, tingkat harga barang dan jasa wisata, eksploitasi lingkungan serta faktor keamanan dan kenyamanan pariwisata yang tidak terstandarisasi dan tidak bertanggung jawab; 2) mengkuantifikasi setiap kategori tenaga kerja, tingkat harga, eksploitasi lingkungan dan gangguan keamanan kenyamanan berdasarkan analisa konten dan sentimen atas online review wisatawan. Berbeda dengan Din et al (2016) dalam riset tentang relasi shadow economy dan pariwisata internasional bahwa tak satupun dari studi yang dikutipnya secara aktual menilai ukuran sebenarnya dari shadow economy pariwisata, tetapi lebih menyoroti implikasi parsial pada lingkungan ekonomi regional dan nasional; 3) mengidentifikasi dan mengkuantifikasi shadow economy sekaligus memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan pengembangan pariwisata lokal berdasarkan perpaduan analisa konten dan sentimen berbasis big data online review merupakan langkah maju dibandingkan Camprubi & Coromina (2016) dan Devi & Devi (2020) yang mengaplikasikan analisa tersebut secara terpisah

English Abstract

Tourism destination, business, and product have been increasing along the positive trend of domestic and foreign tourist visit to Gorontalo province during the 2015-2020 period. The objectives of this research are to identify the characteristics of shadow economy in Gorontalo province’s tourism, to analyze the intensity of tourism shadow economy through informal sectors and workforces, and to recommend developmental policies to reduce shadow economy in Gorontalo province’s economy. Here qualitative interpretive approach was used, in which online reviews were converted into categories and impressions and were then verified by interviews and focus group discussions. This study finds that, first, shadow economy did exist along the development of tourism in Gorontalo province. Informal tourism businesspeople in the area are 30.83% of all tourism industry workers. Second, boat taxi drivers, diving and snorkeling gear rental owners, anglers and fresh fishmongers, motorcycle taxi riders, car rental owners, lodging and homestay owners, parking service providers, tourist guides, eatery owners, and retail goods sellers are the informal tourism businesspeople of shadow economy. The intensity of tourism shadow economy in the categories of workforce is 22.5%, of price level is 36.91%, of environmental exploitation is 10.37%, and of security and comfort is 25.7%. Third, this research recommends a penta-helix synergy by applying the ICEE model, i.e. ICT readiness, CHSE regulation, Economic, and Education. The novelties of this are as follows. First, the shadow economy of tourism in global context is dominated by formal sectors run by foreign companies gaining profits from domestic tourism industry (Kesar & Cuic, 2017); (Din et al, 2016); (Schneider & Enste, 2000). However, the shadow economy of tourism in Gorontalo province is dominated more by unstandardized and unaccountable workforce usage, the price level of goods and tourism services, environmental exploitation, and tourism security and comfort run by individuals and communities. Second, this research quantifies each category of workforce, price level, environmental exploitation, and disruption of security and comfort based on content and sentiment analyses of tourists’ online reviews. This is different from Din et al. (2016) in their research about the relations between shadow economy and international tourism as none of the studies that they had quoted actually examined the real measures of tourism’s shadow economy. They concernedmore about the partial implication on regional and national economic environments. Third, this research identifies and quantifies shadow economy and at the same time provides recommendations for the development of local tourism based the combination between content and sentiment analyses based on big data from online reviews. This is a more advanced steps compared to Camprubi & Coromina (2016) and Devi & Devi (2020), who applied the analyses separately

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: :0622020024
Uncontrolled Keywords: shadow, economy, pariwisata, provinsi, Gorontalo, shadow, economy, tourism, province, Gorontalo
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 330 Economics
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2023 02:48
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2023 02:48
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